3 research outputs found

    On Lidar Sounding of the Atmosphere to Estimate Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Aerosol Inhomogeneities

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    1. A possible application of intensity fluctuations of a pulse light signal reflected by atmospheric aerosols is analyzed by the correlation method to evaluate static (medium sizes, shape) and dynamic (speed and direction of movement, lifetime) characteristics of aerosol inhomogeneities. The aerosol inhomogeneities are assumed to be expanded, pressed, disintegrated and originated constantly in accordance with random laws, the set of inhomogeneities as a whole traveling together with air masses and having predominant movement in wind direction. It is shown that the characteristics of aerosol inhomogeneities considered can be expressed by the coefficients of the correlation function expansion of the reflected signal fluctuation intensity in Tailor series. 2/ Correlation systems for evaluating static and dynamic characteristics of driving objects can be divided into two types according to the kind and quantity of used information: the systems with coordinates of the information removal "points" to be fixed in space, and the systems with a parallel simultaneous information removal at discrete moments of time. The systems for determination of wind direction considered in are the examples of the first type system. However, the operating information removal for two points is insufficient to estimate completely static and dynamic characteristics of inhomogenities, their quantity ought to be increased up to three of them for two-dimensional problem and up to four of them for three-dimensional problem as it is usually done in the ionospheric studies. The second type systems are used for the investigation of a medium shape and speed of the clouds according to photographs made from satellites. These systems are also used for solution of navigation problems. The use of optical quantum generators with a scanning beam is seen to increase greatly the working information removal in comparison with the first type systems. Nevertheless, scanning rate is not sufficient sometimes in order to consider a general picture of aerosol inhomogeneities to be stationary. In this connection the use of the systems of second type treatment becomes a matter of essential difficulty. 3. Aerosol inhomogeneities simulation has been carried out on the basis of the digital computer experiments with the aim of estimating static and dynamic characteristics of inhomogeneities by an optical beam in the atmosphere at different scanning procedures. The dependence of determination accuracy of these characteristics on the type of chosen laws of aerosol particle distribution in the atmosphere, the parameters of inhomogeneities geometry, their speed and the law of scanning have been obtained

    Use of Polarization Lidar for Investigation of Meteorological Formations

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    This paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental, investigations of depolarization characteristics of different meteorological formations. Experimental investigations are carried out with a monostatic lidar. The ruby laser radiation is polarized in a vertical plane. The radiation reflected is accepted by a lens system of 150 rom in diameter and a viewing angle of 12' and further it is divided by Wollaston prism into the components polarized orthogonally. In this case the principal plane of the prism is exposed parallel with the laser polarization plane. Investigations show the degree of radiation polarization, reflected from water clouds, to be changed within 1/0.7 (seldom up to 0.6) depending on their density. In most cases a signal reflected from the cloud leading edge is polarized completely. The time shift is observed between polarized and crosspolarized components of a Fignal, reflected from a cloud, depending on the density of a meteorological object. While penetrating into the cloud depth a degree of polarization decreases up to 0.8-0.7, and the character of this decrease is different for various types of clouds. For crystal clouds the shift between the components of the reflected signal is not observed and the magnitude of polarization degree amounts to 0.1/0.3 in comparison with water clouds. The polarization degree of radiation reflected by fog is not less than 0.6, and that in the rains of average intensity (about 5 mm/h) is always about 1. The authors have suggested an algorithm of numerical solution of nonstationary transfer equation in the vector form to forecast the influence of multiple scattering effects on polarization characteristics of the lidar light signal. The method of statistical simulation (Monte-Carlo technique) forms the basis of the algorithm. Numerical estimates obtained for a model of stratocumulus at lambda = 0.6943 microns under boundary conditions close to the conditions of natural experiment being discussed proved to be in a good agreement with the results of observation. Specifically, Fig. 1 shows the profiles of polarization (p) versus depth (L) of the following drop formations: fog (curve 1) with horizontal meteorological visibility of 4 km two stratocumulus at a height of 1100 m with the attenuation factors delta = 0.01m(exp -1) (curve 2) and delta = 0.05m(exp -1) (curve 3). Curve 3 shows the results of numerical estimates and the value of their statistical error