12 research outputs found

    Strong Coupling Phenomena on the Noncommutative Plane

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    We study strong coupling phenomena in U(1) gauge theory on the non-commutative plane. To do so, we make use of a T-dual description in terms of an N→∞N\to\infty limit of U(N) gauge theory on a commutative torus. The magnetic flux on this torus is taken to be m=N−1m=N-1, while the area scales like 1/N, keeping ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} fixed. With a few assumptions, we argue that the speed of high frequency light in pure non-commutative QED is modified in the non-commutative directions by the factor 1+ΛQCD4θ21 + \Lambda_{QCD}^4 \theta^2, where θ\theta is the non-commutative parameter. If charged flavours are included, there is an upper bound on the momentum of a photon propagating in the non-commutative directions, beyond which it is unstable against production of charged pairs. We also discuss a particular θ→∞\theta\to\infty limit of pure non-commutative QED which is T-dual to a more conventional N→∞N\to\infty limit with m/Nm/N fixed. In the non-commutative description, this limit gives rise to an exotic theory of open strings.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 2 figures, corrected typo in eqn 6.

    Calibrated Surfaces and Supersymmetric Wilson Loops

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    We study the dual gravity description of supersymmetric Wilson loops whose expectation value is unity. They are described by calibrated surfaces that end on the boundary of anti de-Sitter space and are pseudo-holomorphic with respect to an almost complex structure on an eight-dimensional slice of AdS_5 x S^5. The regularized area of these surfaces vanishes, in agreement with field theory non-renormalization theorems for the corresponding operators.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Exact Statistics of Chaotic Dynamical Systems

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    We present an inverse method to construct large classes of chaotic invariant sets together with their exact statistics. The associated dynamical systems are characterized by a probability distribution and a two-form. While our emphasis is on classical systems, we briefly speculate about possible applications to quantum field theory, in the context of generalizations of stochastic quantization.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Spectral Flow on the Higgs Branch and AdS/CFT Duality

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    We use AdS/CFT duality to study the large N_c limit of the meson spectrum on the Higgs branch of a strongly coupled, N=2 supersymmetric SU(N_c) gauge theory with N_f =2 fundamental hypermultiplets. In the dual supergravity description, the Higgs branch is described by SU(2) instanton configurations on D7-branes in an AdS background. We compute the spectral flow parameterized by the size of a single instanton. In the large N_c limit, there is a sense in which the flow from zero to infinite instanton size, or Higgs VEV, can be viewed as a closed loop. We show that this flow leads to a non-trivial rearrangement of the spectrum.Comment: v2; 16 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX + JHEP class, 3 refs added, accepted for publication by JHE

    Anomalies without Massless Particles

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    Baryon and lepton number in the standard model are violated by anomalies, even though the fermions are massive. This problem is studied in the context of a two dimensional model. In a uniform background field, fermion production arise from non-adiabatic behavior that compensates for the absence of massless modes. On the other hand, for localized instanton-like configurations, there is an adiabatic limit. In this case, the anomaly is produced by bound states which travel across the mass gap. The sphaleron corresponds to a bound state at the halfway point.Comment: (26 pages, 3 figures, uses harvmac and uufiles), UCSD/PTH 93-3

    Dynamics of the chiral phase transition from AdS/CFT duality

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    We use Lorentzian signature AdS/CFT duality to study a first order phase transition in strongly coupled gauge theories which is akin to the chiral phase transition in QCD. We discuss the relation between the latent heat and the energy (suitably defined) of the component of a D-brane which lies behind the horizon at the critical temperature. A numerical simulation of a dynamical phase transition in an expanding, cooling Quark-Gluon plasma produced in a relativistic collision is carried out.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Perturbative Instabilities on the Non-Commutative Torus, Morita Duality and Twisted Boundary Conditions

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    We study one-loop corrections in scalar and gauge field theories on the non-commutative torus. For rational theta, Morita equivalence allows these theories to be reformulated in terms of ordinary theories on a commutative torus with twisted boundary conditions. UV/IR mixing does not lead to singularities, however there can be large corrections. In particular, gauge theories show tachyonic instabilities for some of the modes. We discuss their relevance to spontaneous Z_N x Z_N symmetry breaking in the Morita dual SU(N) theory due to electric flux condensation.Comment: 30 page

    A World-Volume Perspective on the Recombination of Intersecting Branes

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    We study brane recombination for supersymmetric configurations of intersecting branes in terms of the world-volume field theory. This field theory contains an impurity, corresponding to the degrees of freedom localized at the intersection. The Higgs branch, on which the impurity fields condense, consists of vacua for which the intersection is deformed into a smooth calibrated manifold. We show this explicitly using a superspace formalism for which the calibration equations arise naturally from F- and D-flatness.Comment: References adde

    (De)constructing Intersecting M5-branes

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    We describe intersecting M5-branes, as well as M5-branes wrapping the holomorphic curve xy=c, in terms of a limit of a defect conformal field theory with two-dimensional (4,0) supersymmetry. This dCFT describes the low-energy theory of intersecting D3-branes at a C^2/Z_k orbifold. In an appropriate k -> infinity limit, two compact spatial directions are generated. By identifying moduli of the M5-M5 intersection in terms of those of the dCFT, we argue that the SU(2)_L R-symmetry of the (4,0) defect CFT matches the SU(2) R-symmetry of the N =2, d=4 theory of the M5-M5 intersection. We find a 't Hooft anomaly in the SU(2)_L R-symmetry, suggesting that tensionless strings give rise to an anomaly in the SU(2) R-symmetry of intersecting M5-branes.Comment: latex, 25 pages, 4 figure

    Four-Dimensional Superconformal Theories with Interacting Boundaries or Defects

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    We study four-dimensional superconformal field theories coupled to three-dimensional superconformal boundary or defect degrees of freedom. Starting with bulk N=2, d=4 theories, we construct abelian models preserving N=2, d=3 supersymmetry and the conformal symmetries under which the boundary/defect is invariant. We write the action, including the bulk terms, in N=2, d=3 superspace. Moreover we derive Callan-Symanzik equations for these models using their superconformal transformation properties and show that the beta functions vanish to all orders in perturbation theory, such that the models remain superconformal upon quantization. Furthermore we study a model with N=4 SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in the bulk coupled to a N=4, d=3 hypermultiplet on a defect. This model was constructed by DeWolfe, Freedman and Ooguri, and conjectured to be conformal based on its relation to an AdS configuration studied by Karch and Randall. We write this model in N=2, d=3 superspace, which has the distinct advantage that non-renormalization theorems become transparent. Using N=4, d=3 supersymmetry, we argue that the model is conformal.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, AMSLaTeX, revised comments on Chern-Simons term, references adde