16 research outputs found

    A New Perspective on Coastally Trapped Disturbances Using Data from the Satellite Era

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    The ability of global climate models to simulate accurately marine stratiform clouds continues to challenge the atmospheric science community. These cloud types, which account for a large uncertainty in Earth’s radiation budget, are generally difficult to characterize due to their shallowness and spatial inhomogeneity. Previous work investigating marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds off the California coast has focused on clouds that form under the typical northerly flow regime during the boreal warm season. From about June through September, however, these northerly winds may reverse and become southerly as part of a coastally trapped disturbance (CTD). As the flow surges northward, it is accompanied by a broad cloud deck. Because these events are difficult to forecast, in situ observations of CTDs are few and far between, and little is known about their cloud physical properties. A climatological perspective of 23 CTD events—spanning the years from 2004 to 2016—is presented using several data products, including model reanalyses, buoys, and satellites. For the first time, satellite retrievals suggest that CTD cloud decks may play a unique role in the radiation budget due to a combination of aerosol sources that enhance cloud droplet number concentration and reduce cloud droplet effective radius. This particular type of cloud regime should therefore be treated differently than that which is more commonly found in the summertime months over the northeast Pacific Ocean. The potential influence of a coherent wind stress cycle on sea surface temperatures and sea salt aerosol is also explored

    Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Associated with Coastally Trapped Disturbances: Observations and Model Simulations

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    This work has been accepted to Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. The AMS does not guarantee that the copy provided here is an accurate copy of the final published work.Modeling marine low clouds and fog in coastal environments remains an outstanding challenge due to the inherently complex ocean–land–atmosphere system. This is especially important in the context of global circulation models due to the profound radiative impact of these clouds. This study utilizes aircraft and satellite measurements, in addition to numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, to examine three well-observed coastally trapped disturbance (CTD) events from June 2006, July 2011, and July 2015. Cloud water-soluble ionic and elemental composition analyses conducted for two of the CTD cases indicate that anthropogenic aerosol sources may impact CTD cloud decks due to synoptic-scale patterns associated with CTD initiation. In general, the dynamics and thermodynamics of the CTD systems are well represented and are relatively insensitive to the choice of physics parameterizations; however, a set of WRF simulations suggests that the treatment of model physics strongly influences CTD cloud field evolution. Specifically, cloud liquid water path (LWP) is highly sensitive to the choice of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme; in many instances, the PBL scheme affects cloud extent and LWP values as much as or more than the microphysics scheme. Results suggest that differences in the treatment of entrainment and vertical mixing in the Yonsei University (nonlocal) and Mellor–Yamada–Janjić (local) PBL schemes may play a significant role. The impact of using different driving models—namely, the North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) 12-km analysis and the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) 32-km products—is also investigated

    Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Associated with Coastally Trapped Disturbances: Observations and Model Simulations

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    Modeling marine low clouds and fog in coastal environments remains an outstanding challenge due to the inherently complex ocean–land–atmosphere system. This is especially important in the context of global circulation models due to the profound radiative impact of these clouds. This study utilizes aircraft and satellite measurements, in addition to numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, to examine three well-observed coastally trapped disturbance (CTD) events from June 2006, July 2011, and July 2015. Cloud water-soluble ionic and elemental composition analyses conducted for two of the CTD cases indicate that anthropogenic aerosol sources may impact CTD cloud decks due to synoptic-scale patterns associated with CTD initiation. In general, the dynamics and thermodynamics of the CTD systems are well represented and are relatively insensitive to the choice of physics parameterizations; however, a set of WRF simulations suggests that the treatment of model physics strongly influences CTD cloud field evolution. Specifically, cloud liquid water path (LWP) is highly sensitive to the choice of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme; in many instances, the PBL scheme affects cloud extent and LWP values as much as or more than the microphysics scheme. Results suggest that differences in the treatment of entrainment and vertical mixing in the Yonsei University (nonlocal) and Mellor–Yamada–Janjić (local) PBL schemes may play a significant role. The impact of using different driving models—namely, the North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) 12-km analysis and the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) 32-km products—is also investigated

    Entrainment Makes Pollution More Likely to Weaken Deep Convective Updrafts Than Invigorate Them

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    Abstract Are the results of aerosol invigoration studies that neglect entrainment valid for diluted deep convective clouds? We address this question by applying an entraining parcel model to soundings from tropical and midlatitude convective environments, wherein pollution is assumed to increase parcel condensate retention. Invigoration of 5%–10% and <2% is possible in undiluted tropical and midlatitude parcels respectively when freezing is rapid. This occurs because the positive buoyancy contribution from freezing is larger than the negative buoyancy contribution from condensate loading, leading to positive net condensate contribution to buoyancy. However, aerosol‐induced weakening is more likely when realistic entrainment rates occur because water losses from entrainment more substantially reduce the latent heating relative to the loading contribution. This leads to larger net negative buoyancy contribution from condensates in polluted than in clean entraining parcels. Our results demonstrate that accounting for entrainment is critical in conceptual models of aerosol indirect effects in deep convection

    Is Bias Correction in Dynamical Downscaling Defensible?

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    Abstract Localized projections of 21st‐century hydroclimate variables obtained from downscaling Global Climate Model (GCM) output are central to informing regional impact assessments and infrastructure planning. Regional GCM biases can be significant and, for dynamical downscaling, can be addressed either before (a priori) or after (a posteriori) downscaling. However, a priori bias correction (APBC) has generally unexplored effects on climate change signals. Here we analyze dynamically downscaled solutions of CMIP6 GCMs over the Western U.S., with and without APBC, and quantify APBC's impact on climate change signals relative to other irreducible uncertainty sources. For temperature and precipitation, the uncertainty introduced by APBC is negligible compared to that arising from GCM choice or internal variability. Furthermore, APBC greatly reduces regional models' unrealistically high snow‐water‐equivalent (SWE) biases that result directly from GCM errors. We leverage this finding to encourage the dynamical downscaling community to adopt APBC as a standard operating procedure

    Understanding the Cascade: Removing GCM Biases Improves Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections

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    Abstract Polarization surrounding bias correction (BC) in creating climate projections arises from its lack of physicality. Here, we perform and analyze 18 dynamical downscaling simulations (with and without BC) to better understand the physical impacts of BC, applied before downscaling, on regional climate output across the western United States. Without BC, downscaled precipitation is systematically and unrealistically wet biased compared to a hierarchy of observationally based datasets over the 1980–2014 period due to cascading mean‐state Global Climate Model (GCM) biases: (a) overly strong lower‐tropospheric lapse rates (5 K/km), (b) overly cold (2 K) tropospheric temperatures, and (c) anomalous mid‐tropospheric cyclonic vorticity advection. With BC, downscaled precipitation (snow) biases are virtually eliminated (halved). Identified GCM biases are common to the broader Coupled Model Intercomparison Project ensemble. Physical effects of BC on the quality of the regionalized projections, pending an evaluation of BC's distortion of the downscaled climate response, may motivate its broader application by dynamical downscalers

    A Quantitative Model‐Based Assessment of Stony Desert Landscape Evolution in the Hami Basin, China: Implications for Plio‐Pleistocene Dust Production in Eastern Asia

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    Dust plays an important role in climate, and while our current representation of dust production includes shifts in vegetation, soil moisture, and ice cover, it does not account for the role of landscape evolution. Here, we use the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled to an aerosol chemistry model to quantify the effects of arid landscape evolution on boundary layer conditions, dust production, and radiative properties in the Hami Basin, China, a dynamic stony desert in eastern Asia. Relative to today, altered surface roughness, sediment erodibility, and albedo combine to produce up to a similar to 44% increase in wind speeds (mean approximate to 15%), up to a similar to 59% increase in dust loading (mean approximate to 30%), and up to a similar to 4.4 W m(-2) increase in downwelling radiation (mean approximate to 2.4 W m(-2)) over the Hami Basin. Our modeling results, along with geomorphological data for the western Gobi Desert, provide evidence that stony deserts acted as important Plio-Pleistocene dust sources. Plain Language Summary Dust from the breakdown of rocks and minerals plays an important role in Earth's atmosphere by absorbing or scattering incoming solar radiation, and by seeding clouds. Once deposited, iron-rich dust can fertilize surface ocean waters and terrestrial soils for the growth of organisms, making dust important in the global carbon cycle. Because of its role in modifying Earth's climate, we must accurately understand ancient dust production. To test the hypothesis that past changes in dust production impacted climate, we altered the surface properties of the western Gobi Desert, a location that had a very different landscape thousands to millions of years ago, and simulated changes in wind and dust using a regional climate model. We found that this area would have experienced increased wind speeds by up to similar to 40%, increased dust loading by up to similar to 60%, and substantially altered incoming solar radiation in response to land surface evolution.National Science Foundation6 month embargo; first published online 13 October 2020This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]