1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of EchinoDB, an application for comparative transcriptomics of deeply-sampled clades of echinoderms

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    Table of 42 echinoderm specimens used for RNA-seq data that are contained in http://echinodb.uncc.edu . The BJ number is an internal reference code. The voucher number represents where any residual tissues and metadata are stored. RAW indicates the number of raw reads produced by Illumina sequencing. Quality filter and adapter removal indicates the number of reads remaining following fastxtoolkit quality filter of Q score > 20 and removal of adapter regions. Percent reads remaining indicates the fraction of raw reads retained after quality filtering and adapter removal. Percentage Reads removed indicates the fraction of reads removed by quality filtering and adapter removal from the raw reads. Number of Amino Acid Sequences Participating in Orthologous Clusters indicates number of contigs for each species that participated in orthoclusters. Note that contigs may be partially overlapping and redundant. NCBI BioProject Accession number indicates where the contigs have been submitted to NCBI (note the orthoclusters only exist on http://echinodb.uncc.edu ). (XLSX 33 kb