31 research outputs found

    Dietary Factors, Salivary Parameters, and Dental Caries

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    Diet and oral microflora are connected to caries along with host factors such as salivary composition and flow. The only component of the food with potentially cariogenic effect is fermentable carbohydratе sucrose. Sucrose is generally accepted as the most cariogenic dietary factor, and consumption of sucrose is associated with the frequency of dental caries in humans. Saliva is a biological environment, important for the physiology of the mouth. It achieves its mechanical functions of cleaning and protection through various physical and biochemical mechanisms. Bicarbonates, phosphates, and proteins have a buffer role in the saliva environment. Other compounds or enzymes in this group acting as prophylactic buffers are urea, salivary amylases, and fluorides

    Denture - induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum)

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    Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum) occurs in complete denture patients, because of constant irritative action that induces the mucosa to grow under poorly fitting dentures. The epulis fissuratm usually occurs in the vestibular mucosa, where the denture flange contacts the tissue. It consists of painless folds of fibrous connective tissue that are firm to palpation. These lesions must be removed, and to avoid a relapse, new complete dentures should be made to maintain healthy surgical tissues. Aim: The purpose of this study was to present a case report of the surgical treatment of epulis fissuratum, as a support to clinical diagnosis with histopathological finding, and to provide satisfactory results of rehabilitation in oral function and tissue health with new denture. An epulis fissuratum is a benign condition but, if ulcerated, it can mimic more serious conditions like oral cancer. Thus, microscopic histopathological examination of the removed tissue is an imperative to be accomplished in order to confirm the doctor's clinical diagnosis

    Preliminary Investigations of Fluoride Content in the Water of Three Main Lakes in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The aim of the study was to determine the F– content in the water of three main lakes in the Republicof Macedonia. The estimation of F-concentration was performed using a special ion-Analyzer Model EA 920produced by ORION, and a special ion-selective F-electrode. The results were as follows: the water from lakes Dojran,Ohrid and Prespa contained 5.6 ppm F–, 0.08 ppmF– and 0.15 ppmF– respectively. High value on F– concentrationin Dojran Lake could be attributed to it’s tectonic genesis and supplying with water courses from mountain ofBelasica, which contains granitic rocks, characterized as very rich in fluorides mainly fluorite (CaF2), such as distributionof zooplankton, phytoplankton, higher aquatic plants. Also the high value on F concentration may be a resultof under enormous anthropogenic influences derived from tourism and agricultural practices in the catchment area ofthe lake

    Health of first permanent molars in 12 - yeras old school children in Prilep community

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site of the tooth. Government of FYR Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in September and October 2015, we obtaining 345 school children of Prilep community, born 2003 y., 177 males, and 168 females. First permanent molars in all the examined children were occlusally sealed before 6 years (2009) with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in FYR Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12-year-old school children - 2015 y, DMF index especially for first permanent molars was 34,4%: decayed - 13,5%, missing - 2%, and filled - 18,9%. Males: DMF index specially for first permanent molars was 32,1%: decayed - 13%, missing 2% and filled 17,1%. In females DMF index specially for first permanent molars was 36,9%; decayed - 14,1%, missing - 2,1%; and filled - 20,7%. Conclusion: Insufficient oral hygiene, inappropriate diet, lack of fluoride, need to urgent implementation of other included component of National Oral Strateg

    The new normal - dentistry and patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

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    INTRODUCTION: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain, characterized by insidious disability in communication, social interaction, and using language and abstract concepts. They require unique management because of their behavioral characteristics, and their problems with social communication and interaction. AIM: This article reviews the present literature on the issues dealing with children with autistic spectrum disorder from the dental perspective. RESULTS: Over the last few years there has been a growing interest to cater to the requirements of children with ASD. This study is also an update on the various strategies and recommendations for an easier and successful management of children with ASD in the dental clinic including sensory adaptive dental environment, picture exchange communication system, behavior management techniques as well as pharmacological approaches known so far. CONCLUSION: Specialized knowledge, as well as increased awareness and attention to the specific needs of children with ASD, are paramount while delivering appropriate dental care. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), behavioral approach, oral health care, dental treatmen

    Anxiety, Stress and Coping Patterns in Children in Dental Settings

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    BACKGROUND: Fear of the dentist and dental treatment is a common problem. It can cause treatment difficulties for the practitioner, as well as severe consequences for the patient. As is known, the level of stress can be evaluated thought electrodermal activity, cortisol measure in saliva, or indirectly by psychometric tests.AIM: The present study examined the psychological influence of dental interventions on the child as well as coping patterns used for stress diminution.METHODS: We examined two matched groups of patients: a) children with orthodontic problems (anomalies in shape, position and function of dentomaxillofacial structures) (N = 31, mean age 10.3 ± 2.02) years; and b) children with ordinary dental problems (N = 31, mean age 10.3 ± 2.4 years). As psychometric instruments, we used: 45 items Sarason’s scale for anxiety, 20 items simple Stress - test adapted for children, as well as A - cope test for evaluation coping patterns.RESULTS: Obtained scores confirmed the presence of moderate anxiety in both groups as well as moderate stress level. For Sarason’s test obtained scores for the group with dental problems are 20.63 ± 8.37 (from max 45); and for Stress test 7.63 ± 3.45 (from max 20); for the orthodontic group obtained scores are 18.66 ± 6.85 for Sarason’s test, while for the Stress test were 7.76 ± 3.78. One way ANOVA confirmed a significant difference in values of obtained scores related to the age and gender. Calculated Student t - test shows non-significant differences in obtained test results for both groups of examinees. Coping mechanisms evaluated by A - cope test shows that in both groups the most important patterns used for stress relief are: developing self-reliance and optimism; avoiding problems and engaging in demanding activity.CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that moderate stress level and anxiety are present in both groups of patients (orthodontic and dental). Obtained scores are depending on gender and age. As more used coping patterns in both groups are developing self-reliance and optimism; avoiding problems and engaging in demanding activity. Some strategies for managing this problem are discussed

    Efficacy of fluoride varnishes in preventing enamel demineralization

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    Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost leading to occurrence of white spot lesions. The purpose of this study was to examine fluoride varnish effect on enamel. The study involved 20 premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons. Before the extractions, brackets were bonded with one type of adhesive according to manufacturers ‘bonding instructions. After bracket bonding, ten left premolars (the test group) were kept dried by careful tooth isolation and the enamel received a topical application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat®, Germany). Ten right premolars (the control group) did not receive any varnish application and brackets were fixed using identical procedures. After two months, the premolars were extracted and prepared for SEM analysis. Samples treated with fluoride varnish showed a nearly smooth surface, with complete obtrusion of interrod spaces in some fields. The rods appeared as they were fused together with some globules deposited on the surface, relatively no evidence of porosities or irregularities. Within control group demineralization started on enamel surface, but still with adequate and genuine prisms together within interprismatic space. Micro-morphological surface observation of the enamel surfaces showed demineralized surface as rough and uneven tooth enamel (shrinking of prisms, due to the widening of the prismatic spaces). Fluoride varnish application on enamel surface prevents demineralization processes. Fluoride application could act as a 'barrier' against the demineralization processes on enamel

    Oral Hygiene Index in Early Childhood Caries, Before and After Topical Fluoride Treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Circular caries occurs in the earliest age of the children (1 - 1.5 year), immediately after the eruption of the deciduous teeth. During this period, children are too young to be able to properly implement oral hygiene. Consequently, it is at a negligible level, with plenty of soft plaque on the deciduous tooth surfaces.OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this clinical trial was to determine the correlation between oral hygiene shown with Oral Hygiene index, and the initial stages of circular caries (initial lesion and superficial form), before and after topical fluoride treatment.MATERIAL AND METHODS: For determination of the OHI - index we used the method of Green - Vermillion. It was determined two times in 117 patients, during the first visit and immediately before physiological replacement of deciduous teeth. Patients were two to three years old and diagnosed with initial stages of circular caries. Amino fluoride solution was applied once a week, during six months.RESULTS: We obtained statistically significant improvement of OHI - index at the end of the test, among treated subjects from both major groups.CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the level of oral hygiene is correlated with the progression of changes in enamel. Topical fluoride treatment has a positive impact on reducing ECC

    Effectiveness of probiotics in the prevention of carious lesions during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances.

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