10 research outputs found

    Structure and Function of Enterocyte in Intrauterine Growth Retarded Pig Neonates

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    The intestine of intrauterine growth retarded (IUGR) neonates showed different morphology compared to neonates born with normal body weight (NBW). The aim of the present study was to investigate the ultrastructure and proteomic profile of the gut epithelium in IUGR pig neonates with special attention to the digestive and absorptive function. Intestine tissue samples were investigated in 7-day-old IUGR and NBW littermate piglets using histometry, immunofluorescence, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and mass spectrometry analysis. IUGR piglets have shown reduced mucosa and muscularis thickness and an enhanced number of foetal type enterocytes (FTE). SEM studies have shown the lack of the characteristic large-size vacuole in IUGR’s enterocytes. Delayed removal of FTE in IUGR neonates was probably due to the inhibited apoptosis in the apical part of villi and increased apoptosis and reduced mitosis in the crypt region. In the expression of proteins in the intestinal mucosa such as hexokinase I, histones, and prelamin A/C, carbamoyl phosphate was reduced in IUGR neonates. Finally, IUGR intestines showed higher expression of HSPA9 and HSPA5 as apoptosis markers. The data indicate modifications of gut mucosa in IUGRs that may result in slower gut mucosa maturation and reduced utilisation of nutrient as compared to NBW pig neonates

    The landscape of text and the text of landscape - the narrative structure in Ádám Bodor's novel ”Sinistra körzet ”.

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    Tematem pracy jest analiza struktury narracyjnej powieści Ádáma Bodora "Sinistra körzet" (pl. "Okręg Sinistra"). Należące do literatury współczesnej dzieło zawiera narrację pierwszo- oraz trzecioosobową. W wyniku jej zastosowania pojawiają się problemy z określeniem gatunku. Badacze literatury węgierskiej oraz krytycy poświęcili temu zagadnieniu wiele uwagi, dochodząc przy tym do licznych interpretacji. Poprzez analizę narracji i zestawienie wynikających z tej analizy odczytów ujawnia się otwartość dzieła Adama Bodora - nie tylko w treści, ale i w formie.The subject of the thesis is the analysis of narrative structure from Adam Bodor's novel "Sinistra körzet" The novel, which belongs to the contemporary literature, contains first- and third-person narrative. As a result, the accurate definition of books genre seems doubtful. Researches of the hungarian literature have centered around this question, which conluded in many interpretations. Through the analysis of narrative and juxtaposition of its readings comes out the openness of Adam Bodors novel - not only in substance, but also in form.A dolgozat témája az Ádám Bodor "Sinistra körzet" című regényének az elbeszélési szerkezete és ennek a vizsgálata. A kortárs magyar irodalomhoz tartozó mű egy első- és harmadik-személyű elbeszélést tartalmaz. Eredményeként a kötet műfaji határozása nem egyértelmű. A magyar kutatók és kritikusok sokan foglalkoztak ezzel a kérdéssel, és ennek a következtében számos értelmezést sugalltak. A lehetséges olvasások összegyűjtése és az elbeszélés vizsgálata révén a mű nyitottsága jelenik meg - nemcsak a tartalmában, hanem a formájában is

    Introduction to strategic research program “Advanced Technologies of Energy Generation” under which the Smart Grid concept is developed

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    The paper presents a brief introduction to strategic programme “Advanced Technologies of Energy Generation”, under which Research Task 4. “Development of Integrated technologies for Production of Fuels and Energy from Biomass, Agricultural Waste and Other Materials” is implemented. The context justifies joining the task, its main objectives, management structure, and entities involved. Also justified is the inclusion of Smart Grid concept to the project scope

    What youth is used to... or about intrauterine growth retardation and its later consequences

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    Fetal intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) is currently a serious civilization problem. Eight to nine% of newborns are displaying signs of IUGR every year. IUGR is caused in most instances by misbalanced diet of pregnant mother (in terms of protein and energy). This inhibits system A activity responsible for amino acid transport across the placenta to the fetus. IUGR newborns are characterized by low birth weight, which is compensated soon after birth, but by the expansion of fat tissue. IUGR children are often overweight and less active. It is difficult to reduce overweight in IUGR due to modification of developmental program into a so called "thrifty phenotype". In adults, IUGR manifests its long-lasting health consequences such as hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and diabetes type 2, commonly named as metabolic syndrome (syndrome X). Studies on animals suggest that IUGR diagnosed in perinatal period followed by continuous controlled diet may reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome

    Adaptive method of similarity detection of user profiles on Online Social Networks

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    W pracy podjęto próbę opracowania adaptacyjnej metody uwzględniającej strukturalne i ilościowe związki między kontami w Internetowej Sieci Społecznej w celu wykrywania potencjalnie sklonowanych profili użytkowników. Wprowadzono również technikę kontenerów podobieństwa, pozwalającą na grupowanie atrybutów profilu użytkownika ze względu na typ danych oraz istotność. Zaprezentowano przykład liczbowy, który ilustruje działanie opracowanej metody. Zasygnalizowano przydatność opracowania symulatora pozwalającego na badanie wpływu zawiązywania znajomości między użytkownikami Internetowej Sieci Społecznej na skuteczność wykrywania sklonowanych profili użytkowników, dając tym samym podstawy do zbudowania środowiska prognozującego klonowanie profili.The paper presents a method, based on graph and network theory, which allows to detect cloned user profiles on Online Social Networks. Moreover, an idea of similarity containers, which gives an opportunity to incorporate importance and context of data into a model, was introduced. The presented solutions were adapted to the idea of simulation environment, which will allow to detect a profile cloning process before that activity will be completely performed by an attacker

    Methods of Profile Cloning Detection in Online Social Networks

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    With the arrival of online social networks, the importance of privacy on the Internet has increased dramatically. Thus, it is important to develop mechanisms that will prevent our hidden personal data from unauthorized access and use. In this paper an attempt was made to present a concept of profile cloning detection in Online Social Networks (OSN) using Graph and Networks Theory. By analysing structural similarity of network and value of attributes of user personal profile, we will be able to search for attackers which steal our identity

    Methods of Profile Cloning Detection in Online Social Networks

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    With the arrival of online social networks, the importance of privacy on the Internet has increased dramatically. Thus, it is important to develop mechanisms that will prevent our hidden personal data from unauthorized access and use. In this paper an attempt was made to present a concept of profile cloning detection in Online Social Networks (OSN) using Graph and Networks Theory. By analysing structural similarity of network and value of attributes of user personal profile, we will be able to search for attackers which steal our identity

    Intrauterine growth retarded piglet as a model for humans--studies on the perinatal development of the gut structure and function.

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    The overall acceptance of pig models for human biomedical studies is steadily growing. Results of rodent studies are usually confirmed in pigs before extrapolating them to humans. This applies particularly to gastrointestinal and metabolism research due to similarities between pig and human physiology. In this context, intrauterine growth retarded (IUGR) pig neonate can be regarded as a good model for the better understanding of the IUGR syndrome in humans. In pigs, the induction of IUGR syndrome may include maternal diet intervention, dexamethasone treatment or temporary reduction of blood supply. However, in pigs, like in humans, circa 8% of neonates develop IUGR syndrome spontaneously. Studies on the pig model have shown changes in gut structure, namely a reduced thickness of mucosa and muscle layers, and delayed kinetic of disappearance of vacuolated enterocytes were found in IUGR individuals in comparison with healthy ones. Functional changes include reduced dynamic of gut mucosa rebuilding, decreased activities of main brush border enzymes, and changes in the expression of proteins important for carbohydrate, amino acids, lipid, mineral and vitamin metabolism. Moreover, profiles of intestinal hormones are different in IUGR and non-IUGR piglets. It is suggested that supplementation of the mothers during the gestation and/or the IUGR offspring after birth can help in restoring the development of the gastrointestinal tract. The pig provides presumably the optimal animal model for humans to study gastrointestinal tract structure and function development in IUGR syndrome

    Performance and Meat Quality of Intrauterine Growth Restricted Pigs

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    Intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pigs are characterized by high perinatal mortality and dysfunction of internal organs, adipose, and muscle tissues. However, little is known about the post-weaning performance and meat quality of the IUGR pigs. The aim of this study was to compare normal pigs and pigs with IUGR from birth until slaughter, also with respect to their meat quality. Pigs with the IUGR achieved lower slaughter weight but did not differ significantly from normal pigs in terms of their meat content. The IUGR did not negatively affect the culinary quality of the obtained meat, including its content of basic chemical components and energy value, as well as hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness, elasticity, and penetration force. The meat of the IUGR pigs, when compared to the meat of normal pigs, was characterized by higher pH, lower EC (Electrical Conductivity) and drip loss; it was also tenderer and obtained higher scores in sensory evaluation of taste, smell, and general desirability. Therefore, such raw material can be appreciated by the consumers and can be used for the production of culinary portions similarly to the raw material obtained from normal pigs

    The proteomic profile is altered but not repaired after bariatric surgery in type 2 diabetes pigs

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    To reveal the sources of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) in humans, animal models, mainly rodents, have been used. Here, we propose a pig model of T2D. Weaned piglets were fed high fat/high sugar diet suppling 150% of metabolizable energy. Measurements of weight gain, blood morphology, glucose plasma levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as glucose tolerance (oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT) were employed to observe T2D development. The histology and mass spectrometry analyses were made post mortem. Within 6 months, the high fat-high sugar (HFHS) fed pigs showed gradual and significant increase in plasma triglycerides and glucose levels in comparison to the controls. Using OGTT test, we found stable glucose intolerance in 10 out of 14 HFHS pigs. Mass spectrometry analysis indicated significant changes in 330 proteins in the intestine, liver, and pancreas of the HFHS pigs. These pigs showed also an increase in DNA base modifications and elevated level of the ALKBH proteins in the tissues. Six diabetic HFHS pigs underwent Scopinaro bariatric surgery restoring glycaemia one month after surgery. In conclusion, a high energy diet applied to piglets resulted in the development of hyperlipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, and type 2 diabetes being reversed by a bariatric procedure, excluding the proteomic profile utill one month after the surgery