8 research outputs found

    Loschmidt Echo of Far-From-Equilibrium Fermionic Superfluids

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    Non-analyticities in the logarithm of the Loschmidt echo, known as dynamical quantum phase transitions [DQPTs], are a recently introduced attempt to classify the myriad of possible phenomena which can occur in far from equilibrium closed quantum systems. In this work, we analytically investigate the Loschmidt echo in nonequilibrium ss-wave and topological px+ipyp_x+ip_y fermionic superfluids. We find that the presence of non-analyticities in the echo is not invariant under global rotations of the superfluid phase. We remedy this deficiency by introducing a more general notion of a grand canonical Loschmidt echo. Overall, our study shows that DQPTs are not a good indicator for the long time dynamics of an interacting system. In particular, there are no DQPTs to tell apart distinct dynamical phases of quenched BCS superconductors. Nevertheless, they can signal a quench induced change in the topology and also keep track of solitons emerging from unstable stationary states of a BCS superconductor.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Nonlocality as the source of purely quantum dynamics of BCS superconductors

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    We show that the classical (mean-field) description of far from equilibrium superconductivity is exact in the thermodynamic limit for local observables but breaks down for global quantities, such as the entanglement entropy or Loschmidt echo. We do this by solving for and comparing exact quantum and exact classical long-time dynamics of a BCS superconductor with interaction strength inversely proportional to time and evaluating local observables explicitly. Mean field is exact for both normal and anomalous averages (superconducting order) in the thermodynamic limit. However, for anomalous expectation values, this limit does not commute with adiabatic and strong coupling limits and, as a consequence, their quantum fluctuations can be unusually strong. The long-time steady state of the system is a gapless superconductor whose superfluid properties are only accessible through energy resolved measurements. This state is nonthermal but conforms to an emergent generalized Gibbs ensemble. Our study clarifies the nature of symmetry-broken many-body states in and out of equilibrium and fills a crucial gap in the theory of time-dependent quantum integrability.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, new titl

    Charge and Entanglement Criticality in a U(1)-Symmetric Hybrid Circuit of Qubits

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    We study critical properties of the entanglement and charge-sharpening measurement-induced phase transitions in a non-unitary quantum circuit evolving with a U(1) conserved charge. Many critical properties appear distinct from the generic non-conserving case and percolation; however, upon interpreting the critical features as mixtures of both entanglement and charge-sharpening transitions, many critical features are brought within range of the generic case. Nonetheless, the multifractal properties of the entanglement transition remain distinct from the generic case without any symmetry, indicating a unique universality class due to the U(1) symmetry. We compute entanglement critical exponents and correlation functions via various ancilla measures, use a transfer matrix for multifractality, and compute correlators associated with charge sharpening to explain these findings. Through these correlators, we also find evidence consistent with the charge-sharpening transition being of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type (including the predicted "jump" in stiffness), which simultaneously argues for a broad critical fan for this transition. As a result, attempts to measure critical properties in this system will see anomalously large exponents consistent with overlapping criticality.Comment: 12+5 pages, 8+6 figure

    Measurement induced criticality in quasiperiodic modulated random hybrid circuits

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    We study one-dimensional hybrid quantum circuits perturbed by quenched quasiperiodic (QP) modulations across the measurement-induced phase transition (MIPT). Considering non-Pisot QP structures, characterized by unbounded fluctuations, allows us to tune the wandering exponent β\beta to exceed the Luck bound ν≥1/(1−β)\nu \ge 1/(1-\beta) for the stability of the MIPT where ν≅4/3\nu\cong 4/3. Via large-scale numerical simulations of random Clifford circuits interleaved with local projective measurements, we find that sufficiently large QP structural fluctuations destabilize the MIPT and induce a flow to a broad family of critical dynamical phase transitions of the infinite QP type that is governed by the wandering exponent, β\beta. We numerically determine the associated critical properties, including the correlation length exponent consistent with saturating the Luck bound, and a universal activated dynamical scaling with activation exponent ψ≅β\psi \cong \beta, finding excellent agreement with the conclusions of real space renormalization group calculations.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Entanglement and charge-sharpening transitions in U(1) symmetric monitored quantum circuits

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    Monitored quantum circuits can exhibit an entanglement transition as a function of the rate of measurements, stemming from the competition between scrambling unitary dynamics and disentangling projective measurements. We study how entanglement dynamics in non-unitary quantum circuits can be enriched in the presence of charge conservation, using a combination of exact numerics and a mapping onto a statistical mechanics model of constrained hard-core random walkers. We uncover a charge-sharpening transition that separates different scrambling phases with volume-law scaling of entanglement, distinguished by whether measurements can efficiently reveal the total charge of the system. We find that while R\'enyi entropies grow sub-ballistically as t\sqrt{t} in the absence of measurement, for even an infinitesimal rate of measurements, all average R\'enyi entropies grow ballistically with time ∼t\sim t. We study numerically the critical behavior of the charge-sharpening and entanglement transitions in U(1) circuits, and show that they exhibit emergent Lorentz invariance and can also be diagnosed using scalable local ancilla probes. Our statistical mechanical mapping technique readily generalizes to arbitrary Abelian groups, and offers a general framework for studying dissipatively-stabilized symmetry-breaking and topological orders.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Critical properties of the measurement-induced transition in random quantum circuits

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    We numerically study the measurement-driven quantum phase transition of Haar-random quantum circuits in 1+11+1 dimensions. By analyzing the tripartite mutual information we are able to make a precise estimate of the critical measurement rate pc=0.17(1)p_c = 0.17(1). We extract estimates for the associated bulk critical exponents that are consistent with the values for percolation, as well as those for stabilizer circuits, but differ from previous estimates for the Haar-random case. Our estimates of the surface order parameter exponent appear different from that for stabilizer circuits or percolation, but we are unable to definitively rule out the scenario where all exponents in the three cases match. Moreover, in the Haar case the prefactor for the entanglement entropies SnS_n depends strongly on the R\'enyi index nn; for stabilizer circuits and percolation this dependence is absent. Results on stabilizer circuits are used to guide our study and identify measures with weak finite-size effects. We discuss how our numerical estimates constrain theories of the transition.Comment: 6 pages + Supplemental materials (Updated with published version

    Infinite-randomness criticality in monitored quantum dynamics with static disorder

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    We consider a model of monitored quantum dynamics with quenched spatial randomness: specifically, random quantum circuits with spatially varying measurement rates. These circuits undergo a measurement-induced phase transition (MIPT) in their entanglement structure, but the nature of the critical point differs drastically from the case with constant measurement rate. In particular, at the critical measurement rate, we find that the entanglement of a subsystem of size ℓ\ell scales as S∼ℓS \sim \sqrt{\ell}; moreover, the dynamical critical exponent z=∞z = \infty. The MIPT is flanked by Griffiths phases with continuously varying dynamical exponents. We argue for this infinite-randomness scenario on general grounds and present numerical evidence that it captures some features of the universal critical properties of MIPT using large-scale simulations of Clifford circuits. These findings demonstrate that the relevance and irrelevance of perturbations to the MIPT can naturally be interpreted using a powerful heuristic known as the Harris criterion.Comment: (7 + 7) pages, (3 + 5) figures, (0 + 1) table