8 research outputs found

    EPR studies on defect production and its annealing behavior in siliconafter high fluence Ar ion irradiation

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    Silicon samples were irradiated below 50K with 112MeV Ar ions to a Silicon samples were irradiated below 50K with 112MeV Ar ions to

    Time scale for emission of intermediate mass fragments in E/A=30MeVAr-40+Ag-nat reaction

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    Fragment-fragment correlation functions have been measured in E/A = 30 Fragment-fragment correlation functions have been measured in E/A = 3

    Origins of intermediate mass fragments for Ar-40+Ag-nat reaction at 30MeV/u

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    The energy spectra of intermediate-mass fragments (IMF) (3 less than or The energy spectra of intermediate-mass fragments (IMF) (3 less than o

    Damage production in silicon irradiated with 112 MeV Ar ions

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    Silicon samples were irradiated below 50 K with 112 MeV Ar ions. Defect Silicon samples were irradiated below 50 K with 112 MeV Ar ions. Defec

    Relationship between measurement of nuclear temperature and energy ofparticles

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    Temperature of 5MeV was extracted from double isotope ratios Temperature of 5MeV was extracted from double isotope ratio

    Isospin effect on the emission mechanism of hot nuclei in 35MeV/uAr-40+Sn-112/Sn-124 reactions

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    As an extension of radioactive ion beam physics, the research on As an extension of radioactive ion beam physics, the research o

    Breakup of 33.4 MeV/u N-17 on a Be-9 target

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    Correlation measurements of neutrons and fragments have been performed Correlation measurements of neutrons and fragments have been performe

    Temperatures and excitation energies of hot nuclei in the reactions ofAr-40+Ag-nat, Bi-209 at 25 MeV/u

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    Coincidence measurements of fission fragments and light-charged Coincidence measurements of fission fragments and light-charge