47 research outputs found

    Deformation history of a synorogenic sedimentary wedge, northern Cilento area, southern Apennines thrust and fold belt, Italy.

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    A kinematic model for the Plio-Quaternary evolution of the Tyrrhenian-Apenninic system: implications for rifting processes and volcanism.

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    During the frontal accretion due to the Late Miocene–Quaternary thrusting, the interior of the Apenninic chain underwent large-scale extension which produced the opening of the Tyrrhenian Oceanic Basin, a back-arc basin in respect to the late Cenozoic Apenninic chain, and the onset of the Quaternary volcanic activity in the Campanian Plain and more generally in the Tyrrhenian area. To outline the space/time distribution and the geotectonic setting of the Tyrrhenian volcanics we approached the problem from a kinematic point of view. A synthesis of the available geological and geophysical data leads us to suggest that the progressive migration of the Apenninic Arcs is responsible for the extension phenomena which took place during the last 5 Ma. At first, the extension resulted from the kinematic interaction between the Northern Apenninic Arc and the Southern Apenninic Arc during the Late Pliocene. Then, from the Early Pleistocene the extension was controlled by the SE migration of the Southern arc only, and therefore it can be regarded as part of the general Southern Tyrrhenian extension phenomenon. Due to the intense thinning, the isotherms migrated upward very rapidly within the Toscana, Latium and Campania lithosphere where the melting point was reached, giving rise to the onset of volcanic activity at the end of the Early Pleistocene

    Cinematica del settore centrale del Mediterraneo ed implicazioni sulla strutturazione dell’Arco Calabro.

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    In questo lavoro viene proposto un approccio metodologico di tettonica globale per 1'analisi del sistema di catene e bacini dell'area mediterranea (SIME). Vengono discussi: un possibile modello evolutivo del settore centrale dell'area e la sua storia deformativa. Quest'ultima e stata schematicamente rappresentata in tre momenti (stadi) nell'ambito dei quali possono riconoscersi diverse fasi tettoniche comprensive di eventi di ordine inferiore. Dalla nostra ricostruzione emerge chiaramente l'importanza dell'arco calabro nell'evoluzione complessiva del sistema. Dalle fast di individuazione dei margini continentali europeo ed africano l'area dalla quale l'arco deriva ha, infatti, sempre occupato una posizione centrale rispetto ai blocchi iberico, sardocorso ed afro-apulo. In conclusione a questa premessa riteniamo tuttavia doveroso precisare che, data la natura del lavoro e la necessita di essere sintetici, per molti degli argomenti a sostegno delle nostre tesi il lettore dovrà fondare il suo giudizio più sui riferimenti bibliografici che non sulla completezza delle informazioni fornite. Cio premesso, per gli aspetti specialistici e/o per i dati di carattere regionale sulla struttura dell'arco calabro, si rimanda alia bibliografia più recente e/o significativa. Per un inquadramento geologico dell'area rimandiamo invece ai lavori pubblicati negli atti del convegno della SGI "L'arco calabro-peloritano nell'orogene appenninico-maghrebide", fortemente voluto dal Prof. Ippolito, al quale dedichiamo questo lavoro poichè lo riteniamo "responsabile" della nostra passione per la geologia della Calabria e per la curiosita che ha saputo insegnarci per gli argomenti "di frontiera" nelle Scienze della Terra

    I canadesi alla ricerca del rame in Italia

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    Le Scienze, Giugno, N. 8

    Very low temperature, natural deformation of fine grained limestone: a case study from the Lucania region, southern Apennines, Italy.

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    The deformation behavior of fine grained limestones from the Monte Sirino area (Lucania region) of the southern Apennines has been analysed by constraining microstructural observations and crystallographic fabrics with data on the metamorphic conditions of deformation. X-ray and infrared analysis of clay minerals, together with illite 'crystallinity' data, suggest that the studied rocks underwent very low grade metamorphism in the deep diagenetic zone. The limestones consist of very fine grained (20 μm) crystalline fillings, provide common strain markers. Optical microstructures and strain analysis indicate heterogeneous intracrystalline strain in the coarser (>50 μm) calcite. On the other hand, SEM and TEM observations, and crystallographic fabrics determined by X-ray texture goniometry, indicate a deformation involving not only intracrystalline slip, but also an important component of grain boundary sliding in the fine grained matrix. The inferred microscopic deformation mechanisms are compared with constitutive flow laws derived from experimental studies. For the maximum inferred temperature of deformation of 250 °C and geologic strain rates of 1

    Very low-temperature, natural deformation of fine grained limestone: a case-study from the Lucania region, southern Apennines, Italy

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    Miocene tectonic evolution of the southern Apennine thrust front (Italy): stratigraphic and structural constraints from the eastern Calabria-Lucania borderland area.

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    Alcune osservazioni sulle "tufiti di Tusa" nell'area compresa tra la Valsinni e Rocca Imperiale (confine calabro-lucano)

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    Several clay samples from the "Tusa Tuffites" have been studied. Microfauna association show that the studied sequence is Upper Aquitanian to Burdigalian in age. The epiclastic volcanic debris in the arenaceous tur- bidites is related to the existence of a continental ande- sitic volcanism probably almost simultaneous to the deposition of the tuffites. The paleogeographic position of the sedimentary basin of the "Tusa Tuffites" is discussed