197 research outputs found

    Occurrence of the scalloped ribbonfish Zu cristatus(Lampridiformes) in coastal waters of the central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy

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    The occurrence of two individuals of Zu cristatus at 2 m depth in coastal waters of the Gulf of Castellamare (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) together with records of this rare pan-Oceanic mesopelagic species is reported. Analyses of two mitochondrial genes (12 s and 16 s; 936 bp) revealed a 2.6% sequence divergence between Mediterranean and Pacific (Japanese) samples of the species

    Behavioural responses of the colonial sea squirt botrylloides violaceus oka to suspended food micro‐ particles in laboratory cultures

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    Violet sea squirts are noteworthy model organisms, because they provide insights into various physiologic processes, including cell senescence, ageing, apoptosis and allorecognition. Consequently, their culture is critical to permit experimental studies. Most papers refer to short periods of rearing using various feeds, both living and conserved, missing a formal justification for their use or indications of their actual nutritional value. Here, we use two behavioural responses— the percentage of open siphons and the frequency of zooid contractions—as compared to the abundance of suspended microparticles during feeding tests, to identify feeds able to promote filter-feeding. The results will enable to formulate compound diets that maximise positive physiological responses. Our tests demonstrated that plant items, such as dry microalgae and cyanobacteria (Arthrospira platensis, commercially known as Spirulina), along with living planktonic Haptophyta (Isochrysis galbana), trigger clear positive reactions, represented by a higher frequency of zooid contractions and larger proportions of open siphons. These responses correspond to decreases in the concentrations of suspended microparticles during the experiment and indicate higher filter-feeding activity. In contrast, feeds commonly administered to colonies, such as milk powder, dried eggs and artificial plankton, triggered negative behavioural responses, and their intake was lower during the feeding trials

    Assessing the ecotoxicity of copper and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Comparison of effects on Paracentrotus lividus and Botryllus schlosseri, as alternative bioassay methods

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    Adult sea urchins and their embryos are ideal targets to investigate the medium- and long-term effects of various toxic agents, such as organic and inorganic pollutants, to forecast and mitigate their environmental effects. Similarly, small colonial tunicates such as Botryllid ascidians may reveal acute toxicity processes and permit quick responses for the management of contaminants impacting coastal waters, to preserve the functional integrity of marine ecosystems. This investigation compares the functional responses of two model invertebrates, the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the sea squirt Botryllus schlosseri, to chronic and acute exposures to organic and inorganic toxic agents. Such heavy metals as copper produce both acute and chronic effects on marine biota, while polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mainly produce chronic effects at the concentrations ordinarily measured in marine coastal waters. Both models were tested over a range of concentrations of copper and PAHs. Copper triggered a clear effect in both species, producing a delay in the embryo development of P. lividus and a rapid death of sea squirts. B. schlosseri was less sensitive to PAHs than P. lividus. The results on both species may synergistically contribute to assess the toxicity of organic and inorganic compounds at various concentrations and different physiologic levels

    Bioactive Compounds from Marine Sponges and Algae: Effects on Cancer Cell Metabolome and Chemical Structures

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    Metabolomics represent the set of small organic molecules generally called metabolites, which are located within cells, tissues or organisms. This new “omic” technology, together with other similar technologies (genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics) is becoming a widely used tool in cancer research, aiming at the understanding of global biology systems in their physiologic or altered conditions. Cancer is among the most alarming human diseases and it causes a considerable number of deaths each year. Cancer research is one of the most important fields in life sciences. In fact, several scientific advances have been made in recent years, aiming to illuminate the metabolism of cancer cells, which is different from that of healthy cells, as suggested by Otto Warburg in the 1950s. Studies on sponges and algae revealed that these organisms are the main sources of the marine bioactive compounds involved in drug discovery for cancer treatment and prevention. In this review, we analyzed these two promising groups of marine organisms to focus on new metabolomics approaches for the study of metabolic changes in cancer cell lines treated with chemical extracts from sponges and algae, and for the classification of the chemical structures of bioactive compounds that may potentially prove useful for specific biotechnological applications

    Biodegradation of Plastics Induced by Marine Organisms: Future Perspectives for Bioremediation Approaches

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    Plastic pollution is a distinctive element of the globalized world. In fact, since the 1970s the expansion and use of plastics, particularly in the consumer and commercial sectors, has given this material a permanent place in our lives. The increasing use of plastic products and the wrong management of end-of-life plastic products have contributed to increasing environmental pollution, with negative impacts on our ecosystems and the ecological functions of natural habitats. Nowadays, plastic pollution is pervasive in all environmental compartments. As aquatic environments are the dumping points for poorly managed plastics, biofouling and biodegradation have been proposed as promising approaches for plastic bioremediation. Known for the high stability of plastics in the marine environment, this represents a very important issue to preserve marine biodiversity. In this review, we have summarized the main cases reported in the literature on the degradation of plastics by bacteria, fungi, and microalgae and the degradation mechanisms involved, to highlight the potential of bioremediation approaches to reduce macro and microplastic pollution

    Relating trophic resources to community structure: a predictive index of food availability

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    The abundance and the distribution of trophic resources available for consumers influence the productivity and the diversity of natural communities. Nevertheless, assessment of the actual abundance of food items available for individual trophic groups has been constrained by differences in methods and metrics used by various authors. Here we develop an index of food abundance, the framework of which can be adapted for different ecosystems. The relative available food index (RAFI) is computed by considering standard resource conditions of a habitat and the influence of various generalized anthropogenic and natural factors. RAFI was developed using published literature on food abundance and validated by comparison of predictions versus observed trophic resources across various marine sites. RAFI tables here proposed can be applied to a range of marine ecosystems for predictions of the potential abundance of food available for each trophic group, hence permitting exploration of ecological theories by focusing on the deviation from the observed to the expected

    PAHs and PCBs affect functionally intercorrelated genes in the sea urchin paracentrotus lividus embryos

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) represent the most common pollutants in the marine sediments. Previous investigations demonstrated short-term sublethal effects of sediments polluted with both contaminants on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus after 2 months of exposure in mesocosms. In particular, morphological malformations observed in P. lividus embryos deriving from adults exposed to PAHs and PCBs were explained at molecular levels by de novo transcriptome assembly and real-time qPCR, leading to the identification of several differentially expressed genes involved in key physiological processes. Here, we extensively explored the genes involved in the response of the sea urchin P. lividus to PAHs and PCBs. Firstly, 25 new genes were identified and interactomic analysis revealed that they were functionally connected among them and to several genes previously defined as molecular targets of response to the two pollutants under analysis. The expression levels of these 25 genes were followed by Real Time qPCR, showing that almost all genes analyzed were affected by PAHs and PCBs. These findings represent an important further step in defining the impacts of slight concentrations of such contaminants on sea urchins and, more in general, on marine biota, increasing our knowledge of molecular targets involved in responses to environmental stressors

    Endocrine system dysfunction and chronic heart failure: a clinical perspective

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    Chronic heart failure (CHF) leads to an excess of urgent ambulatory visits, recurrent hospital admissions, morbidity, and mortality regardless of medical and non-medical management of the disease. This excess of risk may be attributable, at least in part, to comorbid conditions influencing the development and progression of CHF. In this perspective, the authors examined and described the most common endocrine disorders observed in patients with CHF, particularly in individuals with reduced ejection fraction, aiming to qualify the risks, quantify the epidemiological burden and discuss about the potential role of endocrine treatment. Thyroid dysfunction is commonly observed in patients with CHF, and sometimes it could be the consequence of certain medications (e.g., amiodarone). Male and female hypogonadism may also coexist in this clinical context, contributing to deteriorating the prognosis of these patients. Furthermore, growth hormone deficiency may affect the development of adult myocardium and predispose to CHF. Limited recommendation suggests to screen endocrine disorders in CHF patients, but it could be interesting to evaluate possible endocrine dysfunction in this setting, especially when a high suspicion coexists. Data referring to long-term safety and effectiveness of endocrine treatments in patients with CHF are limited, and their impact on several “hard” endpoints (such as hospital admission, all-cause, and cardiovascular mortality) are still poorly understood

    Two benthic diatoms, nanofrustulum shiloi and striatella unipunctata, encapsulated in alginate beads, influence the reproductive efficiency of paracentrotus lividus by modulating the gene expression

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    Physiological effects of algal metabolites is a key step for the isolation of interesting bioactive compounds. Invertebrate grazers may be fed on live diatoms or dried, pelletized, and added to compound feeds. Any method may reveal some shortcomings, due to the leaking of wound-activated compounds in the water prior to ingestion. For this reason, encapsulation may represent an important step of bioassay-guided fractionation, because it may assure timely preservation of the active compounds. Here we test the effects of the inclusion in alginate (biocompatible and non-toxic delivery system) matrices to produce beads containing two benthic diatoms for sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus feeding. In particular, we compared the effects of a diatom whose influence on P. lividus was known (Nanofrustulum shiloi) and those of a diatom suspected to be harmful to marine invertebrates, because it is often present in blooms (Striatella unipunctata). Dried N. shiloi and S. unipunctata were offered for one month after encapsulation in alginate hydrogel beads and the larvae produced by sea urchins were checked for viability and malformations. The results indicated that N. shiloi, already known for its toxigenic effects on sea urchin larvae, fully conserved its activity after inclusion in alginate beads. On the whole, benthic diatoms affected the embryogenesis of P. lividus, altering the expression of several genes involved in stress response, development, skeletogenesis and detoxification processes. Interactomic analysis suggested that both diatoms activated a similar stress response pathway, through the up-regulation of hsp60, hsp70, NF-ÎșB, 14-3-3 Δ and MDR1 genes. This research also demonstrates that the inclusion in alginate beads may represent a feasible technique to isolate diatom-derived bioactive compounds

    Morphological and molecular responses of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to highly contaminated marine sediments: The case study of Bagnoli-Coroglio brownfield (Mediterranean Sea)

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    none8noMarine sediments store complex mixtures of compounds, including heavy metals, organotins and a large array of other contaminants. Sediment quality monitoring, characterization and management are priorities, due to potential impacts of the above compounds on coastal waters and their biota, especially in cases of pollutants released during dredging activities. Harbours and marinas, as well as estuaries and bays, where limited exchanges of water occurr, the accumulation of toxic compounds poses major concerns for human and environmental health. Here we report the effects of highly contaminated sediments from the site of national interest Bagnoli-Coroglio (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean) on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, considered a good model for ecotoxicological studies. Adult sea urchins were reared one month in aquaria in the presence of contaminated sediment that was experimentally subject to different patterns of re-suspension events (mimicking the effect of natural storms occurring in the field), crossed with O2 enrichment versus natural gas exchanges in the water. The development of embryos deriving from adult urchins exposed to such experimental conditions was followed until the pluteus stage, checking the power of contaminated sediment to induce morphological malformations and its eventual buffering by high oxygenation. Real-Time qPCR analysis revealed that the expression of several genes (among the fifty analyzed, involved in different functional processes) was targeted by contaminated sediments more than those exposed in oxygen-enriched condition. Our findings have biological and ecological relevance in terms of assessing the actual impact on local organisms of chronic environmental contamination by heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons affecting the Bagnoli-Coroglio area, and of exploring enhanced sediment and water oxygenation as a promising tool to mitigate the effects of contamination in future environmental restoration actions.embargoed_20220101Ruocco N.; Bertocci I.; Munari M.; Musco L.; Caramiello D.; Danovaro R.; Zupo V.; Costantini M.Ruocco, N.; Bertocci, I.; Munari, M.; Musco, L.; Caramiello, D.; Danovaro, R.; Zupo, V.; Costantini, M
