10 research outputs found

    The Appearance and Role of Complexes in Some of Galileo Galileiā€™s Claims

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    Raspravljamo o ulozi predpojmovnog kompleksnog miÅ”ljenja u znanstvenoj spoznaji i razvoju znanosti. Kompleksno miÅ”ljenje sa svom heterogenoŔću i imaginacijom omogućuje održavanje pojmovne strukture i reorganizaciju cjelokupnih teorijskih mreža, ali to ā€œnaplaćujeā€ latentnim prisustvom protuslovlja i nekonzistentnosti. Članak se nastavlja na naÅ”u analizu odnosa između kompleksnog i pojmovnog miÅ”ljenja u Aristotelovoj Fizici. Ako je kod Aristotela srediÅ”nji kompleks pojam ā€œmjestaā€, kod Galileija je osnovni kompleks zbirka gibanja-stanja. Galilei joÅ” nema izrađenu potpunu pojmovnu strukturu mehanike pa možemo reći da je njegova teorijska osnova uronjena u kompleksnu razinu, ali se oslanja na matematičku strukturu i eksperiment i time uspijeva formirati jednu stabilnu teorijsku organizaciju. Time dobiva osnovu za novu teorijsku sistematizaciju i za formiranje pojmovne strukture kakva je Newtonova. Možemo u izvjesnom smislu reći da je time kompleksno miÅ”ljenje u znanosti bilo podignuto na viÅ”u razinu i dovedeno u pred-paradigmično razdoblje.We discuss the role of the pre-conceptual complex thought in scientific knowledge and in the development of science. The heterogeneity and imagination of complex thought enables the preservation of the conceptual structure and helps reshape entire theoretical nets, however, its downside is reflected in its latent contradiction and inconsistency. This paper is a continuation of our analysis of the relationship between complex and conceptual thought in Aristotleā€™s Physics. If Aristotleā€™s central complex is the notion of ā€œplaceā€, then Galileoā€™s basic complex is the notion of ā€œ(mechanical) movementā€. Since Galileo didnā€™t have an elaborated conceptual structure of mechanics, we can say that his theoretical basis is ā€œsteepedā€ in the level of complex thought, yet it relies on the mathematical structure and experiment, thereby creating a stable theoretical organization which serves as a basis for the new theoretical systematization and for the shaping of a conceptual structure as Newtonā€™s. Thus, we may claim that, in a certain way, this change raised complex thought in science to a higher level, and brought it to a pre-paradigmatic period

    Place and Role of Metaphors and Analogies in the Complex Thought and Conceptual Thought

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    Članak tematizira ulogu kompleksnog miÅ”ljenja u razvoju znanstvene spoznaje i miÅ”ljenja općenito. Po Vigotskom, kompleksno miÅ”ljenje je početna faza u ontogenezi, pa i filogenezi, ljudskog miÅ”ljenja i ono je u tom slijedu predpojmovno. Prema istom autoru, ono ima svoju unutarnju genezu koja započinje asocijativnim kompleksima, a zavrÅ”ava pseudopojmovima. Kompleksno miÅ”ljenje je po svojoj biti fluidno, neograničeno i omogućuje prenoÅ”enje značenja. Smatramo da kompleksno miÅ”ljenje dolazi do izraza prije svega u uporabi metafora i analogija. Metafore i analogije imaju važnu eksplanatornu i ponekad čak heurističku ulogu u znanstvenom miÅ”ljenju. Kompleksno miÅ”ljenje dolazi do izražaja na svim razinama i etapama razvoja znanstvenog miÅ”ljenja. Metafore mogu biti dijelom kompleksnog miÅ”ljenja kao dominantnog načina miÅ”ljenja ili u pojmovnoj strukturi kao pomoćni elementi objaÅ”njenja. Analogije predstavljaju izvjesno strukturiranje kompleksnog i pojmovnog miÅ”ljenja.The paper is on the role of complex thought in the development of thought and scientific knowledge. According to Vigotsky, the complex thought is the first phase in the ontogenesis and phylogenesis of human thought. It is in this sense pre-conceptual. Also, according to Vigotsky, the complex thought has its internal genesis which begins with associative complexes and ends in pseudo-concepts. Complex also an explanatory role in scientific thought. Complex thought ppears on all levels and stages of the development of scientific knowledge. Metaphors may appear in the complex thought as a dominant mode of thought or in the conceptual structure as the auxiliary in the explanation. Analogies present a certain structuration of the complex thought, which contributes to the creation of conceptual structure. The place of analogy is thus between a complex thought and conceptual thought


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    Tekst predstavlja dio Å”irega projekta koji se odnosi na ulogu predpojmovnih kompleksa u formiranju paradigmatskih teorija, poglavito u povijesti fizike. Nakon analize određenih tekstova (Aristotelovih, Galilejevih, Newtonovih i drugih) uočeno je postojanje takozvanih općih kompleksa koji imaju ulogu regulacije same teorije. Opći kompleksi funkcioniraju po istome mehanizmu kao i paradigme koje je u svojim radovima opisao Kuhn. Ovaj rad ima zadatak pokazati kako je njegov koncept paradigme usko povezan s općim kompleksom i kompleksnim miÅ”ljenjem. Također, izvrÅ”ena je i dublja analiza ideje paradigme koju Kuhn određuje u svojim radovima. DoÅ”lo se do zaključka da on nije shvatio samu bit paradigme, tj. općega kompleksa, Å”to je dovelo da lutanja kako u definiciji toga koncepta tako i u primjeni same ideje. Kuhn je pokuÅ”ao definirati paradigmu kao neki opći pojam ili matricu, Å”to je u biti nemoguće zbog same njezine prirode, a posljedica je toga činjenica da se sam koncept paradigme u njegovoj teoriji pojavljuje kao metakompleks. Neshvaćanje biti paradigme implicira pogrjeÅ”no tumačenje mehanizma općega kompleksa, a to u konačnici dovodi do pogrjeÅ”nih zaključaka koji se odnose na bliske koncepte kao Å”to su revolucionarna promjena paradigmĆ¢, nesumjerljivost teorija itd.This text represents a part of a wider project that concerns the role of prenotional complexes in creating paradigmatic theories, especially in the history of physics.After analyzing certain texts; Aristotleā€™s, Galileoā€™s, Newtonā€™s and others, the existence of so called general complexes, which have the role of regulation of the theory, was noticed. General complexes function by the same mechanism as paradigms that Kuhn described in his works. This work has an assignment to show that his concept of paradigm is closely connected to general complex and complex thinking. Also, one deeper analysis of the idea of paradigm itself that Kuhn determines in his works has been done. We have come to the conclusion that he did not understand the essence of paradigm, i. e. general complex, which led to wandering both in defining of the concept and in application of the idea. Kuhn had tried to define paradigm as a general notion or a matrix, which is in fact impossible because of its nature, and as a consequence of that concept of paradigm in his theory appears as a meta-complex. Misunderstanding of the essence of paradigm will imply wrong interpretation of the mechanism of general complex itself which, at the end, leads to wrong conclusions which affect close concepts like revolutionary change of paradigm, incommensurability of theories etc


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    Tekst predstavlja dio Å”irega projekta koji se odnosi na ulogu predpojmovnih kompleksa u formiranju paradigmatskih teorija, poglavito u povijesti fizike. Nakon analize određenih tekstova (Aristotelovih, Galilejevih, Newtonovih i drugih) uočeno je postojanje takozvanih općih kompleksa koji imaju ulogu regulacije same teorije. Opći kompleksi funkcioniraju po istome mehanizmu kao i paradigme koje je u svojim radovima opisao Kuhn. Ovaj rad ima zadatak pokazati kako je njegov koncept paradigme usko povezan s općim kompleksom i kompleksnim miÅ”ljenjem. Također, izvrÅ”ena je i dublja analiza ideje paradigme koju Kuhn određuje u svojim radovima. DoÅ”lo se do zaključka da on nije shvatio samu bit paradigme, tj. općega kompleksa, Å”to je dovelo da lutanja kako u definiciji toga koncepta tako i u primjeni same ideje. Kuhn je pokuÅ”ao definirati paradigmu kao neki opći pojam ili matricu, Å”to je u biti nemoguće zbog same njezine prirode, a posljedica je toga činjenica da se sam koncept paradigme u njegovoj teoriji pojavljuje kao metakompleks. Neshvaćanje biti paradigme implicira pogrjeÅ”no tumačenje mehanizma općega kompleksa, a to u konačnici dovodi do pogrjeÅ”nih zaključaka koji se odnose na bliske koncepte kao Å”to su revolucionarna promjena paradigmĆ¢, nesumjerljivost teorija itd.This text represents a part of a wider project that concerns the role of prenotional complexes in creating paradigmatic theories, especially in the history of physics.After analyzing certain texts; Aristotleā€™s, Galileoā€™s, Newtonā€™s and others, the existence of so called general complexes, which have the role of regulation of the theory, was noticed. General complexes function by the same mechanism as paradigms that Kuhn described in his works. This work has an assignment to show that his concept of paradigm is closely connected to general complex and complex thinking. Also, one deeper analysis of the idea of paradigm itself that Kuhn determines in his works has been done. We have come to the conclusion that he did not understand the essence of paradigm, i. e. general complex, which led to wandering both in defining of the concept and in application of the idea. Kuhn had tried to define paradigm as a general notion or a matrix, which is in fact impossible because of its nature, and as a consequence of that concept of paradigm in his theory appears as a meta-complex. Misunderstanding of the essence of paradigm will imply wrong interpretation of the mechanism of general complex itself which, at the end, leads to wrong conclusions which affect close concepts like revolutionary change of paradigm, incommensurability of theories etc


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    Palijativna skrb je pristup koji poboljÅ”ava kvalitetu života pacijenata i njihovih obitelji koji se suočavaju s problemima povezanima s progresivnim, neizlječivim bolestima. Dostupnost palijativne skrbi pacijentima oboljelima ili onima koji umiru od uznapredovalih neizlječivih bolesti važan je i neizostavan dio suvremenih zdravstvenih sustava. Stoga je cilj rada bio da s javnozdravstvenog glediÅ”ta, kao jednim od početnih koraka za planiranje i naprjeđenje/ poboljÅ”anje palijativne skrbi na lokalnoj razini/županiji, procijeni potrebu za palijativnom skrbi u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Procjena potreba provedena je koriÅ”tenjem mortalitetnih podataka pacijenata prema odabranim dijagnozama koji su se, prema defi niranim kriterijima smatrali potrebitima palijativne skrbi. Palijativna skrb bila je potrebna za gotovo polovicu preminulih tijekom 2012. godine u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, a najviÅ”e u dobnim skupinama 65-79 (40,2 %) i ā‰„80 godina (36,0 %). Novotvorine su bile najčeŔći uzrok smrti (69,1 %), podjednako u kući (46,8 %) i u bolnici (46,0 %). Na udaljenosti ā‰„60 minuta od bolnice značajno ih je viÅ”e umrlo kod kuće nego u bolnici (Palliative care is an approach that improves quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with incurable life-threatening illness. The aim was to assess the needs for palliative care in Split-Dalmatia County. Assessment of the needs was conducted using mortality data on the Split-Dalmatia County population by selected diagnoses defined according to the criteria as necessitating palliative care. Almost half of the deceased in 2012 in Split-Dalmatia County needed palliative care. Among them there were significantly more males

    Pre-season football preparation in the era of COVID-19: Croatian Football Association Model

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    ith over 3.3 million confirmed cases worldwide and over 230 000 confirmed deaths, the COVID-19 pandemic is, without doubt, the most important event of the 21st century so far. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended all areas of life - and sports is no exception. Unsurprisingly, this pandemic has also stopped the sporting calendar, with professional leagues everywhere suspending their activities to limit the spread of the virus. Guidelines for COVID-19 diagnosis change on a day-to- day basis, as we progress with primary studies and gain more. The guidelines encompass clinical criteria, epidemiological patient history, and molecular diagnostics. Football coaches are keen on perspective and realize that the challenges they face now and in the months ahead hardly compare to the hardships the world confronts during a pandemic, but the return to pre-pandemic activities requires medical guidelines

    Sociology of Migration in Yugoslavia

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