302 research outputs found

    Characteristics of cured lard of Cinta Senese pig fed acorn and chestnut

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    Cured lard is a typical Tuscan dry-cured product, generally obtained from pigs of improved breeds intensively reared. The employment of extensive system in pig rearing could represent a concrete possibility to increase the added value of lard, as well as of the other cured products. Moreover, the general belief of a greater quality of products derived from unimproved pigs, particularly when reared outdoors, has been experimentally supported particularly in Iberian (Carrapiso et al., 2003; Cava et al., 2000) and Corsican pig (Coutron-Gambotti et al., 1998)

    OS-WALK-EU: An open-source tool to assess health-promoting residential walkability of European city structures

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    Introduction This paper introduces OS-WALK-EU, a new open-source walkability assessment tool developed specifically for urban neighbourhoods and using open-source spatial data. A free and open-source tool, OS-WALK-EU is accessible to the general public. It uses open data available worldwide and free online services to compute accessibility, while at the same time allowing users to integrate local datasets if available. Based on a review of existing measurement concepts, the paper adopts dimensions of walkability that were tested in European city environments and explains their conceptualization for software development. We invite the research community to collaboratively test, adopt and use the tool as part of the increasing need to monitor walkability as part of health-promoting urban development. Methods Tool development is based on spatial analysis methods to compute indicators for five dimensions of walkability: residential density, weighted proximities to amenities, pedestrian radius of activity, share of green and blue infrastructure, and slope. Sample uses in the cities of Dublin, Düsseldorf and Lisbon test the validity of input data and results, including scenarios for target groups like older people. Results Overall, application of the tool in Dublin, Düsseldorf and Lisbon shows conclusive results that conform to local knowledge. Shortcomings can be attributed to deficiencies in open source input data. Local administrative data, if available, is suitable to improve results. Conclusions OS-WALK-EU is the first software tool that allows free and open walkability assessments with pedestrian routing capacities for ‘proximity to facilities’ calculations. Large scale implementation for 33 German city regions in an online application shows the value of comparative assessments of walkable neighbourhoods between urban and suburban neighbourhoods. Such assessments are important to monitor progress in a mobility transition towards improved walkability and public health

    Multidetection scheme for transient-grating-based spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved optical spectroscopy represents an effec-tive non-invasive approach to investigate the interplay of different degrees of freedom, which plays a key role in the development of novel functional materials. Here, we present magneto-acoustic data on Ni thin films on SiO2 as obtained by a versatile pump-probe setup that combines transient grating spectroscopy with time-resolved magnetic polarimetry. The possibility to easily switch from a pulsed to continuous wave probe allows probing of acoustic and magnetization dynamics on a broad time scale, in both trans-mission and reflection geometry

    RNA aptamers specific for transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 6 and Clusterin for the targeted delivery of imaging reagents and RNA therapeutics to human β cells

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    The ability to detect and target β cells in vivo can substantially refine how diabetes is studied and treated. However, the lack of specific probes still hampers a precise characterization of human β cell mass and the delivery of therapeutics in clinical settings. Here, we report the identification of two RNA aptamers that specifically and selectively recognize mouse and human β cells. The putative targets of the two aptamers are transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 6 (TMED6) and clusterin (CLUS). When given systemically in immune deficient mice, these aptamers recognize the human islet graft producing a fluorescent signal proportional to the number of human islets transplanted. These aptamers cross-react with endogenous mouse β cells and allow monitoring the rejection of mouse islet allografts. Finally, once conjugated to saRNA specific for X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), they can efficiently transfect non-dissociated human islets, prevent early graft loss, and improve the efficacy of human islet transplantation in immunodeficient in mice

    The spatial coverage of dairy cattle urine patches in an intensively grazed pasture system

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    Accurate field data on the paddock area affected by cow urine depositions are critical to the estimation and modelling of nitrogen (N) losses and N management in grazed pasture systems. A new technique using survey-grade global positioning system (GPS) technology was developed to precisely measure the paddock spatial area coverage, diversity and distribution of dairy cattle urine patches in grazed paddocks over time. A 4-year study was conducted on the Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF), Canterbury, New Zealand, from 2003 to 2007. Twelve field plots, each 100m² in area, were established on typical grazing areas of the farm. All urine and dung deposits within the plots were visually identified, the pasture response area (radius) measured and position marked with survey-grade GPS. The plots were grazed as part of the normal grazing rotation of the farm and urine and dung deposits measured at 12-week intervals. The data were collated using spatial (GIS) software and an assessment of annual urine patch coverage and spatial distribution was made. Grazing intensities ranged from 17645 to 30295 cow grazing h/ha/yr. Mean annual areas of urine patches ranged from 0·34 to 0·40m² (4-year mean 0·37±0·009m²), with small but significant variation between years and seasons. Mean annual urine patch numbers were 6240±124 patches/ha/yr. The mean proportional area coverage for a single sampling event or season was 0·058 and the mean proportional annual urine patch coverage was 0·232±0·0071. There was a strong linear relationship between annual cow grazing h/ha and urine patch numbers/ha (R²=0·69) and also annual urine patch area coverage (R²=0·77). Within the stocking densities observed in this study, an annual increase of 10 000 cow grazing h/ha increased urine patch numbers by 1800 urine patches/ha/yr and annual urine patch area coverage by 0·07. This study presents new quantitative data on urine patch size, numbers and the spatial coverage of patches on a temporal basis

    A novel free-electron laser single-pulse Wollaston polarimeter for magneto-dynamical studies

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    Here, we report on the conceptual design, the hardware realization, and the first experimental results of a novel and compact x-ray polarimeter capable of a single-pulse linear polarization angle detection in the extreme ultraviolet photon energy range. The polarimeter is tested by performing time resolved pump-probe experiments on a Ni80Fe20 Permalloy film at the M-2,M-3 Ni edge at an externally seeded free-electron laser source. Comparison with similar experiments reported in the literature shows the advantages of our approach also in view of future experiments

    Avaliação de atributos físico-químicos e sensoriais de sucos de uva elaborados com nove cultivares de uva.

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    XV Congresso Latino-Americano de Viticultura e Enologia E XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Viticultura e Enologia. Bento Gonçalves-RS, 3 a 7 de Novembro de 2015

    Uvas de mesa produzidas sob cobertura plástica na Serra Gaúcha.

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    XV Congresso Latino-Americano de Viticultura e Enologia E XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Viticultura e Enologia. Bento Gonçalves-RS, 3 a 7 de Novembro de 2015
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