17 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie oprogramowania Matlab do analizy wpływu zniekształcenia prądu wyłączanego na zdolności łączeniowe wyłącznika niskiego napięcia

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    Matlab engineering software application for measurement results’ analysis process improvement has been presented in this paper. The main purpose of the study was the analysis of the impact of the interrupted current distortion level on selected low voltage (LV) circuit-breakers’ (CB) current breaking capability. Influence of various levels and characters of current distortion were analyzed for few types of LV circuit-breakers. Huge number of data collected as the result of performed tests needed process automatization for fast extraction the specific resultant data required for future analysis. It was realized by means of developed Matlab software script. Developed script, basis on recorded diagrams, permitted for fast determination the arcing time, arc energy and power for various voltage levels and interrupted current phase and values.W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie oprogramowania inżynierskiego Matlab do usprawnienia analizy wyników pomiarów uzyskanych drogą eksperymentu. Implementacja opracowanego skryptu pozwoliła na automatyzacje procesu ekstrakcji wybranych danych bezpośrednio z zarejestrowanych drogą pomiarów przebiegów napięć i prądów. Głównym celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wpływu formy oraz poziomu odkształcenia wyłączanego prądu na podstawowe zdolności łączeniowe wybranych łączników niskiego napięcia. Z uwagi na obszerną bazę uzyskanych wyników pomiarów, a tym samym dużą liczbę danych koniecznych do przeprowadzenia analizy, zastosowano specjalnie w tym celu opracowany skrypt dedykowany dla środowiska Matlab, a pozwalający na automatyzacje wspomnianego procesu, w szczególności na wyodrębnienie z pozyskanych przebiegów napięć i prądów, niezbędnych do dalszej analizy informacji. Dzięki opracowanemu oprogramowaniu możliwe stało się szybkie pozyskanie danych dotyczących czasów łukowych, energii i mocy łuku dla różnych parametrów sieci oraz różnych chwil czasowych rozejścia się styków

    RESCRIPt: Reproducible sequence taxonomy reference database management

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    Nucleotide sequence and taxonomy reference databases are critical resources for widespread applications including marker-gene and metagenome sequencing for microbiome analysis, diet metabarcoding, and environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys. Reproducibly generating, managing, using, and evaluating nucleotide sequence and taxonomy reference databases creates a significant bottleneck for researchers aiming to generate custom sequence databases. Furthermore, database composition drastically influences results, and lack of standardization limits cross-study comparisons. To address these challenges, we developed RESCRIPt, a Python 3 software package and QIIME 2 plugin for reproducible generation and management of reference sequence taxonomy databases, including dedicated functions that streamline creating databases from popular sources, and functions for evaluating, comparing, and interactively exploring qualitative and quantitative characteristics across reference databases. To highlight the breadth and capabilities of RESCRIPt, we provide several examples for working with popular databases for microbiome profiling (SILVA, Greengenes, NCBI-RefSeq, GTDB), eDNA and diet metabarcoding surveys (BOLD, GenBank), as well as for genome comparison. We show that bigger is not always better, and reference databases with standardized taxonomies and those that focus on type strains have quantitative advantages, though may not be appropriate for all use cases. Most databases appear to benefit from some curation (quality filtering), though sequence clustering appears detrimental to database quality. Finally, we demonstrate the breadth and extensibility of RESCRIPt for reproducible workflows with a comparison of global hepatitis genomes. RESCRIPt provides tools to democratize the process of reference database acquisition and management, enabling researchers to reproducibly and transparently create reference materials for diverse research applications. RESCRIPt is released under a permissive BSD-3 license at https://github.com/bokulich-lab/RESCRIPt.ISSN:1553-734XISSN:1553-735

    Splenectomy in severe haemophilia

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    The management of any surgical condition in a haemophilia patient is a challenging problem for the surgeon. It is particularly difficult if the patient presents in extremis, with no apparent cause for their collapse. We report a case of successful management of spontaneous splenic rupture in a severe haemophiliac, and review the literature associated with this unusual condition.Caldicott, David; Bonnin, Robert; Lloyd, John; Day, Pete

    Experiences and lessons learned from two virtual, hands-on microbiome bioinformatics workshops

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    In October of 2020, in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, our team hosted our first fully online workshop teaching the QIIME 2 microbiome bioinformatics platform. We had 75 enrolled participants who joined from at least 25 different countries on 6 continents, and we had 22 instructors on 4 continents. In the 5-day workshop, participants worked hands-on with a cloud-based shared compute cluster that we deployed for this course. The event was well received, and participants provided feedback and suggestions in a postworkshop questionnaire. In January of 2021, we followed this workshop with a second fully online workshop, incorporating lessons from the first. Here, we present details on the technology and protocols that we used to run these workshops, focusing on the first workshop and then introducing changes made for the second workshop. We discuss what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what we plan to do differently in future workshops.ISSN:1553-734XISSN:1553-735