5,609 research outputs found

    Integral and measure-turnpike properties for infinite-dimensional optimal control systems

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    We first derive a general integral-turnpike property around a set for infinite-dimensional non-autonomous optimal control problems with any possible terminal state constraints, under some appropriate assumptions. Roughly speaking, the integral-turnpike property means that the time average of the distance from any optimal trajectory to the turnpike set con- verges to zero, as the time horizon tends to infinity. Then, we establish the measure-turnpike property for strictly dissipative optimal control systems, with state and control constraints. The measure-turnpike property, which is slightly stronger than the integral-turnpike property, means that any optimal (state and control) solution remains essentially, along the time frame, close to an optimal solution of an associated static optimal control problem, except along a subset of times that is of small relative Lebesgue measure as the time horizon is large. Next, we prove that strict strong duality, which is a classical notion in optimization, implies strict dissipativity, and measure-turnpike. Finally, we conclude the paper with several comments and open problems

    Nakayama automorphisms of double Ore extensions of Koszul regular algebras

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    Let AA be a Koszul Artin-Schelter regular algebra and σ\sigma an algebra homomorphism from AA to M2×2(A)M_{2\times 2}(A). We compute the Nakayama automorphisms of a trimmed double Ore extension AP[y1,y2;σ]A_P[y_1, y_2; \sigma] (introduced in \cite{ZZ08}). Using a similar method, we also obtain the Nakayama automorphism of a skew polynomial extension A[t;θ]A[t; \theta], where θ\theta is a graded algebra automorphism of AA. These lead to a characterization of the Calabi-Yau property of AP[y1,y2;σ]A_P[y_1, y_2; \sigma], the skew Laurent extension A[t±1;θ]A[t^{\pm 1}; \theta] and A[y1±1,y2±1;σ]A[y_1^{\pm 1}, y_2^{\pm 1}; \sigma] with σ\sigma a diagonal type.Comment: The paper has been heavily revised including the title, and will appear in Manuscripta Mathematic