33 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje antimikrobne aktivnosti Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit

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    Antimicrobial activities of two ethanolic extracts made from fresh and dried leaves of Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L\u27Hérit, were tested against fourteen species of bacteria and fifteen species of fungi. The well-diffusion method indicated the strongest activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The broth dilution method revealed that the most sensitive microorganisms were Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens. Extract prepared from fresh leaves showed significantly higher antimicrobial activity than the extract prepared from dried leaves.Od svježih, odnosno suhih listova Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit, pripravljena su dva etanolna ekstrakta. Antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata je ispitana na četrnaest bakterijskih vrsta i petnaest vrsta gljivica. Metodom difuzije najjače djelovanje pokazivao je ekstrakt na vrstu Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Najosjetljiviji mikroorganizmi u metodi dilucije bili su Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli i Serratia marcescens. Ekstrakt pripravljen od svježih listova pokazao je znatno veću antimikrobnu aktivnost od ekstrakta priređenog od suhih listova

    Antimikrobna aktivnost flavonoida Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit

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    Flavonoids from Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L\u27Hérit were purified by column chromatography. Two fractions were obtained: F1 (main flavonoid isoquercitrin) and F2 (main flavonoid rutin). In vitro antimicrobial activity of F1 and F2 were tested against eleven species of bacteria and eleven species of fungi. Both fractions demonstrated strong inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus rettgeri, Candida tropicalis and Microsporum gypseum. Staphylococcus sp. (coagulase-negative) and Candida lusitaniae were strongly inhibited only by fraction F1 and Fusarium graminearum only by fraction F2.Flavonoidi biljne vrste Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit pročišćeni su kromatografijom na stupcu. Dobivene su dvije glavne flavonoidne frakcije: F1 (vodeći flavonoid izokvercitrin) i F2 (vodeći flavonoid rutin). Dilucijskom i difuzijskom metodom određena je antimikrobna aktivnost F1 i F2 na jedanaest bakterijskih sojeva i jedanaest sojeva gljivica. Obje frakcije pokazale su snažno inhibicijsko djelovanje na sojeve Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus rettgeri, Candida tropicalis i Microsporum gypseum. Na sojeve Staphylococcus sp. (koagulaza-negativan) i Candida lusitaniae snažno je djelovala samo frakcija F1, a na Fusarium graminearum samo frakcija F2

    Antidepresivni učinak Hipericum perforatum L. mjeren pomoću dvije eksperimentalne metode na miševima

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    The pharmacological approach to the treatment of depression includes a long-term employment of antidepressants, either in the form of monotherapy or as a combination of several antidepressants with various mechanisms of action. Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John\u27s wort) is the only natural antidepressant. Several constituents of the extract, such as hypericin and hyperforin seem to be important for this effect. H. perforatum is considered to be an effective alternative to other therapeutic agents in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. The paper describes the investigation of the antidepressant effect of H. perforatum (doses 7, 35 and 70 mg kg-1 b.m.) on mice using the forced-swimming and tail suspension methods. As an indicator of the antidepressant effect, it was shown that the immobility time of animals in the forced-swimming and tail-suspension experiments was shorter, i.e. the activity of the animals was higher. With single doses of extract suspension increasing from 7, over 35 to 70 mg kg-1 of extract suspension, the antidepressant effect increased in proportion by 10.1%, 25.8% and 38.6% in the swimming method, and by 12.7%, 16.5% and 24.5% in the tai-suspension method compared to controls. H. perforatum extract displays a dose-dependent antidepressant effect at a dose as low as 7 mg kg-1. Both models have proved to be equally valuable for demonstration of substances with a potential antidepressant effect.Farmakološki pristup liječenju depresije uključuje dugotrajnu prijmjenu antidepresiva, pri čemu se oni mogu primjenjivati kao monoterapija ili pak kao kombinacija više lijekova s različitim mehanizmima djelovanje. Hipericum perforatum L. (gospina trava) je jedini prirodni antidepresiv koji je djelotvoran u liječenju depresivnih poremećaja blagog i srednje jakog intenziteta. Za antidepresivno djelovanje gospine trave čini se da su najzaslužniji hipericin i hiperforin. U ovom radu ispitivan je antidepresivni učinak niskih doza ekstrakta H. perforatum i to: 7, 35 i 70 mg kg-1 na miševima pomoću metode «prinudnog plivanja» i «vješanja za rep». Kao pokazatelj antidepresivnog djelovanja mjereno je vrijeme mirovanja životinja- što je ono bilo kraće, aktivnost životinja je bila veća, pa je antidepresivni učinak bio jači. Povećanjem doze sa 7 mg kg-1 na 35 odnosno 70 mg kg-1, antidepresivni učinak ekstrakta H. perforatum bio je veći u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja i to za 10,1%, 25,8% i 38,6% u metodi plivanja, odnosno za 12,7%, 16,5% i 24,5% u metodi vješanja za rep. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na antidepresivno djelovanje ekstrakta gospine trave već nakon jednokratne primjene niskih doza u oba korištena eksperimentalna modela

    Antimikrobni učinak eteričnog ulja borovice (Juniperus communis L., Cupressaceae)

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    Juniper essential oil (Juniperi aetheroleum) was obtained from the juniper berry, and the GC/MS analysis showed that the main compounds in the oil were alpha-pinene (29.17%) and betha-pinene (17.84%), sabinene (13.55%), limonene (5.52%), and mircene (0.33%). The juniper essential oil was evaluated for the antimicrobial activity against sixteen bacterial species, seven yeast-like fungi, three yeast and four dermatophyte strains. Juniper essential oil showed similar bactericidal activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species; with MIC values between 8 and 70% (V/V) as well as a strong fungicidal activity against yeasts, yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes, with the MIC values below 10%, V/V. The strongest fungicidal activity was recorded against Candida spp. (MIC from 0.78 to 2 %, V/V) and dermatophytes (from 0.39 to 2%, V/V).Eterično ulje borovice (Juniperi aetheroleum) dobiveno je iz plodova (bobica Juniperus communis L., Cupressaceae) GC/MS analizom dokazane su glavne sastavnice alpha-pinen (29,17%) i beta-pinen (17,84%), sabinen (13,55%), limonen (5,52%) i mircen (0,33%). Ispitan je antimikrobni učinak eteričnog ulja borovice na 16 bakterijskih vrsta, 7 kvasaca i kvascima sličnim gljivicama, te 4 vrste dermatofita. Eterično ulje borovice pokazuje slični baktericidan učinak na Gram-pozitivne i Gram-negativne bakterijske vrste s MIK vrijednostima između 8 i 70% (V/V). Ulje pokazuje snažni protugljivični učinak s MIK vrijednostima ispod 10% (V/V). Najjača protugljivična aktivnost uočena je na vrste roda Candida, s MIK vrijednostima između 0,78 i 2% (V/V) i na dermatofite s MIK vrijednostima između 0,39 i 2% (V/V)

    Chemical Differentiation of Berberis croatica and B. vulgaris Using HPLC Fingerprinting

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    In Croatia, two indigenous species of the genus Berberis L. occur: common barberry (B. vulgaris L.) and Croatian barberry (B. croatica Horvat), endemic to the Balkano-Illyric region. As a contribution to the chemotaxonomy of the two species, differences of their RP-HPLC chromatograms were investigated. A HPLC method combined with Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic means (UPGMA) was developed for species differentiation and compared to several previously described procedures for the differentiation of other species. The results indicate that common and Croatian barberry are closely related species, but can be differentiated according to their HPLC fingerprints under appropriate chromatographic conditions and selection of clustering variables. Generally, the amount of berberine was higher in samples obtained from B. vulgaris than from B. croatica

    Chemical Differentiation of Berberis croatica and B. vulgaris Using HPLC Fingerprinting

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    In Croatia, two indigenous species of the genus Berberis L. occur: common barberry (B. vulgaris L.) and Croatian barberry (B. croatica Horvat), endemic to the Balkano-Illyric region. As a contribution to the chemotaxonomy of the two species, differences of their RP-HPLC chromatograms were investigated. A HPLC method combined with Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic means (UPGMA) was developed for species differentiation and compared to several previously described procedures for the differentiation of other species. The results indicate that common and Croatian barberry are closely related species, but can be differentiated according to their HPLC fingerprints under appropriate chromatographic conditions and selection of clustering variables. Generally, the amount of berberine was higher in samples obtained from B. vulgaris than from B. croatica

    Što bi ljekarnici trebali znati o ginsengu

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    Ginseng is primarily used as an adaptogen. Ginseng increases non-specific immune system function of the organism against physical, chemical or biological stress. Since • ancient times, ginseng has proved its efficacy in relieving tiredness and in improving physical condition. The effect against stress and tiredness was confirmed in numerous biological trials. Studies have been conducted on the effect of ginseng which show that ginseng and its saponin glycosides can improve the memory and the ability to study. Ginseng can also improve sexual function. Ginseng is recommended to students, sportsmen, managers and elderly people. It is not suitable for pregnant women and children. It was well studied in numerous clinical trials. Some side effects such as diarrhea, insomnia and skin rashes are possible. There are also some contraindications (acute illnesses accompained with fever, asthma). It is very important to follow the instructions concerning the correct dosage of ginseng and how it should be taken

    Antimicrobial activity of flavonoids from Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit

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    Flavonoidi biljne vrste Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L’Hérit pročišćeni su kromatografijom na stupcu. Dobivene su dvije glavne flavonoidne frakcije: F1 (vodeći flavonoid izokvercitrin) i F2 (vodeći flavonoid rutin). Dilucijskom i difuzijskom metodom određena je antimikrobna aktivnost F1 i F2 na jedanaest bakterijskih sojeva i jedanaest sojeva gljivica. Obje frakcije pokazale su snažno inhibicijsko djelovanje na sojeve Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus rettgeri, Candida tropicalis i Microsporum gypseum. Na sojeve Staphylococcus sp. (koagulaza-negativan) i Candida lusitaniae snažno je djelovala samo frakcija F1, a na Fusarium graminearum samo frakcija F2.Flavonoids from Pelargonium radula (Cav.) L'Hérit were purified by column chromatography. Two fractions were obtained: F1 (main flavonoid isoquercitrin) and F2 (main flavonoid rutin). In vitro antimicrobial activity of F1 and F2 were tested against eleven species of bacteria and eleven species of fungi. Both fractions demonstrated strong inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus rettgeri, Candida tropicalis and Microsporum gypseum. Staphylococcus sp. (coagulase-negative) and Candida lusitaniae were strongly inhibited only by fraction F1 and Fusarium graminearum only by fraction F2

    Psihotropna biljna vrsta Salvia divinorum Epl. & Jativa - izvor najpotentnijeg halucinogena u prirodi

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    This review article summarizes the current knowledge about the metabolism, pharmacological effect, traditional and modem therapeutic use and safety of S. divinorum. Salvia divinorum is a plant of the Lamiaceae family which has a psychoactive, hallucinogenic effect. The main psychoactive ingredient is diterpene salvinorin A which is considered the most potent natural hallucinogen. Hallucinogenic doses in humans are estimated as low as 200-500 μg. ln the traditional medicine the plant is consumed primarily to encourage shamanic visions in the context of healing or divination, but also as a drug at lower doses (diuretic, antidiaroic, antianemic, analgesic and antirheumatic). The research has shown that salvinorin A is a potent K-opioid receptor agonist. K-opioid receptors agonists are of therapeutic importance in treating pain and possibly drug addiction, eating disorders, depression, and even in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, salvinorin A represents a new class of selective K-opioid receptor agonist without nitrogen in its structure. Such agonists have profound influence on human cognition and perception. There are suggestions that salvinorin A could be useful in treating certain psychiatric disorders (eg Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and dementia). lt also becomes a new molecular candidate in the development of antipsychotic drugs