21 research outputs found
It was found that rats with high resistance to hypoxic hypoxia are able to survive longer in conditions of hypercapnic hypoxia. These rats have a lower intensity of energy metabolism in comparison with low-resistant to hypoxia animals.Установлено, что крысы, обладающие высокой устойчивостью к гипоксической гипоксии способны дольше выживать и в условиях гиперкапнической гипоксии. Эти крысы имеют более низкую интенсивность энергетического обмена по сравнению с низкоустойчивыми к гипоксии животными
The reaction to local cooling of the brush in natives of hot regions and a region with a temperate climate is considered. It is shown that the natives of African countries, when adapting to the conditions of the temperate climate of Russia, there is an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system and a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic department. In immigrants from the countries of the Near and Middle East with local cooling, changes in vegetative regulation coincide with changes in rooted inhabitants of the temperate climate: the activity of the parasympathetic division of the vegetative nervous system decreases and sympathetic activity increases
The article presents the results of the studies of the interhemispheric cerebral interactions in visual perception moving spatial images in real time by visual test «Ballerina» of V.Pygach. It was shown the dynamics of cerebral interhemispheric asymmetry of students in various functional states. The dominance of ambidexterity was observed for the most of the students at rest. Interhemispheric interactions are more flexible and can dynamically change within relative short-term periods at ambidexters. After fulfillment of the proof-reading test of Burdon-Anfimov the dominance of the left hemisphere was observed for the most of the students and increased by 30 per cent.Получены данные об изменении направленности межполушарной асимметрии мозга в различных функциональных состояниях у студентов при восприятии движущихся перцептивных образов в момент тестирования с помощью психофизиологического визуального теста В. Пугача «Балерина». У студентов в состоянии покоя преобладает амбидекстрия. Изменение межполушарных отношений быстрее происходит у амбидекстров. После выполнения корректурной пробы БурдонаАнфимова показатели левополушарности увеличиваются на 30%
The reaction to local cooling of the brush in natives of hot regions and a region with a temperate climate is considered. It is shown that the natives of African countries, when adapting to the conditions of the temperate climate of Russia, there is an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system and a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic department. In immigrants from the countries of the Near and Middle East with local cooling, changes in vegetative regulation coincide with changes in rooted inhabitants of the temperate climate: the activity of the parasympathetic division of the vegetative nervous system decreases and sympathetic activity increases.Рассматривается реакция на локальное охлаждение кисти у уроженцев жарких регионов и региона с умеренным климатом. Показано, что у уроженцев африканских стран, при адаптации к условиям умеренного климата России наблюдается повышения активность парасимпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы и снижение активности симпатического отдела. У выходцев из стран Ближнего и Среднего Востока при локальном охлаждении изменения вегетативной регуляции совпадает с изменениями у коренных жителей умеренного климата: снижается активность парасимпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы и повышается симпатическог
The article presents the results of the studies of the interhemispheric cerebral interactions in visual perception moving spatial images in real time by visual test «Ballerina» of V.Pygach. It was shown the dynamics of cerebral interhemispheric asymmetry of students in various functional states. The dominance of ambidexterity was observed for the most of the students at rest. Interhemispheric interactions are more flexible and can dynamically change within relative short-term periods at ambidexters. After fulfillment of the proof-reading test of Burdon-Anfimov the dominance of the left hemisphere was observed for the most of the students and increased by 30 per cent.Получены данные об изменении направленности межполушарной асимметрии мозга в различных функциональных состояниях у студентов при восприятии движущихся перцептивных образов в момент тестирования с помощью психофизиологического визуального теста В. Пугача «Балерина». У студентов в состоянии покоя преобладает амбидекстрия. Изменение межполушарных отношений быстрее происходит у амбидекстров. После выполнения корректурной пробы БурдонаАнфимова показатели левополушарности увеличиваются на 30%
Glyprolines exert protective and repair-promoting effects in the rat stomach: Potential role of the cytokine GRO/CINC-1
Glyprolines have been reported to exert protective effects in the stomach. In this study, we examined the potential effects of intranasal administration of Pro-Gly-Pro (PGP) and N-acetyl-Pro-Gly-Pro (AcPGP) on experimental gastric ulcer formation and healing. We also studied gastric release of the cytokine GRO/CINC-1, and its potential role in ulcer development and healing. Gastric ulcers were induced in rats by applying acetic acid to the serosa of the stomach. PGP and AcPGP were then administered at a dose of 3.7 µmol/kg once daily on either days 1 – 3 (ulcer formation) or days 4 – 6 (ulcer healing). Measurement of ulcer area and histological examination of gastric tissue were carried out on days 4 and 7 after application of acetic acid. In vitro studies involved addition of the glyprolines to cultured rat gastric epithelial cells with or without lipopolysaccharide. Reverse transcription PCR, real-time PCR and ELISAwere used for cytokine analysis. PGP and AcPGP significantly reduced ulcer areas on the 4th day and accelerated the healing on the 7th day compared with the control. After acetic acid-induced ulceration, the expression of GRO/CINC-1 mRNA in gastric tissue was increased 9-fold versus the sham-operated group. Treatment with PGP or AcPGP both significantly suppressed the expression of GRO/CINC-1 mRNA in gastric tissue. However, the glyprolines did not alter LPS-induced mRNA expression or release of GRO/CINC-1 from cultured rat gastric epithelial cells, even though those cells were harvested from rats subjected to the ulcer-induction procedure. The results of this study show that intranasal administration of PGP and AcPGP significantly increased resistance against acetic acid-induced ulceration and accelerated healing in the rats. These effects may be due, at least in part, to their ability to reduce the acetic acid-induced GRO/CINC-1 expression and production in gastric tissue. © 2016, Polish Physiological Society. All rights reserved
The effect of music embedded with binaural beats on heart rate parameters during nap [Vliyanie muzyki s effektom binaural'nykh bienii na parametry serdechnogo ritma cheloveka v protsesse dnevnogo sna]
OBJECTIVE: To test hypothesis that music embedded with binaural beats can boost activity of parasympathetic part of autonomic nervous system (PPANS) with the development of nap. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The power of high-frequency component of heart rate variability spectrum computed on successive 2-minute intervals during 20-minute nap was a comparison criterion. The criterion was compared during nap accompanied by music with embedded binaural beats (stimulus condition) and nap in silence (control condition). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Statistical comparison revealed the increase of PPANS activity during nap in stimulus condition vs. control condition. It is consistent with conclusions of other papers about positive effect of sound stimuli embedded with binaural beats on PPANS.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Проверка гипотезы о том, что музыка с эффектом бинауральных биений (ББ) способна усиливать активацию парасимпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы (ПОВНС) по мере углубления дневного сна. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ: Параметром сравнения была мощность высокочастотной составляющей спектра вариабельности сердечного ритма испытуемых, вычисляемая на последовательных 2-минутных интервалах в течение 20-минутного дневного сна. Параметр сравнивали при засыпании на фоне музыки с эффектом ББ (стимул) и при засыпании в тишине (контроль). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ И ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Статистическое сравнение показало более высокую активацию ПОВНС по мере засыпания на фоне стимула по сравнению с контролем. Это согласуется с выводами других публикаций о положительном влиянии звуковых стимулов с эффектом ББ на ПОВНС
The effect of music containing binaural beats on daytime fall-asleep dynamics
Objective. To test the hypothesis that listening to the music with the effect of binaural beats of theta and delta range during nap decreases sleep latency defined by 2nd slow wave sleep stage appearance, as well as improves its stability. Material and methods. The experimental set of 20 min duration was established according to the counterbalanced scheme with 21 subjects. Each subject participated in two attempts: one attempt included sound stimulation (music) and another one was sham (silence).Results and conclusion. The decrease in sleep latency during stimulation is not confirmed reliably. The increase in sleep stability has been confirmed reliably using nonlinear regression model. The findings can be used in the development of non-pharmacologic ways of sleep treatment. © 2020, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved
Adaptive mechanisms of a mouse locomotor muscles "m.soleus" and "m.edl" the conditions of the allergic modification of the organism
The relevance of the problem discussed in the article is connected to the fact that mandatory athletes’ vaccination before competitions leads to the change in the function of the muscular system, the mechanisms of which have not yet been fully clarified. The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanism of a mouse skeletal muscles adaptation (SM) ("fast" (in case of m.edl) and "slow" (in case of m.soleus) in case of allergic alteration. The following research methods were used in the presented work: registration of the constrictive function of the abovementioned muscles in vitro to the humoral constriction initiators (carbacholinum and KCI) and determination of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) level in them, just as the indicators of the oxidant and antioxidant equilibrium. It has been demonstrated that the change in the “slow” muscle strength correlates with the MDA level dynamics, evidently, reflects the adaptation processes during the allergic modification. "Fast" muscles turn out to be more sustainable to oxidative stress which is most probably achieved by the work of compensatory mechanisms and is expressed in quite minor changes in the MDA dynamics. The article can be used in the search of the new possibilities for the correction of the locomotor muscles function in the conditions of the allergy, аnd also while the therapeutic impact strategy is determined, taking into account their fiber composition. © 2020 North Atlantic University Union NAUN. All rights reserved