600 research outputs found

    Applying Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning and Capital (Rgec) Method to Predict the Bank Health (Case Study on PT. Bank Tabungan Negara)

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    This study aimed to analyze the health of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk over period of 2013 to 2017 RGEC method approach (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, Capital). This research is quantitative descriptive method. The variables in this study include Risk Profile using the ratio of Non Performing Loans (NPLs) and loan to Deposits Ratio (LDR), GCG using Composite Rating GCG, Earnings use ratios Return on Assets (ROA) and Net Interest Margin (NIM) and Last Capital uses Adequacy Capital ratio (CAR). The results showed Bank BTN predicate healthy enough where banks are still quite capable of carrying out risk-based banking management well, so they deserve to be trusted community. However, the calculation of the proportion of Loan to Deposits Ratio (LDR) is below standard bank of Indonesia with the predicate less healthy

    Semiotic in “a Mild Go Ahead” Version on Television

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    This research focused on semiotic used in A Mild Go Ahead. The aims are to find the use of semiotic and identify the meaning in A Mild Go Ahead.The data werethree television advertisements from A Mild Go Ahead entitled “Satu Aksi = Segalanya, We Are One and Free, and Orang Pemimpi. The researchwas conducted by using descriptive qualitative research.The findings show that there were three elements of semiotic used, such as representamen (qualisign, sinsign, legisign), object (icon, index, symbol), and interpretant (rheme, decisign, argument),which then devided into 9 types of semiotic;Qualisign (0),Legisign (9), Sinsign (34), Icon (12), Index (27), Symbol (4), Rheme (9), Decisign (19) and Argument (16). The most dominant type of semiotic in the advertisements is sinsign, and it means that A Mild Go Aheadpersuade their audiences by showing the real example of their products

    Study of Karonese Affixation in Forming Verb

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    This study deals with affixation of Karo Language in forming verb. The objectives of this study are to describe the morphological process of affixation in forming verbin Karo language as well as to describe the function and the grammatical meanings of affixation in forming verb in Karo language. The method of research is library research by reading some books related to this study. The instruments of collection data used tape recorder. The technique of analysis data is documentary technique namely identifying the data, classifying the data and finding the dominant type of affixation in Karo language. The findings showed that there are four kinds of Karonese affixation in forming verb namely: (1). Prefix occurs 51 (48%). (2). Infixes occurs 3 (2%), (3). Suffixes occurs 43 (30%) and (4). Confixes occurs 18 (10%) and the total occorences is 119. So the dominant type of affixation found in Karonese in forming verb is Prefix occurs 51(48%). The function of affixation in Karo language are derivational and inflectional, derivational is change the meaning after attached by affix to the stem for example: {er-} + lajang → /erlajang/, /lajang/ means ‘alone', prefix {er-} is inserted, it becomes /erlajang/ means ‘going' and inflectional is does not change the meanings after attached by affix to the stem for example: ayak + {-i} → /ayaki/ , /ayak/ means ‘running', suffix {-i} inserted, it becomes /ayaki/ means “running” . The grammatical meanings of affixation in Karo language in forming verb are process and activity for example /ersada/ ‘gathered' meaning of affix {er-} is as process and /erjuma/ ‘ farming' meaning of affix {er-} is as activity

    Fonotaktik Dan Tekanan Dalam Bahasa Gayo Lut

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    Fonotaktik dan tekanan dalam bahasa Gayo Lut direalisasikan berdasarkan teori Fonologi Autosegmen yang terdiri dari konsep suku kata atau dikenal dengan organisasi suku kata ( σ ) dalam bentuk Onesert (K), Nukleus (V) dan Koda (K). Penutur Bahasa Gayo Lut cenderung memiliki ciri fonotaktik kata dan suku kata (SK)→ Nu (KO) → O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, dan O6 yang sangat bervariasi, seperti K→(Pb, td, kg, cj, sh, Ir, mn, ŋ, wj) dan V → /i, e, ə, , o, u ) dan Koda → (Pb, td, k, sh, mn, ŋ, Ir, dan w).Adapun jenis tekanan cenderung bervariasi yaitu terdapat 6 jenis tekanan (1) tekanan kata eka suku, (2) tekanan kata dwisuku, (3) tekakan kata trisuku, (4) tekanan bunyi suku kata pra akhir, (5) tekanan bunyi suku kata akhir, dan (6) tekanan kata lebih dari tiga suku kata

    Sistem Nominalisasi Bahasa Gayo: Kajian Struktur dan Semantik

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    This article deals with the system of nominalization in Gayo language. It is aimed at investigating the procces of morphology in terms of affixation based on the two different stems: adjective and verb in Gayo language. Semantically this is to find out the grammatical meaning carried out by the procces of affixation. The method of reaserch applied qualitative and descriptive by natural approach developed by (Seliger and Elana: 1989) and (Muhadjir:1989). The object of the reaserch is nominalization in Gayo language. The sources of the data used the text books which written in Gayo language as well as using informants of Gayo native speakers. Based on the analysis of the data, the findings showing that the procces of affixation in the system of nominalization in Gayo language based on the stems adjective and Verb. Based on the adjective stem the highest frequency is an affix {ke-en} (34.30%). In other words, it is the most productive one, and infix {-in-} the lowest one (0.25%). Based on the verb stem the highest frequency is an affix {pen-en} (13.68%). While the lowest one is the one affix {we-} (0.23%). Therefore the grammatical meanings resuling from the procces of the affixation for nominalization in Gayo language tend to be varities. There are, 8 types of affixes and 17 types of grammatical meanings which based on the adjective stem. While in verb stem there are 7 types of affixes and 12 types of grammatical meanings. And semantically, there are 11 types of grammatical meanings

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Persamaan Differensial Pada Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Pencapaian Konsep Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika

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    Permasalahan mendasar yang akan dipecahkan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah penerapan model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Persamaan Differensial? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran Persamaan Differensial melalui model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Persamaan Differensial yang ditandai dengan peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar Persamaan Differensial dalam setiap siklus : (1) Siklus I (rata-rata = 57,38) , dan Siklus II (rata-rata = 61,92),) ; (2) peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang bernilai ≥ 60 dari Siklus I (52,31 %) ke Siklus II (73,85 %), meskipun target indikator kinerja setiap siklus yaitu 75 % mahasiswa bernilai ≥ 60 belum tercapai. Kata