40 research outputs found

    Secretory breast carcinoma with metastatic sentinel lymph node

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    BACKGROUND: Secretory mammary carcinoma is a rare breast neoplasia originally described in children but sometimes also found in adults. It presents a more favourable outcome than more common histological types of breast carcinoma; published literature in fact reports only a few cases with axillary lymph node metastases and only four cases with distant metastases. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: In this paper we report a rare case of secretory breast carcinoma with axillary lymph node metastases in a 33-year-old woman. To our knowledge, this is the first case of secretory carcinoma involving biopsy of the sentinel lymph node and investigation of the e-cadherin expression. We found positivity for e-cadherin, which would support the hypothesis that this type of tumour is a variant of the infiltrating ductal carcinoma. CONCLUSION: After a careful analysis of reported data, we have come to the conclusion that the treatment of choice for patients with secretory breast carcinoma should be conservative surgery with sentinel lymph node biopsy, followed by accurate follow-up. We are of the opinion that while post-operative radiotherapy is indicated in adult patients who have undergone quadrantectomy, it should not be used in children. Although several cases of secretory carcinoma have been treated with adjuvant chemotherapy, there are still no reliable data regarding the real value of such a choice

    Neonatal EEG Analysis Toolbox (NEAT) Code and Data

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    Many qualitative and quantitative metrics have been developed to analyze the output of limited-channel EEG recordings in neonates. A significant roadblock in the widespread dissemination of these techniques is the device-specific, “black-box” nature of the analytic algorithms, preventing comparison between studies and the obsolescence of old recordings as software is abandoned. We have developed NEAT (Neonatal EEG Analysis Toolbox) as an open-source software platform to overcome these challenges. NEAT runs within MATLAB or GNU Octave and is designed to work with any single-channel EEG input, regardless of source or sampling rate. The experimental GUI is only compatible with MATLAB. This package includes source code for MATLAB and GNU Octave and a sample recording file for testing purposes. System Requirements: MATLAB r2016a or later with the Signal Processing Toolbox or GNU Octave version 4.4.1 or later with the 'signal' package Release Notes: Release 2 - 7/16/2020 -Added GNU Octave variation of aEEG and SEF tools -Changed bandpass filter in SEF algorithm from Butterworth to FIR design for better GNU Octave compatibility Release 1 - 06/21/2017 -Includes two command-line MATLAB functions to generate aEEG signal and calculate spectral edge frequency -Includes experimental GUI, allowing for linked navigation of raw/aEEG signal

    Racial disparities in calculated risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a dataset

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    Output from the NICHD BPD Outcomes calculator (https://neonatal.rti.org/index.cfm) for 109 synthetic patients, systematic varied by birth weight, sex, race, ventilator mode, and FiO2. Calculator output reveals significant disparity in prediction of BPD risk for black infants, driven primarily by competing outcome of death. Consensus guidelines for the use of postnatal steroids may inadvertently under prescribe steroid treatment for this high-risk population.In this dataset, columns 2-8 encompass clinical and demographic factors while columns 9-14 provide the calculated risk of death, severe BPD, moderate BPD, mild BPD, no BPD, and combined risk of moderate/severe BPD.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Neonatal EEG Analysis Toolbox (NEAT) Code and Data

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    Many qualitative and quantitative metrics have been developed to analyze the output of limited-channel EEG recordings in neonates. A significant roadblock in the widespread dissemination of these techniques is the device-specific, “black-box” nature of the analytic algorithms, preventing comparison between studies and the obsolescence of old recordings as software is abandoned. We have developed NEAT (Neonatal EEG Analysis Toolbox) as an open-source software platform to overcome these challenges. NEAT runs within MATLAB or GNU Octave and is designed to work with any single-channel EEG input, regardless of source or sampling rate. The experimental GUI is only compatible with MATLAB. This package includes source code for MATLAB and GNU Octave and a sample recording file for testing purposes. System Requirements: MATLAB r2016a or later with the Signal Processing Toolbox or GNU Octave version 4.4.1 or later with the 'signal' package Release Notes: Release 2 - 7/16/2020 -Added GNU Octave variation of aEEG and SEF tools -Changed bandpass filter in SEF algorithm from Butterworth to FIR design for better GNU Octave compatibility Release 1 - 06/21/2017 -Includes two command-line MATLAB functions to generate aEEG signal and calculate spectral edge frequency -Includes experimental GUI, allowing for linked navigation of raw/aEEG signal

    Synchronous Occurrence of Collagenous and Pseudomembranous Colitis

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    Synchronous collagenous and pseudomembranous colitis has not been previously reported. A 73-year-old woman presented with chronic watery diarrhea and abdominal cramping of six weeks’ duration. Biopsies of the colon revealed findings of collagenous colitis involving the endoscopically normal right colon, and superimposed collagenous and pseudomembranous colitis involving the rectosigmoid colon. Endoscopically, the left colon revealed discrete ulcerative plaques, and Clostridium difficile toxin A assay was positive. The patient partially responded to a three-week regimen of metronidazole, and symptoms resolved completely with subsequent steroid therapy. At follow-up endoscopy four months later, colon biopsies demonstrated persistence of subepithelial collagen but no pseudomembranes. The patient remained asymptomatic during this interval. Collagenous colitis has been reported in association with other inflammatory bowel diseases, including lymphocytic colitis, sprue and idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. This unique association of collagenous colitis with an endotoxigenic inflammatory bowel disease is presented with a review of related disease features

    Elastofibromatous Polyp of the Sigmoid Colon - A Case Report and Review of Gastrointestinal Elastofibromas

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    Elastofibromatous change in the gastrointestinal tract is a rarely reported, usually polypoid lesion of unknown etiology with submucosal stromal change that may mimic amyloid deposition. The constituent amorphous material of the polyp stroma has distinctive features that permit an accurate assessment and diagnosis including: distribution of the material predominantly in the submucosa; distinctive fibrillar and granular appearance of the deposits; thick, irregular, haphazardly arranged bundles of elastic fibres positive for Verhoeff’s elastic stain; ultrastructural fibres with an electron dense curvilinear or beaded appearance; lack of amyloid type vascular wall deposits; and lack of amyloid congophilia or crystal violet metachromasia.The clinical, light microscopic, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of this deposited material are reviewed in detail in the present report of a patient who presented with an asymptomatic polypoid lesion of the sigmoid colon. Other reported cases are summarized, and their clinical and pathological features are compared with the current case