2 research outputs found


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    The results of the study outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis in adults in the Tomsk Region. Patients conducted a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination. Revealed the prevalence of autonomic disorders in individuals who have had at different periods of tick-borne encephalitis, which is regarded as the effects of tick-borne infection. Residual effects of tick-borne encephalitis occurs mainly in the form of light paresis after suffering a focal forms. Among the chronic (progredient) forms of tick-borne encephalitis often formed hyperkinetic options. Most of the study revealed the presence of precipitating factors that could have an influence on the outcome. Fundamental diffe rences in all-clinical and immunological analyses at patients with various outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis it wasn't noted. KEY WORDS: tick-borne encephalitis, Tomsk Region, the outcomes.Представлены результаты изучения исходов клещевого энцефалита у взрослого населения Томской области. Пациентам проведено комплексное клинико-лабораторное и нейропсихологическое обследование. Выявлено преобладание вегетативных нарушений у лиц, перенесших в разные периоды клещевой энцефалит, что расценено как последствия клещевой инфекции. Остаточные явления клещевого энцефалита проявляются преимущественно в виде спастических и (или) вялых парезов разной степени выраженности после перенесенных очаговых форм. Среди хронических (прогредиентных) форм клещевого энцефалита чаще формируются гиперкинетические варианты. У большинства обследованных выявлено наличие провоцирующих факторов, которые могли оказать влияние на формирование исхода. Принципиальных отличий в общеклинических и иммунологических анализах у пациентов с различными исходами клещевого энцефалита не отмечено.


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    The results of the study outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis in adults in the Tomsk Region. Patients conducted a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination. Revealed the prevalence of autonomic disorders in individuals who have had at different periods of tick-borne encephalitis, which is regarded as the effects of tick-borne infection. Residual effects of tick-borne encephalitis occurs mainly in the form of light paresis after suffering a focal forms. Among the chronic (progredient) forms of tick-borne encephalitis often formed hyperkinetic options. Most of the study revealed the presence of precipitating factors that could have an influence on the outcome. Fundamental diffe rences in all-clinical and immunological analyses at patients with various outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis it wasn't noted. KEY WORDS: tick-borne encephalitis, Tomsk Region, the outcomes