5,816 research outputs found

    Harnessing heterogeneous social networks for better recommendations: A grey relational analysis approach

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    Most of the extant studies in social recommender system are based on explicit social relationships, while the potential of implicit relationships in the heterogeneous social networks remains largely unexplored. This study proposes a new approach to designing a recommender system by employing grey relational analysis on the heterogeneous social networks. It starts with the establishment of heterogeneous social networks through the user-item bipartite graph, user social network graph and user-attribute bipartite graph; and then uses grey relational analysis to identify implicit social relationships, which are then incorporated into the matrix factorization model. Five experiments were conducted to test the performance of our approach against four state-of-the-art baseline methods. The results show that compared with the baseline methods, our approach can effectively alleviate the sparsity problem, because the heterogeneous social network provides richer information. In addition, the grey relational analysis method has the advantage of low requirements for data size and efficiently relieves the cold start problem. Furthermore, our approach saves processing time, thus increases recommendation efficiency. Overall, the proposed approach can effectively improve the accuracy of rating prediction in social recommendations and provide accurate and efficient recommendation service for users

    Dense blocks of energetic ions driven by multi-petawatt lasers

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    Laser-driven ion accelerators have the advantages of compact size, high density, and short bunch duration over conventional accelerators. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to simultaneously enhance the yield and quality of laser-driven ion beams for practical applications. Here we propose a scheme to address this challenge via the use of emerging multi-petawatt lasers and a density-modulated target. The density-modulated target permits its ions to be uniformly accelerated as a dense block by laser radiation pressure. In addition, the beam quality of the accelerated ions is remarkably improved by embedding the target in a thick enough substrate, which suppresses hot electron refluxing and thus alleviates plasma heating. Particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate that almost all ions in a solid-density plasma of a few microns can be uniformly accelerated to about 25% of the speed of light by a laser pulse at an intensity around 1022 W/cm2. The resulting dense block of energetic ions may drive fusion ignition and more generally create matter with unprecedented high energy density.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic origin of local moments in a zinc-doped high-TcT_{c} superconductor

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    The formation of a local moment around a zinc impurity in the high-TcT_{c} cuprate superconductors is studied within the framework of the bosonic resonating-valence-bond (RVB) description of the t−Jt-J model. A topological origin of the local moment has been shown based on the phase string effect in the bosonic RVB theory. It is found that such an S=1/2S=1/2 moment distributes near the zinc in a form of staggered magnetic moments at the copper sites. The corresponding magnetic properties, including NMR spin relaxation rate, uniform spin susceptibility, and dynamic spin susceptibility, etc., calculated based on the theory, are consistent with the experimental measurements. Our work suggests that the zinc substitution in the cuprates provide an important experimental evidence for the RVB nature of local physics in the original (zinc free) state.Comment: The topological reason of local moment formation is given. One figure is adde

    Spin Hall Effect and Spin Transfer in Disordered Rashba Model

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    Based on numerical study of the Rashba model, we show that the spin Hall conductance remains finite in the presence of disorder up to a characteristic length scale, beyond which it vanishes exponentially with the system size. We further perform a Laughlin's gauge experiment numerically and find that all energy levels cannot cross each other during an adiabatic insertion of the flux in accordance with the general level-repulsion rule. It results in zero spin transfer between two edges of the sample as each state always evolves back after the insertion of one flux quantum, in contrast to the quantum Hall effect. It implies that the topological spin Hall effect vanishes with the turn-on of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures final versio

    Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topologically Invariant Chern Numbers

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    We present a topological description of quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE) in a two-dimensional electron system on honeycomb lattice with both intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit couplings. We show that the topology of the band insulator can be characterized by a 2×22\times 2 traceless matrix of first Chern integers. The nontrivial QSHE phase is identified by the nonzero diagonal matrix elements of the Chern number matrix (CNM). A spin Chern number is derived from the CNM, which is conserved in the presence of finite disorder scattering and spin nonconserving Rashba coupling. By using the Laughlin's gedanken experiment, we numerically calculate the spin polarization and spin transfer rate of the conducting edge states, and determine a phase diagram for the QSHE.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Mean-Field Description of Phase String Effect in the t−Jt-J Model

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    A mean-field treatment of the phase string effect in the t−Jt-J model is presented. Such a theory is able to unite the antiferromagnetic (AF) phase at half-filling and metallic phase at finite doping within a single theoretical framework. We find that the low-temperature occurrence of the AF long range ordering (AFLRO) at half-filling and superconducting condensation in metallic phase are all due to Bose condensations of spinons and holons, respectively, on the top of a spin background described by bosonic resonating-valence-bond (RVB) pairing. The fact that both spinon and holon here are bosonic objects, as the result of the phase string effect, represents a crucial difference from the conventional slave-boson and slave-fermion approaches. This theory also allows an underdoped metallic regime where the Bose condensation of spinons can still exist. Even though the AFLRO is gone here, such a regime corresponds to a microscopic charge inhomogeneity with short-ranged spin ordering. We discuss some characteristic experimental consequences for those different metallic regimes. A perspective on broader issues based on the phase string theory is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, five figure
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