79 research outputs found

    lzdržljivost i oporavljanje u toku sukcesivnih statičnih napora

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    Investigations of repeated static work have shown that the average »output« increases with decreased load and shortened rest pause between successive efforts.Ispitivanje promjena, koje nastaju u statičnoj izdržljivosti kad se statični napor ponavlja više puta određenim tempom, dalo je ove rezultate: 1. U toku sukcesivnih napora, od kojih se svaki vrši do granice izdržljivosti, izdržljivost se smanjuje, i to tim naglije, što je odmor medu sukcesivnim naporima kraći. Pad izdržljivosti nije kontinuiran, nego se trajanje napora povremeno ustaIjuje na različitim razinama, koje su medu sobom odijeljene relativno kratkim i naglim prelazima. Nakon većeg ili manjeg broja napora izdržljivost se konačno ustaljuje na nekoj određenoj vrijednosti, koja se više ne mijenja, iako se raci nastavlja. Ta konstantna razina (definitivni plato) dostiže se to brže, što je odmor među sukcesivnim naporima duži. 2. Razina, na kojoj se izdržljivost definitivno ustaljuje. raste s dužinom odmora, ali sporije od njega. Zbog toga je prosječni radni učinak (umnožak opterećenja i izdržljivosti na platou, podijeljen s vremenom izdržljivosti i trajanjem odmora) manji uz duže odmore, nego uz kraće. 3. Prosječni radni učinak, postignut pri radu uz nisko opterećenje, veći je i na definitivnom platou od onog, koji se postiže uz visoko opterećenje. Ta razlika među radnim učincima uz različito opterećenje, manja je nego kod jednokratnih statičnih napora, ali je ipak značajna, što ukazuje, da prividno brže oporavljanje nakon jednokratnog statičnog napora izvršenog uz visoko opterećenje ne može potpuno kompenzirati faktore, koji uvjetuju, da radni učinak opada s opterećenjem. 4. Odnos između početne izdržljivosti (trajanje prvog napora) i izdržljivosti na definitivnom platou ukazuje, koliko je radne sposobnosti sačuvano u toku rada uz određene odmore. S porastom odmora medu sukcesivnim naporima raste i količina sačuvanih radnih sposobnosti. Taj porast slijedi krivulju negativne akceleracije. a jednak je i po količini i po brzini pri radu uz visoko i pri radu uz nisko opterećenje. Prema mišljenju autora, dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju njihovu raniju zamisao, po kojoj bi umor, koji se naglo razvija pri radu uz visoko opterećenje bio u prvom redu uvjetovan promjenama u živčanom sustavu, dok bi umor pri radu uz nisko opterećenje bio pretežno izazvan lokalne-kemijskim promjenama u mišićima. Kad se statični napor ponavlja. prilike su utoliko drukčije. što i pri radu uz visoko opterećenje dolazi do postepenog gomilanja metabolita u mišićima. tako da periferna komponenta umora postaje i pri radu te vrste dominantna. Zbog takvog izjednačenja u osnovnom mehanizmu, nema više razlike u djelovanju odmora na količinu sačuvanih radnih sposobnosti pri radu uz visoko i pri radu uz nisko opterećenje

    L\u27adaptation de l\u27organe visu el aux intermittences lumineuses et aux phosphènes électriques papillotants

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    U vezi s problemom mehanizma vidnih osjeta i s pitanjem, kako djeluje svijetlo na vidnu funkciju. izvršene su tri serije eksperimenata, i to: 1. ispitano je, kojom brzinom i u kojim granicama dolazi do adaptacije na treperenje izazvano isprekidanim svijetlom odnosno isprekidanim električnim podražajima oka; 2. ispitano je, kako utječe na kritičnu frekvenciju prethodno podraživanje oka treptavim svijetlom različite frekvencije a stalnog trajanja; i 3. ispitan je utjecaj intermitentnih električnih fosfena na frekvenciju fuzije svijetla. Rezultati tih pokusa bili su: a) pri podraživanju oka isprekidanom električnom strujom dolazi mnogo brže do adaptacije na treperenje i opseg adaptacije znatno je veći, nego kad se oko podražuje isprekidanim svijetlom; b) prethodno podraži van je vidnog organa različitim subfuzionalnim frekvencijama svijetla smanjuje kritičnu frekvenciju za svijetlo. Maksimalno smanjenje nađene je nakon ekspozicije na treptave svijetlo od oko 20/sek. sa simetričnim opadanjem smanjenja za brže i sporije frekvencije; c) prethodno podraživanje oka isprekidanom strujom različite frekvencije ne utječe na kritičnu frekvenciju za svijetlo. Na osnovi tih rezultata autor se priklanja hipotezi, da je brza adaptacija na intermitentne električne fosfene uvjetovana u prvom redu inhibicijom, koja nastaje u živčanim elementima retine, dok bi relativno uska adaptacija na treperenje svijetla bila rezultat prvenstveno pogoršanja u funkcionalnom stanju vidnog korteksa. Kod normalnog kontinuiranog podraživanja svijetlom dolazi do zaštitne inhibicije u· centrima, koja sprečava da kortikalne strukture dođu u takvo stanje uzbuđenja, koje ih iscrpljuje. Naprotiv diskontinuirano uzbuđivanje sprečava, da se ta zaštitna inhibicija razvije u dovoljnoj mjeri, a to tada dovodi do smanjenja funkcionalne sposobnosti centara, što se očituje u subjektivnoj fuziji isprekidanih podražaja, odnosno u sniženju kritične frekvencije. Maksimalno sniženje kritične frekvencije nakon ekspozicije na treperenje svijetla od oko 20/sek odgovara pristizanju grupiranih živčanih impulsa u momentima, kad se vidni korteks nalazi u svojoj supranormalnoj fazi podražljivosti.Dans le cadre des problèmes concernant le mécanisme de la vision et l\u27influence de la lumière intermittente nous avons étudié: 1) l\u27adaptation au papillotement produit soit par la lumière intermittente soit par la stimulation électrique interrompue à des fréquences préfusionnelles: 2) les changements de la fréquence critique sous J\u27influence des stimulations lumineuses intermittentes de diverses cadences et d\u27une durée de 30 sec.; et 3) l\u27influence des stimulations intermittentes électriques sur la fréquence de fusion de la lumière. Les résultats ont montré; a) l\u27adaptation au papillotement provoqué par une stimulation intermittente électrique (courant continu interrompu) se produit beaucoup plus vite et dans une marge des fréquences beaucoup plus grande que l\u27adaptation aux intermittences lumineuses. En général, l\u27adaptation au papillotement est d\u27autant plus rapide que la fréquence d\u27intermittences est plus grande. Le nombre total d\u27intermittences nécessaires à la disparition du papillotement augmente proportionnellement à la diminution de la fréquence; b) la stimulation préalable de l\u27oeil par la lumière à des fréquences préfusionnelles diminue la fréquence de fusion. La diminution maximum de la fréquence de fusion était obtenue après une stimulation à la cadence d\u27environ 20 cycles par sec. L\u27influence de la stimulation intermittente préalable sur la fréquence de fusion décroît presque symétriquement pour les fréquences de stimulation supérieures ou inférieures à 20/sec. L\u27exposition préalable de l\u27oeil aux fréquences suprafusionnelles ne change pas la fréquence de fusion; c) la stimulation électrique interrompue ne modifie pas la fréquence critique de la lumière. L\u27auteur émet l\u27hypothèse que l\u27adaptation rapide aux phosphènes électriques intermittents, qui se manifeste par la disparation des phosphènes, pourrait être attribuée à. l\u27inhibition des éléments rétiniens. Au contraire, l\u27adaptation lente au papillotement lumineux (homogénéisation apparente de stimulus) - l\u27adaptation que l\u27on peut obtenir seulement avec des fréquences assez voisines à la fréquence de fusion - serait plutôt l\u27effet d\u27une détérioration des éléments corticaux. Des modifications centrales semblables pourraient être aussi responsables de la diminution de la fréquence de fusion après l\u27exposition aux intermittences lumineuses

    Može li kritična frekvencija fuzije isprekidanih električnih podražaja oka služiti kao test umora

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    Differing from the test of the C. F. F. of interrupted stimuli of light which some authors used to investigate fatigue, the authors attempted to use the C. F. F. of interrupted electrical stimulations of the eye as a lest of fatigue. The results show, that the C. F. F. of interrupted electrical stimulations of the eye does not change in the state of fatigue. Therefore, that lest can not serve as a test of fatigue.Ispitivanje umora znatno je otežane time, što se nijedan fiziološki, biokemijski ili psihološki test, koji se dosad u tu svrhu upotrebljavao, nije pokazao dovoljno pouzdanim. Fiziološki i biokemijski testovi ne zadovoljavaju u potpunosti zbog toga, što različite kemijske promjene u organizmu, promjene u funkciji različitih organa i nervne aktivnosti u toku dužeg rada nisu uvijek u korelaciji, pa njihovo jednostrano testiranje ima relativno slabu dijagnostičku vrijednost. Nedostatak psiholoških testova za ispitivanje funkcionalnog stanja najviših živčanih struktura opet je u tome, što rezultati mogu biti znatno pod utjecajem motiviranosti ispitanika. Nešto su pouzdaniji esteziometrijski psihološki testovi, jer pri ispitivanju osjetnih funkcija ispitanik ne može kontrolirali svoje rezultate niti može na te rezultate znatno utjecali pojačanim zalaganjem. Među takvim testovima u posljednje se vrijeme kao test umora mnogo proučava test kritične frekvencije fuzije (k. f. f.) isprekidanih podražaja svijetla. Taj se test sastoji u mjerenju one frekvencije svjetlosnih podražaja, koja upravo izazivlje kontinuirani vidni osjet. Neki autori smatraju, da se tim testom može ustanoviti funkcionalno stanje živčanog tkiva, pa da je prema tome umor, koji tim testom mjerimo, centralne prirode. Ali rezultati do kojih su došli različiti ispitivači, nisu jednoznačni: dok su neki našli smanjenje k. f. f. u stanju umora, drugi nisu mogli ustanovili nikakve promjene. Budući da se osjet svijetla može izazvati i električnim podraživanjem oka (t. zv. fosfeni), autori su se odlučili za ovaj oblik ispitivanja, jer tu periferne promjene u funkciji samog vidnog aparata ne mogu utjecali na rezultate. Pomoću pravokutnih udaraca istosmjerne struje, koji su se mogli davati različitom frekvencijom, ispitana je na 3 ispitanika k. f. f. električnih fosfena u stanju odmorenosti i u stanju većeg· tjelesnog, odnosno intelektualnog umora. Tjelesni se rad sastojao u radu na step testu gotovo do granice izdržljivosti (ritam 21 na minutu kroz 9 do 20 min.) a intelektualni rad u zbrajanju napamet parova dvoznamenkastih brojeva kroz 90 minuta. Osim toga mjerena je k. f. f. i u toku bdijenja, koje je trajalo 24 sata. Rezultati su pokusa pokazali da k. f. f. isprekidanih električnih podražaja nije u stanju umora usporena. Razlika nije nađena čak ni kod dva trkača, koji su u 2.5 sata pretrčali 25 km s usponom na visinu od 700 m. Isto tako nije ni bdijenje izazvalo nikakvu značajnu promjenu u k. f. f. iako su se ispitanici osjećali izrazito umorni. Prema tome test kritične frekvencije fuzije električnih podražaja oka ne može služiti kao test umora. Ako novi pokusi potvrde, da je u stanju umora usporena k. f. f. adekvatnih (svjetlosnih) podražaja oka onda to usporenje treba pripisati promjenama u perifernim retinalnim strukturama, t. j. specifičnom umoru oka, a ne promjenama u općem slanju centralnog nervnog sistema

    Psychophysiological studies of some aspects of fatigue and rest

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    The basic problems investigated at the Laboratory of Psychophysiology of Work can be divided into several fields: (I) Testing and assessment or Fatigue, (II) Mechanisms of Fatigue. (III) Efficacy of various forms of rest, (IV) Effect of psychological, physiological, and pharmacological stimulators on fitness for work, (V) Electrophysiological studies, (VJ) Psychophysiology of senses, and (VII) Motivation and working activity

    Tests of fatigue

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    Iako u svakodnevnom životu govorimo o umoru kao o jedinstvenoj kategoriji, ipak dosadašnja ispitivanja ukazuju na to, da je »umor« mnoštvo različitih i među sobom više ili manje nezavisnih pojava. Promjene u funkciji izoliranih mehanizama ne mogu služiti kao test umora, jer one nisu kod svih ispitanika istog smjera, niti su kvalitativno jednake kod istog ispitanika, kad se pokus ponavlja. Čini se da se u osnovi aktivnosti, iz kojih se sastoji rad, nalaze kompleksne strukture, koje se u toku rada počinju dezorganizirati. Namjesto tih struktura organiziraju se nove strukture na nižem nivou, pa prema tome - iako se rad sada obavlja uz pomoć »primitivnijih« struktura - ipak se radni učinak može održati na istom nivou. Da bi se provjerila ova pretpostavka, u toku je ispitivanje strukture mehanizma u stanju umora. Ispitivanja se vrše pomoću faktorske analize.Although in terms of everyday language fatigue is considered a general category, the investigations carried cut so far indicate that »fatigue« consists of a number of different independent phenomena. Changes in the function of isolated mechanisms cannot serve as a test of fatigue, as they do not occur in all the subjects in the same direction, nor are they qualitatively the same in the same subject if the test is repeated. It appears that the activities producing work are essentially composed of some complex structures which in the course of work become disorganized and replaced by some new structures at a lower level. Thus, although work is now brought forth by these new »more primitive« structures, it is still possible for work output to remain at the same level. To provide evidence for this assumption, investigations of the structure of mechanisms in the state of fatigue are in progress. The method used is factor analysis

    The influence of phenamine on the economy of static work

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    U jednom svom prethodnom radu (1) ispitali smo utjecaj psiholoških stimulatora na radni učinak i na potrošnju kisika u toku statičnog rada. To je ispitivanje pokazalo, da se pod utjecajem psiholoških stimulatora bolje iskorištava raspoloživa energija i da je prema tome upotreba stimulatora te vrste u svrhu povećanja radnog učinka ne samo ekonomski, nego i fiziološki opravdana. Ali, kako je poznato, radni se učinak može povećati i upotrebom različitih farmakoloških stimulatora, t. j. takvih kemijskih tvari, koje svojim djelovanjem stimuliraju organe, od čije funkcije zavisi radna sposobnost. Na pitanje, je li upotreba farmakoloških stimulatora štetna, većina dosadašnjih ispitivanja odgovara potvrdno (2), (3). Ipak, u svrhu usporedbe s rezultatima, koje smo dobili s psihološkim stimulatorima, činilo nam se korisnim još jednom sličnom metodikom preispitati i djelovanje jednog od poznatijih Farmakoloških stimulatora. Kao farmakološki stimulator upotrebili smo Ienamin ( fenil-izopro-pilamin-sulfat), proizvodnje tvornice »Pliva« u Zagrebu. Kao što je poznato, Fenamin, koji je derivat benzedrina, spada u red simpatikomimetičnih amina, i ima pretežno centralni ekscitativni utjecaj. Fenamin smo davali u dozama od 15 miligrama u vodenoj suspen¬iji (čaša od 180 ccm). Metodika rada bila je uglavnom analogna metodici kod ispitivanja psiholoških stimulatora (1) i zato ćemo je ovdje ukratko opisati.The influence of phenamine on static endurance and oxygen consumption was investigated on 18 male subjects by giving them 15 mg phenamine in water suspension. Control experiments were carried out both without phenamine and by giving the subjects chalk suspension in water instead of phenamine. Static work consisted in the subjects\u27 effort to obtain a maximum maintenance of a load of 8,5 kg. Results: Under the influence of phenamine static endurance increased 12.4%. No statistically significant influence of phenamine on the metabolism in rest was found. In the course of work there was no difference in the oxygen comsuption either, but the oxygen debt in the experiments with phenamine was higher. This has proved that under the influence of phenamine the organism increased its working capacity at the expense of the reserves in the organism but did not work more economically as is the case with psychological stimulators. The authors are inclined to explain this by considering psychological stimulators as natural means to mobilize the organism, while drugs such as phenamine seam to produce a »forced« mobilization that does increase work output but is brought about at the expense of those reserves in the organism the lack of which stops fatigue. to be an easily reversible process

    Effect of some pharmaca on work output in repetitive physical effort

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    Autori su ispitivali djelovanje različitih farmakoloških sredstava (fenamina, ritalina, preludina i veronala) na tjelesni rad čovjeka, upotrebljavajući metodiku repetitivnih radova statičkog i dinamičkog oblika. Ispitivanja su izvršena na tri načina: (1) Ispitanici su u toku dana, uz stalnu pauzu među susjednim radovima, radili više puta (od 9 do 16 puta), i to uvijek do kraja izvodljivosti; (2) ispitanici su radili 10 submaksimalnih radova uz stalnu pauzu, a onda su tek na kraju čitavog pokusa radili jedan rad do kraja izdržljivosti; (S) ispitanici su najprije uz stalnu pauzu radili 4 submaksimalna rada, a zatim uz jednaku pauzu još 9 maksimalnih radova. Rezultati su pokazali da uzimanje farmakoloških preparata kad je čovjek svjež i dobro motiviran za rad veoma slabo ili nikako ne utječe na njegovu izdržljivost u tjelesnom radu. Isto su tako farmakološki stimulatori slabo uspješni kad je rad koji čovjek vrši, submaksimalan. Jedino onda kad se organizam nalazi u određenom stupnju umora, uzimanje nekih farmakoloških sredstava može povećati izdržljivost u radu.An ever increasing use of pharmaca for stimulation in work or for prevention of fatigue feeling arouses the question of how these pharmaca affect man\u27s actual working capacity. In physical effort, the fundamental problem is in whether pharmacological stimulators increase work output by improving the inner condition of the organism, i. e. by making working effort more economical from the point of view of energy, or whether this increase of working capacity is only the result of a central effect (fatigue feeling inhibition} accompanied by persistent uneconomical use of the energy reserves necessary for a fast and successful recovery in the periods of rest. The studies carried out so far have given no satisfactory answer to this question, mostly owing to inappropriate methods usually applied in such studies. The basic methodological defect was that the efficacy of pharmacological stimulators was usually tested by comparing the maximum work output of a single effort performed under the influence of a pharmacological stimulator up to exhaustion with a maximum work output of a single effort performed without the use of a stimulator. In life, however, one hardly ever works up to exhaustion, and one\u27s work is usually done at intervals, i. e. the phases of action are periodically followed by the phases of rest. For working capacity in the course of a longer period, the rate and degree of recovery in the phases of rest are at least so important as the degree of mobilization of working synergies in the phases of action. In the course of the last five years the authors have studied the effect of various pharmaca on physical work by using the method of repetitive physical effort both of a static (hanging on one\u27s arms) and dynamic (bicycleergometer driving and running on a treadmill) kind. In main experiments three kinds of procedures were used: a) With a regular pause between successive efforts, the subjects worked several times a day (9-16 times), each time up to exhaustion; b) The subjects made 10 submaximum efforts with a regular pause between them, and worked up to exhaustion only at the end of the whole experiment; this final maximum effort served as a test of fatigue produced by their previous submaximum efforts; c) With a regular pause between each effort, the subjects made 4 submaximum efforts first, and then 9 maximum efforts. The pharmaca used in these experiments were: phenamine (phenyl-izopropilamin sulfas), ritaline (phenyl-/-piperidyl)-acetico-methylic. hydrochloric), preludin (2-phe-nyl-3-methyl-tetrahydro-1,4-oxazin-hydrochlorid), and veronal (5,5 diethylbarbituric acid). They were administered orally either in various phases of the experiment or prior to the experiment. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. The use of various pharmacological stimulators in. the state of physical freshness and good motivation for work has hardly any positive effect. In such cases the inner normal mobilization of working synergies is high enough for a successful adjustment of the organism to the increased work requirements. 2. Pharmacological stimulators do not seem to be much successful in submaximum efforts either, even if such efforts produce a certain degree of fatigue. A certain posoitive effect of pharmacological stimulators appears to exist only in the final phase of maximum physical efforts. 3. Pharmacological stimulators do not seem to slow down the process of restitution in the phases of rest between successive efforts. It also appears that within certain limits of physical effort the certain increase of work output due to pharmacological stimulators is not brought about at the expense of a greater exhaustion of the organism in a later stage. The energy reserves of the organism seem to be such that even if alarm signals of fatigue feeling are missing, they cannot be affected to such an extent as to cause a significant prolongation of restitution processes. 4. Under the effect of stimulators the subjects regularly feel less tired than in control experiments. The difference in the feeling of pain, localised in active muscles, is specially pronounced, this feeling being considerably milder in the experiments with the use of stimulators. This suggests that the effect of pharmacological stimulators is primarily central, their analgetic action raising the limen of the subjective tolerance of the subject in work. 5. Under the effect of phenamine the pulse frequency is increased before the effort is made, in the course of work, and in the rest intervals. While in successive maximum physical efforts in control experiments the subjects break the work at an ever lower pulse frequency, in the experiments with phenamine the pulse frequency remains on a more or less constant, comparatively high level. However, since there is no correlation between the degree of work output improvement and the difference in the pulse frequency at the end of each effort in the experiment with phenamine and the control experiments, the certain positive effect of phenamine on work output does not appear to be in direct connection with the increased pulse frequency

    Electric activity of the brain during prolonged mental work

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    Autori su ispitivali električnu aktivnost mozga, i to u različitim razdobljima kontinuiranog intelektualnog rada. Promjene koje su našli u stupnju potiskivanja alfa-valova, tumače autori suprotnim djelovanjem različitih faktora, među kojima su najvažniji vježba i umor.The problem the authors desired to solve was to determine how prolonged mental work influences the alpha-waves of the brain. This problem is not new and much research work was been done in connection with it. However, the relation between mental work and brain waves has by far not been precisely established because the results of the different examinations were contradictory. The authors have recorded brain waves of the parietal-occipital part of the left hemisphere by means of an electroencephalograph (type Grass). The recording was bipolar. The fluctuations of the brain potentials m S subjects were measured continuously: before, during and after mental work, consisting in adding pairs of two-digit numerals read out to them during one hour. The subject was able to signalize with one of the channels the moment when he completed the addition so that he was immediately given another addition. In computing the results the so-called alpha-index was taken into account (i. e. percentual relation between clearly perceptible alpha-waves and all waves registered within a period of lime). The alpha-index was investigated also in tile stage of the so-called »blocks« i. e. in additions lasting twice or more as long as the average of all additions. The results showed that the alpha-index rapidly decreased at the beginning of mental work, its rate of decrease diminishing gradually with the progress of work: towards the end of mental work, a tendency of increasing of alpha-index was noticeable. After the end of the work the alpha-index rose again. Individual differences between various subjects have been noticed, especially with regard to the degree of depression of alpha-waves during mental work. In respect of blocks, their number increased on the average in the beginning and then stabilized. The alpha-index in blocks showed no significant differences from the general alpha-index during mental work. The authors try lo explain the average curve of the changes of the alpha-index during mental work by means of the antagonistic influence of two factors: exercise and fatigue. After the initial fall caused by mental strain and emotional disturbance, the alpha-index - under the influence of the exercise - has the tendency of rising; however, the fatigue, increasing during work, causes the fall of the alpha-index. The curve thus obtained is a result of the interaction of those two factors. This interpretation is sup-ported by the authors\u27 experience with some of the subjects tested, in whom the alpha-index showed during the second experiment a continuous rise after the initial fall, because the work by then represented a minor strain and the technique of the work became somewhat automatic. On the other hand, in another case the alpha-index decreased right down to the cud of the work because the subject got very tired by the experiment. The authors point out that the above results and their interpretation represent only the first stage in the systematic research of the influence of mental work on the alpha-rhythm. New experiments, now in progress, are to fill up various gaps and give more information on the influence of exercise and fatigue on alpha-waves, not only in regard to their depression, but also to their amplitude

    MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 antigens expression in metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    In the present study we analyzed immunohistochemical expression of MAGE-A 3/4 and NY-ESO-1 in 55 samples of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC) and their respective lymph node metastases. To our knowledge this is the first study to assess and compare the expression of these antigens in ESCC lymph node metastases

    Factor analysis of intellectual work under and without fatigue

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    Autori su primijenili bateriju od 12 mentalnih testova na dvije skupine ispitanika, od kojih je kontrolna skupina bila ispitana u stanju svježine, a eksperimentalna u stanju nervnog i tjelesnog umora (probdjevena noć i usiljeno pješačenje od 10 km). U pogledu prosječnih rezultata i indeksa varijabiliteta nema u testovima nikakvih značajnih razlika među skupinama. Naprotiv, u interkorelacijama među pojedinim testovima dolazi do izvjesnih promjena. Analiza interkorelacionih profila po Tryonu pokazala je da kod kontrolne skupine svi testovi slične ili jednake faktorske strukture tvore jedinstven profil, dok je logika profila temeljito poremećena u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Kod ispitanika koji su radili u stanju umora testovi, koji inače imaju sličnu faktorsku strukturu, ne daj u više slične interkorelacione profile. Čak i više, u eksperimentalnoj skupini pojavljuju se neki slični profili kod testova koji su inače različite faktorske strukture i koji u kontrolnoj skupini ne pokazuju nikakvu sličnu profilnu sliku. Ti rezultati - koje još treba provjeriti daljim ispitivanjima na većem broju ispitanika i s većim brojem testova - također su u prilog hipotezi, po kojoj bi u stanju umora dolazilo do izvjesne dezintegracije onih funkcija koje se upotrebljavaju u stanju svježine i do novih integracija na nekoj drugoj razini.A battery of 12 mental tests was·applied to two groups of subjects, The control group was tested without fatigue, and· the experimental group in the state of nervous and physical fatigue (a sleepless night and a forced 10 km walk). With regard to the average results and the variability index, there were no significant differences between these two groups. However, as regards intercorrelations between individual tests certain changes were observed. The Tryon intercorrelation profile analysis -showed that in the control group all the tests of the similar or the same factorial structure yielded a uniform profile, whereas in the experimental group the logic of the formation of profiles was completely disarranged. The tests that usually have a similar factorial structure, did not give similar intercorrelation profiles when applied to subjects performing work under fatigue. Moreover, in the experimental group, the tests that otherwise show different factorial structure and which in the control group did not show any similarity as regards profiles, gave some profiles of a similar shape. These results, which require further analysis on a larger number of both subjects and the tests applied, support the hypothesis that under fatigue there is likely to occur a certain disintegration of the functions that arc used when- the work is performed without fatigue, and also some new integrations on a new level