Factor analysis of intellectual work under and without fatigue


Autori su primijenili bateriju od 12 mentalnih testova na dvije skupine ispitanika, od kojih je kontrolna skupina bila ispitana u stanju svježine, a eksperimentalna u stanju nervnog i tjelesnog umora (probdjevena noć i usiljeno pješačenje od 10 km). U pogledu prosječnih rezultata i indeksa varijabiliteta nema u testovima nikakvih značajnih razlika među skupinama. Naprotiv, u interkorelacijama među pojedinim testovima dolazi do izvjesnih promjena. Analiza interkorelacionih profila po Tryonu pokazala je da kod kontrolne skupine svi testovi slične ili jednake faktorske strukture tvore jedinstven profil, dok je logika profila temeljito poremećena u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Kod ispitanika koji su radili u stanju umora testovi, koji inače imaju sličnu faktorsku strukturu, ne daj u više slične interkorelacione profile. Čak i više, u eksperimentalnoj skupini pojavljuju se neki slični profili kod testova koji su inače različite faktorske strukture i koji u kontrolnoj skupini ne pokazuju nikakvu sličnu profilnu sliku. Ti rezultati - koje još treba provjeriti daljim ispitivanjima na većem broju ispitanika i s većim brojem testova - također su u prilog hipotezi, po kojoj bi u stanju umora dolazilo do izvjesne dezintegracije onih funkcija koje se upotrebljavaju u stanju svježine i do novih integracija na nekoj drugoj razini.A battery of 12 mental tests was·applied to two groups of subjects, The control group was tested without fatigue, and· the experimental group in the state of nervous and physical fatigue (a sleepless night and a forced 10 km walk). With regard to the average results and the variability index, there were no significant differences between these two groups. However, as regards intercorrelations between individual tests certain changes were observed. The Tryon intercorrelation profile analysis -showed that in the control group all the tests of the similar or the same factorial structure yielded a uniform profile, whereas in the experimental group the logic of the formation of profiles was completely disarranged. The tests that usually have a similar factorial structure, did not give similar intercorrelation profiles when applied to subjects performing work under fatigue. Moreover, in the experimental group, the tests that otherwise show different factorial structure and which in the control group did not show any similarity as regards profiles, gave some profiles of a similar shape. These results, which require further analysis on a larger number of both subjects and the tests applied, support the hypothesis that under fatigue there is likely to occur a certain disintegration of the functions that arc used when- the work is performed without fatigue, and also some new integrations on a new level

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