11 research outputs found

    An End-to-End System for Large Scale P2P MPC-as-a-Service and Low-Bandwidth MPC for Weak Participants

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    Protocols for secure multiparty computation enable a set of parties to compute a joint function of their inputs, while preserving \emph{privacy}, \emph{correctness} and more. In theory, secure computation has broad applicability and can be used to solve many of the modern concerns around utilization of data and privacy. Huge steps have been made towards this vision in the past few years, and we now have protocols that can carry out large computations extremely efficiently, especially in the setting of an honest majority. However, in practice, there are still major barriers to widely deploying secure computation, especially in a decentralized manner. In this paper, we present the first end-to-end automated system for deploying large-scale MPC protocols between end users, called MPSaaS (for \textit{MPC system-as-a-service}). Our system enables parties to pre-enroll in an upcoming MPC computation, and then participate by either running software on a VM instance (e.g., in Amazon), or by running the protocol on a mobile app, in Javascript in their browser, or even on an IoT device. Our system includes an automation system for deploying MPC protocols, an administration component for setting up an MPC computation and inviting participants, and an end-user component for running the MPC protocol in realistic end-user environments. We demonstrate our system for a specific application of running secure polls and surveys, where the secure computation is run end-to-end with each party actually running the protocol (i.e., without relying on a set of servers to run the protocol for them). This is the first such system constructed, and is a big step forward to the goal of commoditizing MPC. One of the cryptographic difficulties that arise in this type of setting is due to the fact that end users may have low bandwidth connections, making it a challenge to run an MPC protocol with high bandwidth. We therefore present a protocol based on Beerliova-Trubiniova and Hirt (TCC 2008) with many optimizations, that has very low concrete communication, and the lowest published for small fields. Our protocol is secure as long as less than a third of the parties are \textit{malicious}, and is well suited for computing both arithmetic and Boolean circuits. We call our protocol HyperMPC and show that it has impressive performance. In particular, 150 parties can compute statistics---mean, standard deviation and regression---on 4,000,000 inputs (with a circuit of size 16,000,000 gates of which 6,000,000 are multiplication) in five minutes, and 10 parties can compute the same circuit in 30 seconds. Although our end-to-end system can be used to run any MPC protocol (and we have incorporated numerous protocols already), we demonstrate it for our new protocol that is optimized for end-users without high bandwidth

    Graph Reconstruction via Distance Oracles

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    We study the problem of reconstructing a hidden graph given access to a distance oracle. We design randomized algorithms for the following problems: reconstruction of a degree bounded graph with query complexity O~(n3/2)\tilde{O}(n^{3/2}); reconstruction of a degree bounded outerplanar graph with query complexity O~(n)\tilde{O}(n); and near-optimal approximate reconstruction of a general graph

    Tracking routes in communication networks

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    The minimum tracking set problem is an optimization problem that deals with monitoring communication paths that can be used for exchanging point-to-point messages using as few tracking devices as possible. More precisely, a tracking set of a given graph GG and a set of source-destination pairs of vertices is a subset TT of vertices of GG such that the vertices in TT traversed by any source-destination shortest path PP uniquely identify PP. The minimum tracking set problem has been introduced in [Banik et al., CIAC 2017] for the case of a single source-destination pair. There, the authors show that the problem is APX-hard and that it can be 2-approximated for the class of planar graphs, even though no hardness result is known for this case. In this paper we focus on the case of multiple source-destination pairs and we present the first widetildeO(sqrtn)widetilde{O}(sqrt{n})-approximation algorithm for general graphs. Moreover, we prove that the problem remains NP-hard even for cubic planar graphs and all pairs SimesDS imes D, where SS and DD are the sets of sources and destinations, respectively. Finally, for the case of a single source-destination pair, we design an (exact) FPT algorithm w.r.t. the maximum number of vertices at the same distance from the source

    Network Creation Games with Traceroute-Based Strategies

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    Network creation games model the autonomous formation of an interconnected system of selfish users. In particular, when the network will serve as a digital communication infrastructure, each user is identified by a node of the network, and contributes to the build-up process by strategically balancing between her building cost (i.e., the number of links she personally activates in the network) and her usage cost (i.e., some function of the distance in the sought network to the other players). When the corresponding game is analyzed, the generally adopted assumption is that players have a common and complete information about the evolving network topology, which is quite unrealistic though, due to the massive size this may have in practice. In this paper, we thus relax this assumption, by instead letting the players have only a partial knowledge of the network. To this respect, we make use of three popular traceroute-based knowledge models used in network discovering (i.e., the activity of reconstructing the topology of an unknown network through queries at its nodes), namely: (i) distance vector, (ii) shortest-path tree view, and (iii) layered view. For all these models, we provide exhaustive answers to the canonical algorithmic game theoretic questions: convergence, computational complexity for a player of selecting a best response, and tight bounds to the price of anarchy, all of them computed w.r.t. a suitable (and unifying) equilibrium concept

    On the complexity of metric dimension

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    The metric dimension of a graph G is the size of a smallest subset L ⊆ V (G) such that for any x, y ∈ V (G) there is a z ∈ L such that the graph distance between x and z differs from the graph distance between y and z. Even though this notion has been part of the literature for almost 40 years, the computational complexity of determining the metric dimension of a graph is still very unclear. Essentially, we only know the problem to be NP-hard for general graphs, to be polynomial-time solvable on trees, and to have a log n-approximation algorithm for general graphs. In this paper, we show tight complexity boundaries for the Metric Dimension problem. We achieve this by giving two complementary results. First, we show that the Metric Dimension problem on bounded-degree planar graphs is NP-complete. Then, we give a polynomial-time algorithm for determining the metric dimension of outerplanar graphs

    The (Weighted) Metric Dimension of Graphs: Hard and Easy Cases

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    Abstract. For an undirected graph G =(V,E), we say that for ℓ, u, v ∈ V, ℓ separates u from v if the distance between u and ℓ differs from the distance from v to ℓ. AsetofverticesL ⊆ V is a feasible solution if for every pair of vertices u, v ∈ V there is ℓ ∈ L that separates u from v. The metric dimension of a graph is the minimum cardinality of such a feasible solution. Here, we extend this well-studied problem to the case where each vertex v has a non-negative cost, and the goal is to find a feasible solution with a minimum total cost. This weighted version is NP-hard since the unweighted variant is known to be NP-hard. We show polynomial time algorithms for the cases where G is a path, a tree, a cycle, a cograph, a k-edge-augmented tree (that is, a tree with additional k edges) for a constant value of k, and a (not necessarily complete) wheel. The results for paths, trees, cycles, and complete wheels extend known polynomial time algorithms for the unweighted version, whereas the other results are the first known polynomial time algorithms for these classes of graphs even for the unweighted version. Next, we extend the set of graph classes for which computing the unweighted metric dimension of a graph is known to be NPC by showing that for split graphs, bipartite graphs, co-bipartite graphs, and line graphs of bipartite graphs, the problem of computing the unweighted metric dimension of the graph is NPC.