14 research outputs found

    Orographic influences on the Adriatic sirocco wind

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    Differences between meteorological fields over the Adriatic Sea as predicted by the mesoscale meteorological model ALADIN/HR and global ECMWF model, for sirocco episodes between November 2002 and September 2003, are analysed. Results indicate that the orography, namely Gargano Mountains and Apennines, may have a significant effect on the sirocco airflow. A brief discussion is given on the impact of the sirocco wind curl on the Western Adriatic Current (WAC)

    Organization of the Emergency Dental Service in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County

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    Hitna stomatoloÅ”ka služba druÅ”tvena je javnozdravstvena djelatnost primarne stomatoloÅ”ke zaÅ”tite organizirana i financirana od HZZO-a Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije kako bi se na trima lokacijama svim građanima Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije pružile hitne stomatoloÅ”ke usluge u vremenu kada ostale stomatoloÅ”ke ustanove i ordinacije ne ordiniraju, a to je tijekom svake noći od 22 sata do 6 sati ujutro, te nedjeljama, praznicima i blagdanima. U cijelosti sagledavÅ”i organizaciju spomenute službe, do 2000. godine Gradski je ured za zdravstvo, rad i socijalnu skrb proveo funkcionalnu reorganizaciju sa svrhom da se postignu najviÅ”i standardi u hitnoj zubozdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi svih građana Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Služba je organizirana u uređenim prostorima i s novom stomatoloÅ”kom opremom na trima lokacijama: u KB Dubrava (Av. G. Å uÅ”ka 6), u StomatoloÅ”koj poliklinici Zagreb (Perkovčeva 3) i u Domu zdravlja Centarlokacija Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb). Radi se sa sedam timova; od čega pet timova financira HZZO, a po jedan tim financiraju Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka županija. Grad Zagreb ima 780 000 stanovnika, a Županija joÅ” dodatnih 310 000 stanovnika.The emergency dental service is a social public health activity of primary dental health care organized and financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, city of Zagreb and the Zagreb county. The emergency dental service offers quick and important dental services to every citizen of the city of Zagreb and Zagreb county. The emergency dental service works when other dental instutitions and practices do not work, i.e. each night from 10 pm. to 06 am., on Sundays, holidays and feasts. Based on the activity of the mentioned organization up to the year 2000, the city of Zagrebā€™s ā€œDepartment for Health, Work and Social Welfareā€œ decided to conduct functional reorganization with the aim of achieving the highest standards of emergency dental service for each citizen of the town and county. The service is organized in new facilities with new dental equipment at three locations: Clinical Hospital ā€œDubravaā€œ (Av. G. Å uÅ”ka 6), Dental polyclinic Zagreb (Perkovćeva 3) and Health Center ā€œCenterā€œ- location Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb.). The service has 7 teams, 5 of which are financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, 1 by the city of Zagreb, and 1 by the Zagreb county. The city of Zagreb has 780000 residents and the county has an additional 310000 residents

    Workplace Mobbing

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    Mobbing odnosno zlostavljanje na radnome mjestu predstavlja neprijateljsku i neetičnu komunikaciju, koja je sustavno usmjerena od jednoga ili viÅ”e pojedinaca prema, uglavnom, jednom pojedincu, koji je zbog mobbinga gurnut u poziciju u kojoj je bespomoćan ili se ne može obraniti te držan u njoj s pomoću stalnih zlostavljačkih (mobinÅ”kih) aktivnosti. U članku je obrađeno nekoliko bitnih značajki zlostavljanja: ponaÅ”anja karakteristična za zlostavljača, organizacijski uzroci pojave, konflikt u poduzeću kao njegov povod, žrtva, izvanorganizacijski čimbenici njegova razvoja te posljedice zlostavljanja. Suvremeni poslovni svijet je kompleksan, dinamičan i promjenljiv te zahtijeva sve veću umjeÅ”nost i sposobnost prilagodbe. Sukobi su dakako neizbježan dio svake organizacije, ali ih je menadžment dužan pravodobno prepoznati i njima upravljati radi sprječavanja Å”tetnih posljedica za produktivnost i troÅ”kove poduzeća, radi zaÅ”tite zaposlenika te suzbijanja psihičkih i tjelesnih poremećaja koji nastaju psihičkim nasiljem i iskrivljenim oblikom ponaÅ”anja kakav je mobbing. On je problem suvremenog druÅ”tva, nov i u nas nedostatno istražen oblik krÅ”enja ljudskih prava. Zbiva se uglavnom na psiholoÅ”koj razini, negativno utječe na zdravlje i život, kvalitetu rada, proizvodnju i pružanje usluga, produktivnost i profitabilnost te značajno utječe na ekonomske gubitke u zajednici. Zlostavljanje na radnome mjestu treba rjeÅ”avati multidisciplinarno: inicirajući zajedničke aktivnosti zaposlenika i uprave, uključujući medicinske stručnjake, pravnike, pa i druÅ”tvenu zajednicu u cjelini. Å to se u organizaciji viÅ”e teži izvrsnosti koja se temelji na povjerenju i radnoj etici, to je veća vjerojatnost njegovog sprječavanja i rjeÅ”avanja.Workplace mobbing is a hostile and unethical communication, systematically aimed from one or more individuals towards mostly one individual, who are forced into a helpless position and are held in it by constant bullying. This article describes some of the most important characteristics of mobbing: offensive behaviour, organizational and non-organizational causes of this behaviour, the victim, and the consequences. Modern business environment is complex, dynamic, volatile, and requires better ability to adjust. Constant changes are a part of organizational reality, but they also produce an ideal environment for all kinds of conflicts. Conflicts are inevitable in every organization, but the task of its management is to identify them and resolve before they affect the workforce, productivity, and costs. The idea is to avert psychological abuse and aberrant behaviour such as mobbing that may cause physical and mental disorders. Mobbing is a problem of the modern society; as a violation of human rights it is relatively new and unrecognised in Croatia. Abuse is mostly psychological; it affects the victimā€™s health and life, quality of work, productivity, profitability, and may lead to significant economic losses in the community. Mobbing can be averted by joint forces that would involve employees and management, medical and legal professionals, and even community as a whole. The more an organization pursues excellence based on trust and business ethics, the higher the probability that mobbing will be averted or stopped

    Coastal sea responses to atmospheric forcings at two different resolutions

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    We investigated coastal sea responses to three, multi-day strong wind episodes that occurred in the middle Adriatic during the Target Operational Period (TOP) of the European COastal sea OPerational observing and forecasting system (ECOOP) project. A high-resolution oceanographic model (1 km horizontal, 16 vertical layers) based on the modified Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was applied to a highly complex domain located in the coastal area of the eastern Adriatic Sea. The oceanographic model was nested into the Adriatic REGional model (AREG-2) covering the entire Adriatic Sea. Meteorological forcing was prepared by two atmospheric models. The coarser model was the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast model (ECMWF, with horizontal and temporal resolutions of 0.25 and 6 h, respectively), and the finer one was the Aire LimitĀ“ee Adaptation dynamique DĀ“eveloppement InterNational model (ALADIN, with horizontal and temporal resolutions of 8 km and 3 h, respectively, and winds dynamically adapted to a horizontal resolution of 2 km). The results show that smallscale atmospheric features, which arise due to the orographically complex mainland and the number of islands and were not reproduced by the coarser atmospheric model, substantially affected surface currents, mass transports, sea surface temperature (SST) and surface salinity in the coastal area during strong Bora. For strong Sirocco, the atmospheric modelā€™s resolution was important for currents on the lee sides of islands.Published521ā€“532JCR Journalope

    Exploring atmospheric boundary layer characteristics in a severe SO<sub>2</sub> episode in the north-eastern Adriatic

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    Stable atmospheric conditions are often connected with the occurrence of high pollution episodes especially in urban or industrial areas. In this work we investigate a severe SO2 episode observed on 3ā€“5 February 2002 in a coastal industrial town of Rijeka, Croatia, where very high daily mean concentrations (up to 353.5 Ī¼g m&minus;3) were measured. The episode occurred under high air pressure conditions, which were accompanied with a fog and low wind speeds. Three air quality models (50-km EMEP model, 10-km EMEP4HR model and 1-km CAMx model) were used to simulate SO2 concentrations fields and to evaluate the relative contribution of distant and local pollution sources to observed concentrations. Results suggest that the episode was caused predominately by local sources. Furthermore, using three-dimensional, higher-order turbulence closure mesoscale meteorological model (WRF), the wind regimes and thermo-dynamical structure of the lower troposphere above the greater Rijeka area (GRA) were examined in detail. Modelled atmospheric fields suggest several factors whose simultaneous acting was responsible for elevated SO2 concentrations. Established small scale wind directions supported the transport of air from nearby industrial areas with major pollution sources towards Rijeka. This transport was associated with strong, ground-based temperature inversion and correspondingly, very low mixing layer (at most up to about 140 m). Additionally, the surface winds in Rijeka were light or almost calm thus, preventing ventilation of polluted air. Finally, a vertical circulation cell formed between the mainland and a nearby island, supported the air subsidence and the increase of static stability