44,108 research outputs found

    Outcomes of positive airway pressure for sleep apnea-reply

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    Abstract not availableR. McEvoy, Z. Zhou, B. Nea

    Nodal Quasiparticle Dispersion in Strongly Correlated d-wave Superconductors

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    We analyze the effects of a momentum-dependent self-energy on the photoemission momentum distribution curve (MDC) lineshape, dispersion and linewidth. We illustrate this general analysis by a detailed examination of nodal quasiparticles in high Tc cuprates. We use variational results for the nodal quasiparticle weight Z (which varies rapidly with hole doping x) and the low energy Fermi velocity vFlowv_F^{low} (which is independent of x), to show that the high energy MDC dispersion vhigh=vFlow/Zv_{high} = v_F^{low}/Z, so that it is much larger than the bare (band structure) velocity and also increases strongly with underdoping. We also present arguments for why the low energy Fermi velocity and the high energy dispersion are independent of the bare band structure at small x. All of these results are in good agreement with earlier and recent photoemission data [Zhou et al, Nature 423, 398 (2003)].Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps fig

    Zgodnje obdobje Zhou: izvor ideje o politični legitimnosti in politični filozofiji konfucionizma

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    The Chunqiu and Zhanguo Periods are usually regarded as the birth of Chinese philosophy, especially with regard to practical or moral philosophy. If we think about the concept of political legitimacy in the Early Zhou Period, with ideas like the “Mandate of Heaven”, “respect virtue” and “protect ruled people”, then this Period is not only the origin of this in ancient China, but also of Chinese philosophy, and primarily the political philosophy of Confucianism. The paper will first explain some documents in the “inscriptions on ancient bronze objects” in order to prove that the ideas of the “Mandate of Heaven”, “respect virtue” and “protect ruled people” really originated from this time. Through analysis of several Zhou documents from the Book of the Documents the paper will then demonstrate that these ideas are the three most important innovations in the history of Chinese thinking at that time.Obdobji Chunqiu in Zhanguo sta običajno predstavljeni kot začetek kitajske filozofije, zlasti z ozirom na praktično ali moralno filozofijo. Če obravnavamo koncept politične legitimnosti v zgodnjem obdobju Zhou, z idejami, kot so »nebeški mandat«, »vrlina spoštovanja « in »ljudstvo pod zaščitniškim vodstvom«, to obdobje ne predstavlja le njihovih začetkov v stari Kitajski, temveč tudi izvor kitajske filozofije in predvsem politične filozofije konfucianizma.Prispevek najprej obrazloži nekatere dokumente, ohranjene v »zapisih na starodavnih bronastih predmetih«, s čimer poskuša dokazati, da ideje o »nebeškem mandatu«, »vrlini spoštovanja« in »ljudstvu pod zaščitniškim vodstvom« izvirajo iz tega obdobja. Z analizo več dokumentov iz obdobja Zhou, ohranjenih v Knjigi dokumentov, prispevek nato prikaže, da so te ideje tri najpomembnejše inovacije v zgodovini kitajske misli tega obdobja

    Splitters and Decomposers for Binary Matroids

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    Let EX[M1,Mk]EX[M_1\dots, M_k] denote the class of binary matroids with no minors isomorphic to M1,,MkM_1, \dots, M_k. In this paper we give a decomposition theorem for EX[S10,S10]EX[S_{10}, S_{10}^*], where S10S_{10} is a certain 10-element rank-4 matroid. As corollaries we obtain decomposition theorems for the classes obtained by excluding the Kuratowski graphs EX[M(K3,3),M(K3,3),M(K5),M(K5)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3}), M(K_5), M^*(K_5)] and EX[M(K3,3),M(K3,3)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3})]. These decomposition theorems imply results on internally 44-connected matroids by Zhou [\ref{Zhou2004}], Qin and Zhou [\ref{Qin2004}], and Mayhew, Royle and Whitte [\ref{Mayhewsubmitted}].Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.775