121,637 research outputs found

    Generation of Surface Coordinates by Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

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    The problem of generating spatial coordinates by numerical methods through carefully selected mathematical models is of current interest both in mechanics and physics. The problem of generation of a desired system of coordinates in a given surface was considered, which essentially is an effort directed to the problem of grid generation in a two-dimensional non-Euclidean space. The mathematical model selected for this purpose is based on the formulae of Gauss for a surface. The proposed equations can be used to generate a new coordinate system from the data of an already given coordinate system in a surface. If the coefficients of the first and second fundamental forms have been given, then the proposed equations can be used to generate a surface satisfying the given data (surface fitting). The proposed equations can also be used to generate surfaces in the space between two arbitrary given surfaces, thus providing 3D grids in an Euclidean space

    Application of Web 2.0 technologies in e-government: A United Kingdom case study

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    Electronic government (e-Government) has endured significant transformation over the last decade and currently, it is making further leaps by incorporating modern technologies such as second generation web (Web 2.0) technologies. However, since the development and use of this kind of technology is still at its early stages in the public sector, research about the use of Web 2.0 in this domain is still highly tentative and lacks theoretical underpinning. This paper reports the preliminary findings of an in-depth case study in the United Kingdom (UK) public sector, which explore the application of Web 2.0 technologies in the local government authority (LGA). The findings elicited from the case study offer an insight into information systems (IS) evaluation criterions and impact factors of Web 2.0 from both a practical setting and an internal organisational perspective. This paper concludes that a combined analysis of the evaluation and impact factors rather than a singular approach would better assist the decision making process that leads to effective application of Web 2.0 technologies. It also highlights the significant impact and perceived effect of adoption of such technologies
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