85 research outputs found

    Law Review of Islamic Capital Market Role to Support Sustainable Economic Development

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    Objective - The objective of this paper is to assess on how the rule of Islamic capital markets to support sustainable economic development and what kind of instruments can be developed.Method – The method used in this research is the study of normative juridical approach to legislation and the concept of Islamic economics through literature review.Result – Issuer's business activities related to support for environmentally friendly business activities are part of the implementation of sharia principles despite the provisions of the implementation of Islamic finance through a decision has not been stated . All types of instruments issued by issuers of sharia in Indonesia should be consistent with Islamic economic values, including the commitment to enforcement of environmentally friendly business activities.Conclusion – This finding suggests to strengthen the legal instruments in the issuer's issuance of Islamic instruments in the form of regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission and through the National Fatwa Council of Sharia

    Physical, Social, and Cultural Environment Determinants Of Filariasis In Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera

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    Background: Lymphatic filariasis impairs the lymphatic system and can lead to the abnormal enlargement of body parts, causing pain, severe disability and social stigma. According to World Health Organization, in 2000 over 120 million people were infected, with about 40 million disfigured and incapacitated by the disease. Lymphatic filariasis can be eliminated by stopping the spread of infection through preventive chemotherapy with safe medicine combinations repeated annually for at least 5 years. More than 6.7 billion treatments have been delivered to stop the spread of infection since 2000. Tapanuli Tengah district ranked third in the incidence of filariasis in North Sumatera. The total number of filariasis cases was 22 cases. This study aimed to examine the physical, social, economic, and cultural environment determinants of filariasis in Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study carried out in Lumut Maju village, Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera. A total of 23 informants were selected for this study, consisting of filariasis patients, family members, and personnel from the health and related sectors. The dependent variable was filariasis incidence. The independent variables were physical, social, economic, and cultural environments, and the local goverment. The data were collected by indepth interview, direct observation, focus group discussion, and document review. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Results: The incidence of filariasis is determined by the interaction of host agent environment conditions favorable for the transsmition of filariasis. The physical environment conditions in Lumut Maju village could be described as follows: (1) Several swamps; (2) Several rivers and bushes (3) Some plantations; (4) High humidity of climate. The social, economic, and cultural environment conditions could be described as follows: (1) Common habit of people to go out at night; (2) Rare use of protective work clothes; (3) Low household income; (4) Local belief in mystical things. The local government involvement was as follows: (1) Non existence of regent regulation on infectious diseases control and prevention, including filariasis; (2) Uneven distribution of health workers and health facilities. Conclusion: The incidence of filariasis in Lumut Maju village, Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera, is closely related to the conditions of physical, social, economical, and cultural environments, as well as the local goverment policy. Keywords: filariasis, physical, social, economical, cultural environment, local goverment policy

    Penapisan Varietas Padi Toleran Salinitas pada Lahan Rawa di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    The experiment was aimed to determine the most suitable method for selection of salt-tolerant, and to investigate the agronomic characteristics of salt-tolerant rice variety. Two experiments were conducted to study the tolerance of 18 varieties to salt: 1) in situ screening of salt-tolerant varieties using completely randomized design, and 2) screening of salt-tolerant varieties using factorial experiment (varieties and salinity) with completely randomized design. The experiment showed that screening of rice variety that tolerant and sensitive to salt stress can be determined by comparing root dry weights in salt stressed condition and in unstressed condition, and in term of agronomical aspect, salt stress-tolerant rice showed good growth when planted in the saline field
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