7 research outputs found

    Perhitungan Burnup Desain Reaktor GFR Berbasis Bahan Bakar Uranium Nitride

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    Riset tentang PLTN sebagai salah satu sumber energi aleternatif berkembang pesat seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya kebutuhan akan energi terurama energi listrik. Perhitungan burnup Desain reaktor Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) berbasis bahan bakar Uranium Nitride dengan helium sebagai pendinginnya. Analisis neutronik yang dihitung menggunakan separangkat program Standard Reactor Analysis Code (SRAC). Perhitungan level burnup menggunakan uranium alam dan pengayaan Uranium 235 sebesar 1% sampai 10% mengasilkan energi sebesar 167 GWd/ton selama 50 tahun waktu burnupnya. Densitas Atom dari Uranium 235 dan Uranium 238 akan berkurang selama burnup dan akan mulai tercipta Plutonium di awal burnup

    Nuclear binding energy and density distribution of Pb isotopes in a Skyrme - Hartree - Fock method

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    In this study, nuclear ground-state properties of spherical nuclei, such as the total energy, nucleon local density, and nucleon local potential of Pb isotopes (especially 204-214Pb) are investigated by using Hartree - Fock method. The calculations have been performed by using Skyrme set parameters, especially SLy4, SkM*, Zσ, and SIII set parameters. The calculation results have been compared to the related experiment results and the calculation results of the other researchers. All parameters used in this study are in good agreement with the results of the related experiments and the other researchers. In Pb nucleus, it is also obtained from this study that the total energy, mass radius, neutron radius, neutron skin thickness, neutron density, neutron density width, proton potential depth, and proton potential width increase accordingly with the increase of neutron number. In other hand, proton density and neutron potential decrease accordingly with the increase of neutron number. The increase of neutron number has minimum effect to the widths of proton density and neutron potential

    Characterization of Gamma Knife Perfexion™ source based on Monte Carlo simulation

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    This study is aimed at characterizing a single Cobalt-60 source capsule of the Gamma Knife Perfexion™ unit using the BEAMnrc Monte Carlo code. The Gamma Knife Perfexion™ source capsule was modeled using the BEAMnrc user code according to the manufacturer's technical details. The modeled parts include the source, the area around the source, and the capsule. The cylindrical source is 1 mm in diameter and 17 mm in length, with a physical density (ρ) of 8.9 × 103 kg/m3. The simulation parameters were an electron cutoff energy (ECUT) of 0.7 meV and photon cutoff energy (PCUT) of 0.01 meV. Energy fluence was calculated on a 0.25 cm diameter scoring plane located 3.1 cm from the source. Simulations were performed with and without the encapsulation of the source to investigate its effect on the spectrum and fluence of emitted gamma rays. The results showed that the influence of source encapsulation on the gamma rays is an increase in the relative number of particles in each energy bin of aggregate gamma rays by 92.36% at 0.23 meV energy and 66.12% at 1.10 meV energy. The secondary gamma rays were found to increase by 94.17% at 0.23 meV energy and 63.74% at 1.10 meV energy. The encapsulation of the source attenuated the gamma rays, which altered the spectrum. The mean energy of the beam increased, thereby exhibiting a beam-hardening effect

    Small Reactors without On-site Refuelling: Neutronic Characteristics, Emergency Planning and Development Scenarios

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    Small reactors without on-site refuelling have a capability to operate without reloading or shuffling of fuel in their cores for reasonably long periods of time consistent with plant economy and considerations of energy security, with no fresh or spent fuel being stored at the site during reactor operation. In 2009, more than 25 design concepts of such reactors were analyzed or developed in IAEA Member States, representing both developed and developing countries. Small reactors without on-site refuelling are being developed for several reactor lines, including water cooled reactors, sodium cooled fast reactors, lead and lead bismuth cooled reactors, and also include some non-conventional concepts. To further research and development (R&D) in the areas mentioned above and several others, and to facilitate progress in Member States in design and technology development for small reactors without on-site refueling, the IAEA has conducted a dedicated Coordinated Research Project (CRP) entitled ‘Small Reactors without On-site Refuelling’ (CRPi25001). The project started late in 2004 and, after a review in 2008, was extended for one more year to be ended in 2009. The project has created a network of 18 research institutions from 10 Member States, representing both developed and developing countries. The objective of this report is to document reference points and conclusions achieved through coordinated research conducted within the CRP on ‘Small Reactors without On-site Refuelling’ and to suggest R&D activities to be furthered after the CRP completion. Being documented, the outputs of this CRP may foster further R&D and increase the capability of Member States to achieve progress in development and deployment of small reactors without on-site refuelling