19 research outputs found

    Low levels of amyloid-beta and its transporters in neonatal rats with and without hydrocephalus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies in aging animals have shown that amyloid-beta protein (Aβ) accumulates and its transporters, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) and the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) are impaired during hydrocephalus. Furthermore, correlations between astrocytes and Aβ have been found in human cases of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Because hydrocephalus occurs frequently in children, we evaluated the expression of Aβ and its transporters and reactive astrocytosis in animals with neonatal hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hydrocephalus was induced in neonatal rats by intracisternal kaolin injections on post-natal day one, and severe ventriculomegaly developed over a three week period. MRI was performed on post-kaolin days 10 and 21 to document ventriculomegaly. Animals were sacrificed on post-kaolin day 21. For an age-related comparison, tissue was used from previous studies when hydrocephalus was induced in a group of adult animals at either 6 months or 12 months of age. Tissue was processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize LRP-1, RAGE, Aβ, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and with quantitative real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to quantify expression of LRP-1, RAGE, and GFAP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When 21-day post-kaolin neonatal hydrocephalic animals were compared to adult (6–12 month old) hydrocephalic animals, immunohistochemistry demonstrated levels of Aβ, RAGE, and LRP-1 that were substantially lower in the younger animals; in contrast, GFAP levels were elevated in both young and old hydrocephalic animals. When the neonatal hydrocephalic animals were compared to age-matched controls, qRT-PCR demonstrated no significant changes in Aβ, LRP-1 and RAGE. However, immunohistochemistry showed very small increases or decreases in individual proteins. Furthermore, qRT-PCR indicated statistically significant increases in GFAP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Neonatal rats with and without hydrocephalus had low expression of Aβ and its transporters when compared to adult rats with hydrocephalus. No statistical differences were observed in Aβ and its transporters between the control and hydrocephalic neonatal animals.</p

    Multiplicity of cerebrospinal fluid functions: New challenges in health and disease

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    This review integrates eight aspects of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulatory dynamics: formation rate, pressure, flow, volume, turnover rate, composition, recycling and reabsorption. Novel ways to modulate CSF formation emanate from recent analyses of choroid plexus transcription factors (E2F5), ion transporters (NaHCO3 cotransport), transport enzymes (isoforms of carbonic anhydrase), aquaporin 1 regulation, and plasticity of receptors for fluid-regulating neuropeptides. A greater appreciation of CSF pressure (CSFP) is being generated by fresh insights on peptidergic regulatory servomechanisms, the role of dysfunctional ependyma and circumventricular organs in causing congenital hydrocephalus, and the clinical use of algorithms to delineate CSFP waveforms for diagnostic and prognostic utility. Increasing attention focuses on CSF flow: how it impacts cerebral metabolism and hemodynamics, neural stem cell progression in the subventricular zone, and catabolite/peptide clearance from the CNS. The pathophysiological significance of changes in CSF volume is assessed from the respective viewpoints of hemodynamics (choroid plexus blood flow and pulsatility), hydrodynamics (choroidal hypo- and hypersecretion) and neuroendocrine factors (i.e., coordinated regulation by atrial natriuretic peptide, arginine vasopressin and basic fibroblast growth factor). In aging, normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer's disease, the expanding CSF space reduces the CSF turnover rate, thus compromising the CSF sink action to clear harmful metabolites (e.g., amyloid) from the CNS. Dwindling CSF dynamics greatly harms the interstitial environment of neurons. Accordingly the altered CSF composition in neurodegenerative diseases and senescence, because of adverse effects on neural processes and cognition, needs more effective clinical management. CSF recycling between subarachnoid space, brain and ventricles promotes interstitial fluid (ISF) convection with both trophic and excretory benefits. Finally, CSF reabsorption via multiple pathways (olfactory and spinal arachnoidal bulk flow) is likely complemented by fluid clearance across capillary walls (aquaporin 4) and arachnoid villi when CSFP and fluid retention are markedly elevated. A model is presented that links CSF and ISF homeostasis to coordinated fluxes of water and solutes at both the blood-CSF and blood-brain transport interfaces

    Synergistic inhibition of growth of breast and colon human cancer cell lines by site-selective cyclic AMP analogues

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    Our past studies on the mechanism of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-mediated control of tumor growth, using the experimental rat mammary tumor models as well as human breast cancer cell lines, indicated that the action of cAMP is mediated by the RII cAMP receptor protein, the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II (Y. S. Cho-Chung, J. Cyclic Nucleotide Res., 6: 163, 1980). We now shown that the site-selective cAMP analogues, which are manyfold more active in binding to the cAMP receptor protein than previously studied analogues, demonstrate a potent growth inhibition of seven breast and three colon human cancer cell lines. The cAMP receptor protein has two different cAMP binding sites, and cAMP analogues that selectively bind to either one of the two binding sites are known as either site 1 selective (C-8 analogues) or site 2 selective (C-6 analogues). Nineteen site-selective analogues, C-6 and C-8 monosubstituted and C-6,-8 disubstituted, were tested for their growth regulatory effect. The majority of these analogues demonstrated an appreciable growth inhibition, with no sign of toxicity in all 10 cancer lines at micromolar concentrations. The three most potent inhibitors were 8-Cl-, N6-benzyl-, and N6-phenyl-8-thio-p-chlorophenyl-cAMP, demonstrating 50% growth inhibition at 5-25 microM concentrations (IC50). Furthermore, N6-analogues, in combination with halogen or thio derivatives of C-8 analogues, demonstrated synergistic enhancement of growth inhibition. The growth inhibition paralleled a change in cell morphology, an augmentation of the RII cAMP receptor protein, and a reduction in p21 ras protein. The growth inhibition by 8-Cl-cAMP was not due to its metabolite, 8-Cl-adenosine, since: (a) the growth inhibition by 8-Cl-cAMP was released upon cessation of treatment, whereas that by 8-Cl-adenosine was not released; (b) 8-Cl-cAMP treatment did not affect cell cycle progression, whereas 8-Cl-adenosine brought about G1 synchronization; (c) 8-Cl-cAMP treatment caused reduction of p21 ras protein, whereas 8-Cl-adenosine did not affect p21 levels; and (d) 8-Cl-adenosine was not detected in either cell extracts or medium from the cells treated with 8-Cl-cAMP for 48-72 h. Site-selective cAMP analogues thus provide a new physiological means to control the growth of breast and colon human cancer cells