11 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Makromolekul: Pembuatan Hidrolisat Protein

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat bahan pembelajaran fungsi enzim dalam metabolisme dan materi makromolekul di sekolah menengah melalui eksperimen pembuatan hidrolisat protein dengan papain. Diharapkan penelitian ini mampu memberi manfaat dalam membantu guru memberikan contoh nyata aplikasi peranan enzim dan materi makromolekul dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Enzim yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah protease. Protease dari pepaya dikenal sebagai papain. Hidrolisis protein dengan papain kasar menghasilkan hidrolisat protein. Pada penelitian ini, aktivitas papain diuji terhadap substrat kasein dan penentuan konsentrasi protein hasil hidrolisis dilakukan dengan metode Lowry. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah nilai aktivitas spesifik papain sebesar 7,93 U/mg,. Dari hasil kinetika reaksi enzim diperoleh nilai konstanta Michaelis-Menten (KM) papain 0,028% dengan Vmaks = 0.75 gram/menit. Kegiatan meneliti dengan topik pembuatan hidrolisat protein ini dapat dipakai sebagai bahan penyusunan model pembelajaran materi peranan enzim dan makromolekul di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Pengalaman meneliti seperti mengisolasi enzim kasar dari bahan alam dan menguji kinetika reaksi enzim merupakan praktik yang dapat diajarkan kepada siswa sehingga mereka dapat memahami pelajaran biologi mengenai peranan enzim dan makromolekul lebih baik. Penelitian ini juga dapat membantu atau menguatkan pemahaman materi ajar lain seperti laju reaksi, ikatan kimia, dan reaksi kimia organik sehingga tercipta pembelajaran biologi yang terpadu dengan pembelajaran lainnya

    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Penghasil Enzim Lipase Ekstraselulerdari Lumpur Aktif Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Tekstil

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    Lumpur aktif dari instalasi pengolahan air limbah industri tekstil mengandung berbagai jenis mikroorganisme antara lain mikroorganisme yang memiliki aktivitas lipase yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri penghasil enzim lipase ekstraseluler dari lumpur aktif instalasi pengolahan air limbah industri tekstil. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi isolasi bakteri penghasil enzim lipase ekstraseluler dari lumpur aktif melalui skrining dengan media yang mengandung rodamin dan minyak zaitun, penentuan aktivitas enzim lipase dan karakterisasi lipase yang dihasilkan terhadap variasi temperatur, pH, dan pengaruh ion Ca2+. Hasil identifikasi secara mikrobiologi menunjukkan bahwa bakteri penghasil enzim lipase ekstraseluler dari lumpur aktif adalah spesies Erwiniachrysantemi. Enzim lipase ekstraseluler tersebut memiliki aktivitas 4,75 U/mL dengan temperatur optimum 40oC dan pH optimum 9. Penambahan ion Ca2+ tidak memberikan pengaruh berarti terhadap aktivitas enzim lipase

    Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrole on Steel Gauze Electrode by Voltammetry Cyclic Method

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    The coating of polypyrrole (PPy) on steel gauze electrode by electropolymerization of pyrrole with voltammetry cyclic method has been investigated. The purpose of this research is a preliminary study the character of a steel gauze as working electrode which potential to electrodeposition on Polypyrrole (PPy) film based on literature. Based on cyclic voltammogram of PPy, the oxidation potential has been achieved at a potential range of 0V to 1V which compared to Ag/AgCl as reference electrode at a anodic peak current (Ipa) near 7 mA at a scan rate 100 mV/sec from a solution 0.05M of Py in the solution 0.1M of KCl as supporting electrolyte. The competition between PPy with some major component of steel gauze such as Fe, Zn, Cr or Mn occured, in the potential range 0 to 1V during the electropolimerization. The main component of steel gauze has been analyzed by X-Ray Fluoresence (XRF). PPy films can cover the surface of steel gauze with the number of ten cycles of polymer growth on the electrode surface have been studied with the anodic and cathodic peak current with the correlation coefficient 0.999 and 0.991 of the increasing the number of cycles at the potential range of 0.2V to 0.8V. The results of PPy film on the steelgauze electrode has been characterized by Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR)

    Pengaruh Berbagai Perlakuan Fisik terhadap Molekul dan Aktivitas Protein Antibakteri dalam Cairan Selom Cacing Tanah Perionyx Excavatus

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    Earthworms are invertebrate with the unique immune system, since they are able to hold out bacterium pathogen in growing medium. Their immune system consists of a lot of reactions including: fagocytosis, encapsulation, agglutination, opsonisation and lysis for foreign component attacked. There are some small molecules and extra cellular proteins dilute in coelomic earthworm that play at important role in immune system and antibacterial agent. The present experiment was done to study the effect of several different treatments (feeding, living, medium, electricity stimulation) on the molecules resistance and activity of anti bacterial protein in coelomic of earthworms. Coelomic dilution was extracted by using electricity stimulation at 6 volt, and the activity of anti bacterial protein was measured by spectrophotometer, and agar diffusion. Protein extra cellular molecular size in coelomic dilution was observed by Sodium Duodecil Sulphate (SDS) electrophoresis. Results showed that the activity of anti bacterial protein in coelomic dilution, and molecule with 29 kDa size were deleted by tretments. Extraction of coelomic dilution which contained of activity of anti bacterial protein could be done in feces from cow which was never stimulated before

    Identification of Tropical Marine Diatom Chaetoceros Dayaensis CBO From Bokor Island Through Morphology and Genetic Marker Analysis

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    Microalgae are well-recognized by many researchers working on bioenergy resources due to its capability to produce high amounts of lipids as biodiesel precursors. Diatoms as a group of microalgae that specifically categorized by their silica valve could be more attractive to the researchers because in addition to high-lipid content, their silica features can be also utilized for wider applications, or used for diatoms bioproduct purification. Identification of some diatom species, such as the diatom genus Chaetoceros, as an initial step in diatom studies were difficult to accurately perform because of the unique morphology of silica frustules. Meanwhile, some candidate universal genetic markers of microalgae could also be used for the identification of diatoms with brittle frustules. In this research, we aimed to identify isolate CBO of tropical marine Chaetoceros CBO strain using morphological and genetic approaches. The isolate CBO of Chaetoceros sp. CBO was successfully obtained from sea region of Bokor Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, and cultivated in our laboratory as culture stock for further use. Better resolution of the Chaetoceros CBO identification until species level was shown by genetic analysis toward two proposed gene markers for microalgae (rbcL-3P and V4 region of 18S rDNA) rather than by morphological. Specific DNA region for this specimen was found in V4 region of 18S rDNA genetic marker that could be recognized by MspA1I restriction enzyme. Hence, the RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) method could be also used as an initial diagnostic tool for identification of this tropical marine Chaetoceros dayaensis CBO and for stock culture labelling purposes