17 research outputs found

    Cellulase-producing yeast isolated from fermented cocoa beans as biocontrol for pathogenic mold chocolate fruit collected from Sentul, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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    Mold is one of the microorganisms that can cause damage in chocolate fruit by producing phytopathogenic toxins. Until now, pesticides have been widely used for controlling postharvest loss in fruit. Yeasts can produce secondary metabolites, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic mold. In this study, we isolate, identify, and apply yeasts isolated from fermented cocoa beans to control the growth of pathogenic mold in chocolate fruit collected from Sentul, Indonesia. This research includes yeast isolation using the dilution method with YMA medium, mold isolation using direct planting method on PDA medium, screening ability to produce cellulase using diffusion method on CMC medium, and in-vitro antagonist testing using dual culture method on PDA medium. The results showed that 128 yeast isolates and 37 mold isolates were obtained in this study. The results of screening representative cellulase capability of 77 yeast obtained 6 positive yeast isolates produced cellulase with the highest cellulolytic index of 0.23-0.30. The 6-yeast antagonism test with the highest cellulolytic index showed that C3.3.1 isolate had the best ability to inhibit pathogenic molds with 37.36% inhibitory power

    Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Basic Mathematic dengan Metode Estafet Kartu

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    Basic education is very important for the next generation of the nation. A growing era requires educators to implement creative and innovative learning strategies. Basic education that is centered on elementary students is the center of attention, often mathematics lessons become a heavy scourge for elementary students. Therefore, learning mathematics in elementary students also requires learning strategies that are different from before. The purpose of the Rumah Matematika (RuMat) program for the community especially elementary students is to change the mindset of mathematics lessons that often scourge students into fun lessons by applying the Card  Relay Method. The method is more in the form of a game so students can absorb knowledge while playing. With Rumah Matematika (RuMat) program, students will be more interested in learning basic mathematics in a more fun way

    Potential amylase-producing yeast isolated from indigenous fermented beverages originating from Bali, Indonesia

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    Indonesia has many fermented beverages, and yeast become one of the agents in fermented process. Yeasts has a role to transform carbohydrate complex into simple compounds with release secondary metabolism to environment like amylase enzyme. This study aims to get the isolate of yeast that can potentially produce amylase enzyme. This research conducted in October 2018 until March 2019 in Microbiology Laboratory of Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The screening test of potential isolate producing amylase enzyme was performed on yeast isolate from eight source of indigenous fermented beverages that can grow in YMA medium with pH 2. Screening was carried out on YPSA medium with diffusion agar method. From 50 Isolates, 16 isolates with the codes IB4, IB15, IB20, IB21, IB26, IB36, IL78, IL80, IL81, IL86, IL88, IL97, IL113, IL136, IL146, and IL150, were able to form clear zone after 1-day incubation in room temperature. The highest amylolytic index was produced by IL86 (1,019 mm). Forming the clear zone is proof that yeast can transform starch become simpler sugar like maltose as iodine-starch reaction is resulting amylose helix and iodine become I3 - that filled main core helix. In addition to this, iodine forms complexes with starch molecules showed a dark purple colour

    Isolation and selection of fungi amylolytic and cellulolytic originated from Rhododendron sp. flower

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    The purpose of this study was to isolate fungi (yeast and mold) originated from Rhododendron sp. flower from the Bali National Park. Fungi were isolated to the PDA medium based on the washing and direct method. The plates were kept for incubation at 28°C. The enzyme activity was assayed by blank disk and agar diffusion method. The positive results of amylase and cellulase enzymes were represented by the existence of spotless area on the selective medium after adding congo red and Lugol as a detecting agent. A total of 7 yeasts and 15 molds were isolated from Rhododendron sp. flower. The results of activity was revealed that 15 mold isolates positive for cellulase production (KP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3) 12 mold isolates positive for amylase production (KP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3) and 7 yeast isolates positive for amylase and cellulase production (KH 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2)