22 research outputs found


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    Calcium is an extremely important nutrient in highly productive fruit growing such as glasshousegrown sweet pepper. Good bioavailibility of calcium can be achieved by calcisation, but in many cases owing to its high prices, long-term effects, along with a delayed initial effect, as well as problems that appear due to radical change in availability of other nutrients in soil, its application is restricted. This paper deals with research on effects of foliar applications of the commercial chemical named "Calciogreen", as a supplement to the standard fertilization in greenhouse growing, on yield and quality of pepper fruits of the Cecil cultivar in the region of East Croatia.Kalcij je izrazito važan nutrijent u visokoproduktivnoj povrćarskoj proizvodnji kao Å”to je i staklenička proizvodnja paprike. Dobra bioraspoloživost kalcija može se postići kalcizacijom, ali u mnogim slučajevima njena visoka cijena, viÅ”egodiÅ”nji efekti uz odloženo početno djelovanje te problemi koji nastaju radikalnom promjenom raspoloživosti drugih hraniva u tlu ograničavaju njenu primjenu. U ovom radu ispitivan je utjecaj folijarne primjene kalcija u obliku komercijalnog preparata "Calciogreen" kao dopuna standardne gnojidbe u stakleničkom uzgoju na prinos i kvalitet plodova paprike sorte Cecil na području istočne Hrvatske


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    A research was conducted into the influence of effective microorganisms (EM) and sheep manure on the duration of the process of composting, compost quality and the cost effectiveness of the process. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of initial material and the prepared compost were analysed. The results of the analysis indicate that 200 days, for how long the process lasted, is not enough to produce a stable and mature compost suitable for use as fertilizer and substrate for production of transplant plants, while the fertilizer obtained by composting straw mixed with sheep manure and inoculated with EM is of the highest quality.Obavljeno je istraživanje utjecaja efektivnih mikroorganizama (EM) i ovčjeg gnoja na trajanje procesa kompostiranja, kvalitetu komposta i ekonomsku isplativost postupka. Analizirana su fizikalna, kemijska i bioloŔka svojstva početnog materijala i gotovog komposta. Rezultati analiza pokazuju da je 200 dana, koliko je proces trajao, nedovoljno da bi se dobio stabilan i zreo kompost, pogodan za uporabu kao gnojivo i supstrat za proizvodnju presadnica, a najkvalitetniji je bio onaj dobiven kompostiranjem slame mijeŔane s ovčjim gnojem i inokulirane EM

    Croatian Agriculture Towards World Market Liberalization

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    Due to the limited domestic market and a loss of traditional markets, Croatian economic development today is based on export orientation with an important role of agriculture. Since 1990ā€™s Croatian economy began transformation from communistic economy towards a liberal market economy. At the same time, Croatia intensified association processes to world and European trade organizations (WTO in 2000, free trade agreements with some European countries, signing Stabilization and Association Agreement - SAA in 2001 as well as beginning of EU accession negotiation process in 2005). Croatian agriculture experienced numerous transitional problems (mentioned loss of traditional markets, failures in privatizing state-owned land, poorly organized markets, technological and educational limitations, producer insolvency, an export-import deficit etc). The aim of this paper is to explore limitations of Croatian agriculture as well as possibilities that come along with associations to world and European organizations and associations