36 research outputs found

    Российские исследования в области медицинской тематики на карте отечественной и мировой науки: результаты наукометрического анализа данных WoS за 1993–2020 гг.

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    The authors discuss the findings of the empirical bibliometric analysis of the dynamics of 1993–2020 national and international publications on cardiovascular system (С&CVS) and medicine and health (M&H) in SCI-E database (WoS). The study revealed that by 2020, the share of Russian M&H publications was almost as twice (10.9%) as the share of the same publications in the world M&H array. The share of Russian funded C&CVS publications was growing at heady rate, from 3.0% in 2010 up to 24.9% in 2020. The citation analysis of C&CVS publications evidences that the impact of competitive financing is much higher than that of the Open Access system. The Cardiology journal leaded in the Russian publications in 2020 and in 2016 and was publishing foreign articles intensively. The Russian cardiologists were active authors in the most prestigious international journals in 2016: 7% of publications in European Journal of Heart Failure and 6.2% in Atherosclerosis journal. The findings of the study can be used for planning science policy in medicine and health.Рассматриваются результаты эмпирического библиометрического анализа динамики массивов отечественных и мировых публикаций по кардиоваскулярной системе (С&CVS) и медицине и здравоохранению в целом (МиЗ) за период с 1993 по 2020 г. по БД SCI-E (WoS). Выявлено, что к 2020 г. в отечественном массиве публикаций по МиЗ доля публикаций по С&CVS была почти в два раза выше (10,9%), чем доля таких публикаций (5,9%) в мировом массиве публикаций по МиЗ. Наблюдались значительные темпы роста доли отечественных публикаций по C&CVS, поддержанных финансирующими организациями с 3,0% в 2010 г. до 24,9% в 2020 г. Анализ характеристики цитируемости публикаций по категории C&CVS показал, что влияние конкурсного финансирования намного существеннее, чем влияние системы Open Access. Журнал «Кардиология» занимал лидирующую позицию в публикациях отечественных кардиологов в 2010 г. и в 2016 г. и активно привлекал к участию иностранных специалистов. Отмечается активное участие российских кардиологов в наиболее престижных международных журналах в 2016 г.: доля российских авторов публикаций составила 7% в «European Journal of Heart Failure» и 6,2% в журнале «Atherosclerosis». Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при планировании научной политики в области медицины и здравоохранения

    No Banquet Can Do without Liquor: Alcohol counterfeiting in the People’s Republic of China

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    The illegal trade in alcohol has been an empirical manifestation of organised crime with a very long history; yet, the nature of the illegal trade in alcohol has received relatively limited academic attention in recent years despite the fact that it has been linked with significant tax evasion as well as serious health problems and even deaths. The current article focuses on a specific type associated with the illegal trade in alcohol, the counterfeiting of alcohol in China. The article pays particular attention to the counterfeiting of baijiu, Chinese liquor in mainland China. The aim of the article is to offer an account of the social organisation of alcohol counterfeiting business in China by illustrating the counterfeiting process, the actors in the business as well as its possible embeddedness in legal practices and industries/trades. The alcohol counterfeiting business is highly reflective to the market demand and consumer needs. Alcohol counterfeiting in China is characterised primarily by independent actors many of whom are subcontracted to provide commodities and services about the counterfeiting process. The business relies on personal networks – family and extended family members, friends and acquaintances. Relationships between actors in the business are very often based on a customer-supplier relationship or a ‘business-to-business market’. The alcohol counterfeiting business in China highlights the symbiotic relationship between illegal and legal businesses


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    The article describes the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis in one visit compared to multiple visits. A systematic review of the literature was conducted analyzing articles published on PubMed, Google scholar, ResearchGate and ScienceDirect between 2011 and 2021, treatment effectiveness was the selected outcome variable. A total of 21 articles were selected, 9 of which were selected for detailed review. Chief question in this article was: which treatment approach is more effective? Cleaning, Shaping, disinfecting and obturating in one visit? Or multiple (two) visit protocol? Chronic Apical Periodontitis is treatable in one visit, if done properly. Chronic Apical Periodontitis is treatable in one visit, if done properly, with proper shaping, disinfection, and proper hermetic obturation of the root canal. Bioceramic sealers showed the highest success rate out of all sealers used, the usage of 3-5.25% sodium hydrochloride and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid showed favorable results, although photodynamic therapy and ultrasonic activated irrigation showed outstanding results


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    The purpose of this work is to assess the influence, feasibility and effectiveness of glycerin as one of the means that prevent the formation of an oxygen-inhibited layer, to search for the most effective polymerization protocol for the final portion of the composite materialThe prepared carious cavities of the first class were sealed with a composite, then the samples were degreased and dried. Since the dental material is a dielectric material and is highly susceptible to charging under the influence of an electron beam, it was decided to apply a thin (30 nm) layer of platinum to the surface of the objects under study.Studies of the surface of the teeth and the applied composite were carried out using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Tescan Vega 3 SBH.Based on the essence of the mechanism of formation of the oxygen-inhibited composite layer, polymerization protocols were selected. The samples were divided into 4 groups according to each protocol of finishing processing.Based on the study of the surface of composite restoration using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Tescan Vega 3 SBH, it is concluded that the most optimal protocol for finishing the restoration is polymerization using means that prevent the formation of an oxygen-inhibited layer, and subsequent finishing treatment. This method allows you to achieve a smooth surface of the composite, the absence of pores and microcracks, high-quality edge fit

    Graftless Soft Tissue Augmentation with Volumetric-Stable Collagen Matrix: Case Series and Early Results

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    The absence of the soft-tissue graft harvesting reduces the time of surgery and makes the postoperative less painful for the patient. In such a situation, two treatment plans can be offered to the patient. Option number one is the use of a subepithelial connective tissue graft. This technique is well documented in the literature, has long term results and is considered the gold standard. Alternatively, it is suggested to use volumetric-stable collagen matrix, because it allows you to reduce pain after surgery, reduce the duration of manipulations, and the amount of material is unlimited. In this article we present two graftless clinical case with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® as a collagen matrix. © 2021, Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. All Rights Reserved