87 research outputs found

    The involvement of social institutions in the graffiti discourse as a way to overcome vandalism

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    Урбаністичний феномен графіті є сьогодні невід'ємною складовою міського способу життя. В статті здійснюється соціально-філософська рефлексія феномену графіті, а саме виявляються шляхи гуманізації явища графіті та подолання вандалістичної форми практики графіті, коли продукти цієї практики можуть мати естетичну, моральну та комунікативну (символічну) цінність на екстраграфітійному рівні (за межами графіті-спільноти). Місто розглядається з класичного соціологічного ракурсу – як система соціальних інститутів, а також як складна, сповнена різними формами та змістами сутність – з позиції «нового урбанізму». Феномен графіті досліджується крізь призму співіснуванні повсякденності із багатьма аспектами урбаністичного життя, взаємоспричиненість та обмеженість міських контекстів в буденному житті містянина. Обґрунтовано, що включеність соціальних інститутів до графіті дискурсу є практичним способом виведення деструктивного явища на рівень його гуманізації. Наведено багато прикладів конструктивного використання графіті, які свідчать про гуманізацію цього явища. Серед можливих шляхів дегуманізації явища графіті та часткового подолання вандалістичної форми графіті-практики названі наступні: комерціалізація графіті, використання графіті в брендингу міста та долучення соціальних інститутів до графіті дискурсу. Пріоритетним в дослідженні є семантичний аспект, тому в аналізі використовується семіологічні терміни та поняття.Urban graffiti phenomenon is now an integral part of urban life. Debates about the controversial status of this kind of street art and vandal form of graffiti practice are in progress. This article is the socio-philosophical reflection phenomenon of graffiti, and it identifies ways to humanize the phenomenon of graffiti and to overcome the vandal form of graffiti practice when its products can be esthetic, moral and symbolic value to the extra-level (outside the graffiti community). The city is considered with the classic sociological perspective – as a system of social institutions, as well as a complex, full of various forms and contents of the essence – from a position of «new urbanism». The phenomenon of graffiti is examined through the prism of everyday coexistence with many aspects of urban life, interdependence and limited urban contexts in everyday life of citizen. It is proved that the inclusion of social institutions to the graffiti-discourse is a practical way of removing the destructive effects to the humanization level. There are many examples of graffiti constructive usage which demonstrates this phenomenon humanization. Among the possible ways to humanize and partly overcome vandals forms of graffiti-practices the commercialization of graffiti, applying graffiti in the city branding, the involvement of social institutions to graffiti-discourse are mentioned. A priority in research is a semantic aspect, therefore, in the analysis the semiological terms and concepts are used

    Entanglement Switch for Dipole Arrays

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    We propose a new entanglement switch of qubits consisting of electric dipoles, oriented along or against an external electric field and coupled by the electric dipole-dipole interaction. The pairwise entanglement can be tuned and controlled by the ratio of the Rabi frequency and the dipole-dipole coupling strength. Tuning the entanglement can be achieved for one, two and three-dimensional arrangements of the qubits. The feasibility of building such an entanglement switch is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figures. To be published on Journal of Chemical Physic

    Measurement-induced nonlocality for observers near a black hole

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    We present a systematic and complementary study of quantum correlations near a black hole by considering the measurement-induced nonlocality (MIN). The quantum measure of interest is discussed on the same footing for the fermionic, bosonic and mixed fermion-boson modes in relation to the Hawking radiation. The obtained results show that in the infinite Hawking temperature limit, the physically accessible correlations does not vanish only in the fermionic case. However, the higher frequency modes can sustain correlations for the finite Hawking temperature, with mixed system being more sensitive towards increase of the fermionic frequencies than the bosonic ones. Since the MIN for the latter modes quickly diminishes, the increased frequency may be a way to maintain nonlocal correlations for the scenarios at the finite Hawking temperature.Comment: 4 figure

    Повседневность как код урбанистического модуса бытия

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    У статті висвітлюється питання чи може повсякденність мати статус універсального коду, за допомогою якого можна інтерпретувати місто та семантику урбаністичного світу. Феноменологічний аналіз поєднується з семіотичним підходом.The article is devoted the search of answer for a question, can a daily occurence have status of universal code by which it is possible to interpret a City and semantics of the. A fenomenological analysis unites with semiotics approach.Статья посвящена поиску ответа на вопрос, может ли повседневность иметь статус универсального кода, с помощью которого можно интерпретировать город и семантику урбанистического мира. Феноменологический анализ соединяется с семиотическим подходом

    Акт творчества или способ осуществления антигуманизма: социально-психологический аспект мотивов продуцирования граффити

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    У статті робиться спроба віднайти основні мотиви продукування графіті та зрозуміти, чи можна розглядати акт графіті як своєрідний творчий акт. Здійснюється огляд існуючих класифікацій графіті, і на їхній основі створюється власна узагальнена класифікація. На основі аналізу трьох соціологічних досліджень графіті робиться висновок про основний мотив.In the article an attempt to find basic reasons of graffiti producting and understand whether it is possible to examine the act of graffiti as original creative act is done. The review of existent classification of graffiti is carried out and on their basis the own generalized classification is created. On the basis of analysis of three sociological researches graffiti drawn conclusion about basic reason.В статье делается попытка найти основные мотивы продуцирования граффити и понять, можно ли рассматривать акт граффити как своеобразный творческий акт. Осуществляется обзор существующей классификации граффити и на их основе создается собственная обобщенная классификация. На основе анализа трех социологических исследований граффити делается вывод об основном мотиве

    Group Leaders Optimization Algorithm

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    We present a new global optimization algorithm in which the influence of the leaders in social groups is used as an inspiration for the evolutionary technique which is designed into a group architecture. To demonstrate the efficiency of the method, a standard suite of single and multidimensional optimization functions along with the energies and the geometric structures of Lennard-Jones clusters are given as well as the application of the algorithm on quantum circuit design problems. We show that as an improvement over previous methods, the algorithm scales as N^2.5 for the Lennard-Jones clusters of N-particles. In addition, an efficient circuit design is shown for two qubit Grover search algorithm which is a quantum algorithm providing quadratic speed-up over the classical counterpart

    Competing tunneling trajectories in a 2D potential with variable topology as a model for quantum bifurcations

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    We present a path - integral approach to treat a 2D model of a quantum bifurcation. The model potential has two equivalent minima separated by one or two saddle points, depending on the value of a continuous parameter. Tunneling is therefore realized either along one trajectory or along two equivalent paths. Zero point fluctuations smear out the sharp transition between these two regimes and lead to a certain crossover behavior. When the two saddle points are inequivalent one can also have a first order transition related to the fact that one of the two trajectories becomes unstable. We illustrate these results by numerical investigations. Even though a specific model is investigated here, the approach is quite general and has potential applicability for various systems in physics and chemistry exhibiting multi-stability and tunneling phenomena.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figures, Revtex-

    Predicting swimming performance using state anxiety

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    Competitive state anxiety is a common response to stressful competitive sports situations that could affect athletic performance. The effects of state anxiety on swimming performance need further inquiry. The aim of the study was to determine the component of state anxiety that best predicts swimming performance. A quantitative, cross-sectional study design that made use of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 to measure precompetitive state anxiety was used. A total of 61 male high school swimmers whose age ranged between 14 and 19 years (M = 16.16, standard deviation = 1.66 years) completed the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 1 hr before competing in a 50-m individual swimming event. Performance was evaluated using finishing position. Due to the relatively short duration of the 50-m event, the available literature would suggest that Somatic Anxiety would have a greater effect on Performance - there is not enough time to allow cognitive anxiety to have a detrimental impact on performance. Thus, it was hypothesized that somatic rather than cognitive anxiety will best predict swimming performance. It emerged that both cognitive (b =.787; p <.001) and somatic anxieties (b =.840; p <.001) can independently predict swimming performance. However, when both cognitive and somatic anxieties were regressed onto swimming performance, somatic anxiety partially dominated cognitive anxiety (b =.626; p <.001) and became the significant predictor of swimming performance. It is recommended that swimmers and swimming coaches make use of specific intervention strategies that eradicate the detrimental effects of somatic anxiety immediately before competition.IS

    KIAA0101 Is Overexpressed, and Promotes Growth and Invasion in Adrenal Cancer

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    Background: KIAA0101 is a proliferating cell nuclear antigen-associated factor that is overexpressed in some human malignancies. Adrenocortical neoplasm is one of the most common human neoplasms for which the molecular causes are poorly understood. Moreover, it is difficult to distinguish between localized benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors. For these reasons, we studied the expression, function and possible mechanism of dysregulation of KIAA0101 in human adrenocortical neoplasm. Methodology/Principal Findings: KIAA0101 mRNA and protein expression levels were determined in 112 adrenocortical tissue samples (21 normal adrenal cortex, 80 benign adrenocortical tumors, and 11 adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). SiRNA knockdown was used to determine the functional role of KIAA0101 on cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, soft agar anchorage independent growth and invasion in the ACC cell line, NCI-H295R. In addition, we explored the mechanism of KIAA0101 dysregulation by examining the mutational status. KIAA0101 mRNA (9.7 fold) and protein expression were significantly higher in ACC (p,0.0001). KIAA0101 had sparse protein expression in only a few normal adrenal cortex samples, which was confined to adrenocortical progenitor cells. KIAA0101 expression levels were 84 % accurate for distinguishing between ACC and normal and benign adrenocortical tumor samples. Knockdown of KIAA0101 gene expression significantly decreased anchorage independent growth by 80 % and invasion by 60 % (p = 0.001; p = 0.006). W