11 research outputs found


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    The effect of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on the growth and activity of nitrate reductase (NR, EC, the synthesis of proline and the superoxide anion radical generation in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Gonar) seedlings grown under salinization with NaCl has been studied. The obtained data indicated that ALA (20, 40 and 80 mg L–1) increased the elongation and leaf blade expansion of barley seedlings exposed to 150 mM NaCl as compared to control plants, which were not treated with ALA. In the presence of the NR inductor – its substrate 20mM KNO3, exogenous ALA stimulated NR gene Nar 1 expression, increased the NR-protein content and enzymatic activities in plants grown in 150 mM NaCl solution. ALA also induced the accumulation of free proline and decreased the generation of superoxide anion radicals. Thus, this study demonstrates that ALA effects on salt-stressed barley seedlings involves the stimulation of NR activities both at transcriptional and translational levels and leads to complex physiological modifications, such as the improvements of plant growth and antiradical defense.Изучено влияние экзогенной 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты (АЛК) на рост, активность нитратредуктазы (НР, КФ, накопление пролина и генерацию супероксид анион-радикала в проростках ячменя (Hordeum vulgare L., сорт Гонар), выращенных в условиях засоления, создаваемого NaCl. Показано, что АЛК в концентрациях 20, 40 и 80 мг/л увеличивала длину проростков, уширяла листовую пластинку растений, подвергнутых действию 150 мМ NaCl, по сравнению с контрольными растениями, не обработанными АЛК. В присутствии индуктора НР – ее субстрата 20 мМ KNO3, экзогенная АЛК стимулировала экспрессию Nar 1 гена фермента, увеличивала содержание НР-белка и его активность в растениях, выращенных на 150 мМ NaCl. АЛК также индуцировала накопление свободного пролина и уменьшала способность растений генерировать супероксид анион-радикал. Таким образом, продемонстрировано, что наблюдаемые эффекты экзогенной АЛК на выращиваемые в условиях солевого стресса растения ячменя связаны со стимуляцией активности НР как на транскрипционном, так и на трансляционном уровнях и приводят к улучшению ростовых характеристик растений и повышению уровня антирадикальной защиты

    Effect of Fenugreek seed Extract (Trigonella Foenum-graecum) on testicular tissue in the embryos of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Background and aim: Diabetes mellitus is associated with some of the metabolic dysfunctions represented with chronic hyperglycemia.  This disease can disrupt the function of testicular tissue and decline male sexual ability. Some of the medicinal herbs such as fenugreeks have protective effects on tissues via hypoglycemic and anti-oxidative properties. In the present paper,  the effects of fenugreek seed extract was evaluated on testicular tissue of 20 day-old embryos from diabetic rats. Methods: In the present experimental study, sixty normal female rats were divided into three normal groups: non-diabetic control, glibenclamide and fenugreek groups and three diabetic groups: diabetic control, glibenclamide treatment and fenugreek treatment groups. Single injection of streptozotocin was used for induction of diabetes in these female rats. After detection of pregnancy, 1000 mg/kg fenugreek seed extract was fed to non-diabetic and diabetic fenugreek groups and 5 mg/kg glibenclamide was fed to non-diabetic and diabetic glibenclamide groups. Non-diabetic and diabetic control group was fed with distilled water as the same volume as the fenugreek extract. After 20 days, their embryos were pulled out and fixed at 10% formalin. After tissue processing, five micron sections were stained with Hematoxylin- eosin and evaluated for morphometric changes of testicular tissue. Data were evaluated with One-Way ANOVA test and Duncan post-hoc test. Results: The mean diameter of seminiferous tubules and testis capsule thickness indicated no significant differences between fenugreek treatment and diabetic control groups (P> 0.05). Mean body weight of male embryos was significantly lower in fenugreek treatment group in comparison with the diabetic control group (P&le 0.05). The leydig, sertoli and spermatogonial cells number was significantly higher in fenugreek treatment group in compression with diabetic control group                      (P&le 0.05). Conclusion: The present study showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of fenugreek seeds may increase leydig, sertoli and spermatogonial cells number in testis of diabetic rats

    5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) biosynthetic and metabolic pathways and its role in higher plants: a review

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