7 research outputs found

    The Effect of processing on the PVC/Clay Nanocomposites Structure

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    Reported nanocomposites of poly(vinyl chloride) have been prepared using bentonite-based clay, Na-montmorillonite (nature clay) and organophilic clay 30B. Polymer nanocomposites of differing compositions were produced using Buss KO-kneader via melt intercalation method. The effect of different type of plasticizer (both low molecular and high molecular) and compounding conditions on the structure of PVC/clay nanocomposites was investigated. Different compounding conditions were tested to study their influence on nanoparticles dispersion, orientation and exfoliation in PVC/clay nanocomposites. The structure of PVC/MMT nanocomposites was observed using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy). It was found that the Na-montmorillonite offer low exfoliation level, while 30B modified by plasticizer exhibits fine dispersion of partial to nearly full exfoliated MMT. Moreover the processing conditions play also important role in nanocomposite production

    Effect of the clay modification on the thermal properties of PVC

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    The intercalation of organic compound is necessary to functionalize the montmorillonite surface. So, the intercalation of diethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol and the influence of plasticizer, namely tricresyl phosphate and isodecyldiphenyl phosphate as co-intercalating agents were studied. For the PVC/clay nanocomposites the suspension type of PVC was used and the compound was prepared by the melt intercalation method. Two kinds of MMT (Cloisite (R) Na(+), Cloisite (R) 30B) and laboratory modified MMT by intercalation (diethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol) and co-intercalation (tricresyl phosphate and isodecildifenyl phosphate) agents were used for the set of nanocomposite samples. The thermal stability of nanocomposite specimens was tested using of thermo gravimetric analysis, DMA and pH method

    PVC clay nanocomposites: Optimal clay volume

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    The polymer/clay nanocomposites have been studied for several years yet Weak attention has been given to poly(VinylChloride)/clay nanocomposites, although PVC is the best known and the most widely used vinyl plastics This paper focuses to the clay volume optimalization at compositions based on soft PVC Different clay content was used to find out the optimum between properties, filling grade and level of exfoliation. Modified type of clay, Cloisite 3013, and unmodified type of clay, Cloisite Na(+), were employed as the inorganic phase In the first case the clay gives good exfoliation degree and in the second case the degree of exfoliation is very low. These two systems were select due to better understanding the role of clay content and exfoliation degree in relation to the final properties of polymer/clay nancomposites Clay volume differs from 0 to 40% In case of Cloisite 30B composition with clay content 0 - 20% was prepared due to thermal stability of mixing systems As the intercalation and co-intercalation agent was used low molecular plasticizer dioctyphthalate (DOP) The melt intercalation method was used for PVC/clay nanocomposite preparation All intercalates and co-intercalates were reached at 80 degrees C in laboratory mixer Thermomix For mixture compounding, the KO-kneader was chosen The morphology of investigated materials was studied by XRD and TEM The final composition properties were characterized by tensile stress and strain, dynamical thermo-mechanical analysis and by barrier properties It was observed, that relative value of complex modulus /E*/ is growing rapidly with increasing temperature The enhancement is more intensive for materials based on Cloisite 30

    Influence of intercalation agents on the thermal stability of PVC/CLAY nanocomposites

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    Nanokompozitní materiály typu PVC/jíl byly připraveny interkalací v tavenině. Pro přípravu nanokompozitů byly použity dna typy nanoplniv (Cloisite?Na+ a Cloisite?30B), dále pro modifikaci těchto nanoplniv byly použity interkalační činidla dietylenglykol, polyetylenglykol a také ko-interkalační trikresylfosfát, isodecyldifenylfosfát. Tepelné vlastnosti připravených vzorků byly měřeny pomocí TGA a pH metodouPolyvinyl chloride (PVC)/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites were prepared via melt-intercalation method. Two kinds of MMT (Cloisite®Na+, Cloisite®30B) and laboratory modified MMT by intercalation (diethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol) and co-intercalation (tricresyl phosphate and isodecildifenyl phosphate) agents were used for the set of nanocomposite samples. The thermal stability of nanocomposite specimens was tested using of thermo gravimetric analysis and pH methods

    Preparation of (ethylene-methacrylic acid) copolymer/vermiculite composites

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    In this research, the effect of modified filler on mechanical properties of polymer/clay composite was studied. Firstly, the filler - vermiculite was modified by two methods. Former one was done by hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, the latter by maleic anhydride. The level of clay modification was determined by X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Further, the fillers were compounded with the polymer matrix Surlyn 8920. The level of filler dispersion in polymer was studied by X-ray diffraction and their influence on physical properties was found by mechanical test. Their results showed that tensile modulus increased, while the tensile stress decreased for treated filler compounds

    Influence of kaolinite modification on the PVC composites properties

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    Funcionalization of the filler surface is very important factor for achieving good interaction between filler and polymer matrix. In addition the mechanical as well as chemical properties, thermal stability, gas permeability, and flammability can be substantially improved. Hence, the intercalation of kaolinite by urea was performed. Untreated and treated kaolinite samples were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra were measured and interpreted. Samples intercalated with urea and subsequently exfoliated during washing exhibit a variable intensity of the 001 diffractions of kaolinite (K) and the presence of interstratified intermediate kaolinite phase was also approved. For the PVC/kaolinite composites the suspension type of PVC with K value 60 was used. Commercial type of pure kaolinite, urea intercalated kaolinite, and intercalated/exfoliated kaolinite after washing of urea from kaolinite-urea intercalate were used as the filler. PVC/kaolinite compounds were prepared by the melt intercalation method. Morphology of prepared samples and their mechanical stability was tested

    PVC kaolinite/urea hybrids

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    This paper focused to the PVC composites with kaolinite. Poly(vinyl chloride) hybrids have been prepared by melt intercalation method using both natural and modified kaolinite. Kaolinite is the most common two-sheet type clay mineral. In this study kaolinite (SAK47) was modified with urea, (SAK47/urea), to expand the interlayer basal spacing. Next the intercalated/exfoliated kaolinite (del. SAK47) after washing of urea from kaolinite-urea intercalate was prepared. The interactions between kaolinite and urea were discussed by FTIR-ATR