13 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood analysis of the protein coding genes.

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    <p>The maximum likelihood analysis of the mitochondrial protein coding genes of six annelids shows that branch lengths among them are similar, suggesting that <i>Nephtys</i> does not have an obviously slower rate that might create a propensity for harboring introns.</p

    Primers used for completion of <i>Nephtys</i>' mtDNA amplification.

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    <p>Primers used for completion of <i>Nephtys</i>' mtDNA amplification.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of 71 group II intron ORFs. A maximum likelihood analysis of the amino acid sequence for 71 ORFs suggests the <i>cox1</i> ORF718 of the marine centric diatom <i>Thalassiosira pseudonana</i> as sister to the <i>Nephtys</i>'s ORF.

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    <p>Red stars indicate a bootstrap support ≥90. Names of taxa are indicated by the capital letter of the genus name, followed by species name and when applicable the intron location (specified in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001488#pone-0001488-t003" target="_blank">table 3</a>).</p

    Key characteristics of group I and group II self-splicing introns.

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    <p>Key characteristics of group I and group II self-splicing introns.</p

    Mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial group II introns included in the phylogenetic analysis (modified from Zimmerly et al. ).

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    <p>Mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial group II introns included in the phylogenetic analysis (modified from Zimmerly et al. ).</p

    Microbial Succession in the Gut: Directional Trends of Taxonomic and Functional Change in a Birth Cohort of Spanish Infants

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    <div><p>In spite of its major impact on life-long health, the process of microbial succession in the gut of infants remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze the patterns of taxonomic and functional change in the gut microbiota during the first year of life for a birth cohort of 13 infants. We detect that individual instances of gut colonization vary in the temporal dynamics of microbiota richness, diversity, and composition at both functional and taxonomic levels. Nevertheless, trends discernible in a majority of infants indicate that gut colonization occurs in two distinct phases of succession, separated by the introduction of solid foods to the diet. This change in resource availability causes a sharp decrease in the taxonomic richness of the microbiota due to the loss of rare taxa (p = 2.06e-9), although the number of core genera shared by all infants increases substantially. Moreover, although the gut microbial succession is not strictly deterministic, we detect an overarching directionality of change through time towards the taxonomic and functional composition of the maternal microbiota. Succession is however not complete by the one year mark, as significant differences remain between one-year-olds and their mothers in terms of taxonomic (p = 0.009) and functional (p = 0.004) microbiota composition, and in taxonomic richness (p = 2.76e-37) and diversity (p = 0.016). Our results also indicate that the taxonomic composition of the microbiota shapes its functional capacities. Therefore, the observed inter-individual variability in taxonomic composition during succession is not fully compensated by functional equivalence among bacterial genera and may have important physiological consequences. Finally, network analyses suggest that positive interactions among core genera during community assembly contribute to ensure their permanence within the gut, and highlight an expansion of complexity in the interactions network as the core of taxa shared by all infants grows following the introduction of solid foods.</p></div

    Dendrogram showing six main groups of gut microbiota genera based on functional profile clustering.

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    <p>Functional profiles were defined as the relative abundances of TIGRFAM subroles in a given genus. Only genera present in any sample at >1% abundance and having genes representing at least 50% of the 108 subroles detected in our complete data set were included. Clustering was based on the complete linkage method applied to a matrix of pairwise Bray-Curtis distances between the functional profiles of genera. Branches in the resulting dendrogram were collapsed when genera on the tips pertained to the same order. Orders of the same phylum have different shades of the same color.</p

    ANOSIM comparison of timepoints.

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    <p>Overall analyses for taxonomic (A) and functional (B) Bray-Curtis distances among all samples. The length of the bows indicates the level of heterogeneity and the width the number of compared samples. Statistically significant differences among timepoints are detected for both taxonomic and functional data. Note the decrease in heterogeneity with time in infants and the larger heterogeneity in MA compared to MB samples. (C) Representation of pairwise ANOSIM analyses between timepoints. Each timepoint is represented by a color and is linked by lines of this color to all timepoints from which it is not significantly different. For functional composition, significant differences appear between timepoints that are more separated in time, indicating directionality along infant development, but no such pattern is detected at the taxonomic level.</p

    Timecore Venn diagrams.

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    <p>Changes in the core sets of genera (A) or functions (B) present at each infant timepoint. In both cases, areas representing the different timecores are enclosed by lines of the corresponding colors. The red central circles represent the genera or functions present in all five infant timecores; areas filled in dark orange, medium orange, light orange and yellow represent features present in four, three, two or one infant timecores. The number of features included in each section of the diagram is shown and areas are approximately proportional to these numbers.</p

    Directionality in taxonomic and functional change through time.

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    <p>Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) of taxonomic (A) and functional (B) data, showing that the main axis (CCA1) separates infant timepoints I1, I2, I3 and I4 from I5, MA and MB. The percent variation explained by the main axis is 60.22% in A and 81.57% in B, while CCA2 explains 14.20% variation in A and 6.99% in B. The direction of the timepoint arrows indicates the main axis of deviation from the reference maternal timepoint (MA). Taxonomic (C) and functional (D) Principal Coordinates Analyses (PCoA) depicting convex hulls enclosing all samples pertaining to a determined timepoint. The percent variation explained by the main axis is 46.60% in C and 30.28% in D, while PCoA2 explains 23.00% variation in C and 16.04% in D. Heterogeneity within timepoints is represented by arrow length (CCA) or convex hull area (PCoA). All analyses identify a progressive change from timepoint to timepoint with clear directionality towards the composition of the mothers.</p