139 research outputs found

    Factors influencing export development of Dutch manufactured products

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    The research objective of this Strategic Study is to generate new insights in the question: what are the determinants of the development of Dutch manufacturing exports? The focus of the current study is a qualitative one. In follow-up studies, data on the relevant determinants might be gathered and a quantitative research, such as regression analyses, might be carried out to determine the dominant factors in a quantitative way.

    Price-cost margins in Dutch manufacturing: effects of concentration, business cycle and international trade

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    This study is concerned with the explanation of differences in price-cost margins of manufacturing industries using a longitudinal data set consisting of averaged data from 66 Dutch industries from 1974 through 1986. Our major concern is investigating whether price-cost margins are more procyclical in concentrated than in unconcentrated industries. The relation between the size of the mark-up of price over marginal cost and the degree of imperfect competition has received considerable attention in the industrial organisation literature. See Cubbin (1988) and Schmalensee (1989) for almost exhaustive surveys of the empirical literature. One of the main indicators of the degree of imperfect competition is seller concentration. The correct measurement of the influence of seller concentration on the size of the mark-up depends on the level of demand pressures (see section 2 for a discussion). This influence can be best measured using a panel data set covering a period including various stages of the business cycle

    Operating room nursing science learning programmes in South Africa

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    Operating room nurses form the corner-stone of the operating room because perioperative care of the patient rests mainly in the hands of the nursing personnel. Unique challenges face nurses functioning in the stressful surgical environment where anticipation to prevent or cope with life-threatening situations is the order of the day. The operating room nurse must be knowledgeable, skilled and alert, as he/she is held accountable for all acts of commission and omission. To ensure that nurses are appropriately educated and trained and able to keep trend with the changing technology in the operating room, it is essential that learning programmes meet the minimum standards for registration as prescribed by the South African Nursing Council. Reviewing and evaluating learning programmes on a regular basis by specialist nursing educationists, are therefore essential to ensure that the standards of education and training are maintained and upgraded if required. The aim of this study is to explore and describe the various Operating Room Nursing Science Learning Programmes offered at accredited Higher Education Institutions, utilized for the education and training of the operating room nursing students in South Africa. The proposed research is based on a qualitative paradigm and the theoretical grounding is found in Bergman’s model for professional accountability (Bergman, 1982:8). A document analysis of five approved comprehensive Operating Room Nursing Science Learning Programmes from higher education institutions in South Africa (nursing colleges and universities) was carried out, together with a sixth programme, the Operating Theatre Learning Programme, as suggested by the Standard Generating Body. Requests for permission were forwarded to the management of the selected colleges or universities for inclusion of the respective programmes in the study. The researcher formulated and utilized thirty-four essential criteria derived from three documents, the first being a document entitled “Proposed Standards for Nursing and Midwifery Qualifications” submitted to the SANC and SAQA by the SGB for Nursing and Midwifery (2001-2004). The second document entitled the Public and Private Higher Education Institutions format template for criteria for the Generation and Evaluation of Qualifications and Standards within the National Qualifications Framework was also utilized (SAQA, 1430/00) and thirdly the researcher included the most relevant criteria from the list of criteria for curriculum development as indicated by the South African Nursing Council. Various tables were compiled, to reflect the findings of the document analysis according to the thirty-three criteria indicated above, to provide a clear and broad overview of the specific data in the respective six Operating Room Nursing Science Learning Programmes utilized in the study. In conclusion recommendations for a broad macro-curriculum were made to facilitate formulation of programmes in Operating Room Nursing Science relevant to the South African context

    Structure and function of the human Gly1619Arg polymorphism of M6P/IGF2R domain 11 implicated in IGF2 dependent growth

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    The mannose 6-phosphate/IGF 2 receptor (IGF2R) is comprised of 15 extra-cellular domains that bind IGF2 and mannose 6-phosphate ligands. IGF2R transports ligands from the Golgi to the pre-lysosomal compartment and thereafter to and from the cell surface. IGF2R regulates growth, placental development, tumour suppression and signalling. The ligand IGF2 is implicated in the growth phenotype, where IGF2R normally limits bioavailability, such that loss and gain of IGF2R results in increased and reduced growth respectively. The IGF2R exon 34 (5002A>G) polymorphism (rs629849) of the IGF2 specific binding domain has been correlated with impaired childhood growth (A/A homozygotes). We evaluated the function of the Gly1619Arg non-synonymous amino acid modification of domain 11. NMR and X-ray crystallography structures located 1619 remote from the ligand binding region of domain 11. Arg1619 was located close to the fibronectin type II (FnII) domain of domain 13, previously implicated as a modifier of IGF2 ligand binding through indirect interaction with the AB loop of the binding cleft. However, comparison of binding kinetics of IGF2R, Gly1619 and Arg1619 to either IGF2 or mannose 6-phosphate revealed no differences in ‘on’ and ‘off’ rates. Quantitative PCR, 35S pulse chase and flow cytometry failed to demonstrate altered gene expression, protein half-life and cell membrane distribution, suggesting the polymorphism had no direct effect on receptor function. Intronic polymorphisms were identified which may be in linkage disequilibrium with rs629849 in certain populations. Other potential IGF2R polymorphisms may account for the correlation with childhood growth, warranting further functional evaluation

    Organoid cell fate dynamics in space and time

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    Organoids are a major new tool to study tissue renewal. However, characterizing the underlying differentiation dynamics remains challenging. Here, we developed TypeTracker, which identifies cell fates by AI-enabled cell tracking and propagating end point fates back along the branched lineage trees. Cells that ultimately migrate to the villus commit to their new type early, when still deep inside the crypt, with important consequences: (i) Secretory cells commit before terminal division, with secretory fates emerging symmetrically in sister cells. (ii) Different secretory types descend from distinct stem cell lineages rather than an omnipotent secretory progenitor. (iii) The ratio between secretory and absorptive cells is strongly affected by proliferation after commitment. (iv) Spatial patterning occurs after commitment through type-dependent cell rearrangements. This "commit-then-sort"model contrasts with the conventional conveyor belt picture, where cells differentiate by moving up the crypt-villus axis and hence raises new questions about the underlying commitment and sorting mechanisms

    A highly attenuated recombinant human respiratory syncytial virus lacking the G protein induces long-lasting protection in cotton rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a primary cause of serious lower respiratory tract illness for which there is still no safe and effective vaccine available. Using reverse genetics, recombinant (r)RSV and an rRSV lacking the G gene (ΔG) were constructed based on a clinical RSV isolate (strain 98-25147-X).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Growth of both recombinant viruses was equivalent to that of wild type virus in Vero cells, but was reduced in human epithelial cells like Hep-2. Replication in cotton rat lungs could not be detected for ΔG, while rRSV was 100-fold attenuated compared to wild type virus. Upon single dose intranasal administration in cotton rats, both recombinant viruses developed high levels of neutralizing antibodies and conferred comparable long-lasting protection against RSV challenge; protection against replication in the lungs lasted at least 147 days and protection against pulmonary inflammation lasted at least 75 days.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Collectively, the data indicate that a single dose immunization with the highly attenuated ΔG as well as the attenuated rRSV conferred long term protection in the cotton rat against subsequent RSV challenge, without inducing vaccine enhanced pathology. Since ΔG is not likely to revert to a less attenuated phenotype, we plan to evaluate this deletion mutant further and to investigate its potential as a vaccine candidate against RSV infection.</p

    Firm-size distribution and price-cost margins in Dutch manufacturing

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    Industrial economists surmise a relation between the size distribution of firms and performance. Usually, attention is focused on the high end of the size distribution. The widely used 4-firm seller concentration, C4, ignores what happens at the low end of the size distribution. An investigation is presented of the extent to which the level and the growth of small business presence influence price-cost margins in Dutch manufacturing. A large data set of 66 industries for a 13-year period is used. This allows the investigation of both small business influences within a framework in which that of many other market structure variables is also studied. Evidence is shown that price-cost margins are influenced by large firm dominance, growth in small business presence, capital intensity, business cycle, international trade, and buyer concentration