10,775 research outputs found

    Elliptic regularity theory applied to time harmonic anisotropic Maxwell's equations with less than Lipschitz complex coefficients

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    The focus of this paper is the study of the regularity properties of the time harmonic Maxwell's equations with anisotropic complex coefficients, in a bounded domain with C1,1C^{1,1} boundary. We assume that at least one of the material parameters is W1,3+δW^{1,3+\delta} for some δ>0\delta>0. Using regularity theory for second order elliptic partial differential equations, we derive W1,pW^{1,p} estimates and H\"older estimates for electric and magnetic fields up to the boundary. We also derive interior estimates in bi-anisotropic media.Comment: 19 page

    Quasi exactly solvable matrix Schroedinger operators

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    Two families of quasi exactly solvable 2*2 matrix Schroedinger operators are constructed. The first one is based on a polynomial matrix potential and depends on three parameters. The second is a one-parameter generalisation of the scalar Lame equation. The relationship between these operators and QES Hamiltonians already considered in the literature is pointed out.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pp, new results adde

    Q-ball formation at the deconfinement temperature in large-NcN_c QCD

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    The deconfinement phase transition in large-NcN_c QCD is studied within the framework of an effective Polyakov-loop model, where the potential has a U(1) symmetry originating in the large-NcN_c limit of a ZNc_{N_c}-symmetric model. At the critical temperature, the shape of the effective potential allows the existence of Q-balls as position-dependent fluctuations of the Polyakov loop. Q-balls with spherical or axial symmetry are numerically obtained from the equations of motion of the effective model under consideration. The physical properties of these non-topological solitons (mass, charge and size) are discussed, as well as their interpretation in terms of spinning "bubbles", with various shapes, of deconfined matter surrounded by a confined environment.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures ; v2 matches the published versio

    Event-plane correlators

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    Correlators between event planes of different harmonics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions have the potential to provide crucial information on the initial state of the matter formed in these collisions. We present a new procedure for analyzing such correlators, which is less demanding in terms of detector acceptance than the one used recently by the ATLAS collaboration to measure various two-plane and three-plane correlators in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. It can also be used unambiguously for quantitative comparison between theory and data. We use this procedure to carry out realistic simulations within the transport model AMPT. Our theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the ATLAS data, in contrast with previous hydrodynamic calculations which only achieved qualitative agreement. We present predictions for new correlators, in particular four-plane correlators, which can easily be analyzed with our new method.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. v2: Further explanations added; results unchange

    Threshold effects In multivariate error correction models

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    In this paper we propose a testing procedure for assessing the presence of threshold effects in nonstationary Vector autoregressive models with or without cointegration. Our approach involves first testing whether the long run impact matrix characterising the VECM type representation of the VAR switches according to the magnitude of some threshold variable and is valid regardless of whether the system is purely I(1), I(1) with cointegration or stationary. Once the potential presence of threshold effects is established we subsequently evaluate the cointegrating properties of the system in each regime through a model selection based approach whose asymptotic and finite sample properties are also established. This subsequently allows us to introduce a novel non-linear permanent and transitory decomposition of the vector process of interest.

    Angularly excited and interacting boson stars and Q-balls

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    We study angularly excited as well as interacting non-topological solitons, so-called Q-balls and their gravitating counterparts, so-called boson stars in 3+1 dimensions. Q-balls and boson stars carry a non-vanishing Noether charge and arise as solutions of complex scalar field models in a flat space-time background and coupled minimally to gravity, respectively. We present examples of interacting Q-balls that arise due to angular excitations, which are closely related to the spherical harmonics. We also construct explicit examples of rotating boson stars that interact with non-rotating boson stars. We observe that rotating boson stars tend to absorb the non-rotating ones for increasing, but reasonably small gravitational coupling. This is a new phenomenon as compared to the flat space-time limit and is related to the negative contribution of the rotation term to the energy density of the solutions. In addition, our results indicate that a system of a rotating and non-rotating boson star can become unstable if the direct interaction term in the potential is large enough. This instability is related to the appearance of ergoregions.Comment: 20 pages including 9 figures; for higher quality figures please contact the authors; v2: minor changes, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.