36 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a team-based collection and delivery operation

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    The rise in the volume of e-commerce is adding increasing pressure on the logistics of parcel delivery. To improve the efficiency of their operations, the parcel industry in Japan is exploring team-based collection and delivery (TCD), whereby the sales driver (SD) hands out parcels to the field crews (FC), who subsequently deliver them to the door. However, the efficiency of TCD is still understudied. This study proposes a method for optimizing the delivery route for TCD and evaluates the efficiency of the ongoing operation. The TCD delivery problem focuses on minimizing the task completion time using parameters derived through surveys of the actual operations. Comparison between seven different methods show that the newly proposed method of fuzzy c-means clustering with a genetic algorithm outperforms the rest, rapidly computing sufficiently accurate results. Results suggest that the proposed optimal route reduces the total delivery time by up to 18.7%. However, the amount of time saved varies considerably by the area and the number of parcels delivered. Additional constraints for improving driver safety, the cost-benefit of increasing FCs, and the impact on the environmental cost are also considered. The proposed method also helps spread the workload and the travel time of the FCs more evenly, thus further reducing the total delivery time

    Proposing an Unsupervised Approach to Evaluate Essays Using IDF on Reference Data

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    大学入試において2020 年から記述式問題が導入されることから記述式の問題を自動で採点する手法の開発が求められている.本論では,エッセイタイプの小論文課題を対象に,課題に関連する参照データとWikipedia 全文から作成したidf を利用した事前採点不要な自動採点手法を提案する.先行研究において,日本語小論文を対象とした自動採点では,多くの事前採点が必要となり,実際の数百人規模の試験では利用することが難しいと考えられる.そこで本研究では,事前採点が不要な小論文採点手法を提案する.また,小論文の模擬試験を実施して小論文データを構築する.構築した小論文データに対して採点手法を用い,実験を行い評価する.また小論文データの人手による採点に対しても評価を行う.評価実験の結果neologd 辞書を利用した形態素解析器を用いて, idf 値を利用した形態素の一致数が,人手の評価値と相関が高いことを示す.In this paper, we describe an on-going study of developing an automatic essay-scoring system in Japanese. Essay scoring systems have already been developed and used mainly in English, while not many previous studies have been done on Japanese essay evaluations. Most of the methods and systems of automatic essay evaluation need not small number of previously human-graded essays for calibrating the parameter of regression functions or parameter of machine learning. The previous studies show the high performance for essay evaluation task, however, it must be not easy to assume large graded essays in, for example, actual tests or entrance examinations. Thus, we take a approach to evaluate Japanese essays without previously human-graded essays but with assuming reference data related to essay questions. The proposed method is a simple one, that is, evaluating the essays with co-occurrences with the reference data in their words or morphemes. In the method technical terms would be given high scores using neologd dictionary and idf values. Experimental results show that the proposed method works well in our developing Japanese mock trial writing tests. Key words automatic scoring of essays, human annotation, supportin

    Steep dose-response relationship for stage I non-small cell lung cancer using hypo-fractionated high-dose irradiation by real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy (RTRT)

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    Purpose: To investigate the clinical outcomes of patients with pathologically proven, peripherally located, stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who received stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) using real-time tumor tracking radiotherapy (RTRT) during the developmental period. Materials and Methods: Forty-one patients were admitted (T1, 25; T2, 16) from February 2000 to June 2005. A 5 mm lanning target volume (PTV) margin was added to the clinical target volume determined with computed tomography at the end of expiratory phase. The gating window ranged from ± 2 to 3 mm. The dose fractionation schedule was 40 or 48 Gy in 4 fractions within 7 days. The dose was prescribed at the center of the PTV, giving more than an 80% dose at the PTV periphery. Results: For 28 patients treated with 48 Gy in 4 fractions, the overall actuarial survival (OAS) at 3 years was 82% for stage IA and 32% for stage IB. For patients treated with 40Gy/4Fr/1wk, OAS at 3 years was 50% for stage IA and 0% for stage IB. There was a significant difference in local control between 40 and 48 Gy in stage IB (p=0.0015) but not in stage IA (p=0.5811). No serious radiation morbidity was observed in either dose schedule. Conclusion: Forty-eight Gy in 4 fractions in one week was found to be a safe and effective treatment for peripherally located, stage IA NSCLC. A steep dose-response curve between 40 and 48 Gy using a daily dose of 12 Gy delivered in one week was identified for stage IB NSCLC in SBRT using RTRT