11 research outputs found

    Hubungan Sifat Antigenik Virus Influenza A/h5n1 Tahun 2004-2005

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    Telah dilakukan analisis antigenik secara imunoserologi strain virus influenza A/H5N1 yang berasal dari manusia dan kaitannya dengan strain yang berasal dari hewan. Reaksi terhadap antibodi monoklonal menunjukkan bahwa strain A/H5N1 Indonesia terdahulu: (Indonesia /5/05/Tangerang; Indonesia 341/Jakarta; Indonesia/542/Jawa Barat; Indonesia/554/Jawa Timur; Indonesia 557/Jakarta), mempunyai sifat antigen determinan dominan yang mirip dengan protein CP176/26 dari strain virus CK/PA/1370/83 dan antigenik determinan protein 8H11 dari strain virus CK/HK/YU22/2002. Sedangkan virus: Indonesia /534/Medan; Indonesia 535/Medan; Indonesia 536/Medan; Indonesia 538/Medan; Indonesia 546/Medan; Indonesia 560/Medan; memiliki antigen determinan mirip dengan protein 3C8 dari strain virus CK/HK/YU/22/2002. Hasil analisis antigenik virus A/H5NI Indonesia dikaitkan dengan strain influenza A/H5N1 dari beberapa negara menunjukkan bahwa virus A/H5N1 Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kelompok Clade2; subclade 1. Lebih lanjut strain virus Indonesia 5 dan Indonesia CDC 357 mempunyai persamaan sifat antigenik, sedangkan strain virus Indonesia CDC 625 (kluster keluarga Karo) walaupun sama-sama termasuk ke dalam Clade 2; subclade 1, akan tetapi memiliki persamaan sifat antigenik dengan strain A/TURKEY/15/2005, A/WSWAN/MG/244/2005 dan strain A/BHGOOSE/QIGHAI/1A/2005 yang termasuk ke dalam Clade 2; subclade 2. Pengujian sifat antigenik ini sangat diperlukan dalam mempelajari sifat antigenik strain virus untuk pengembangan uji diagnostik dan menentukan suatu strain virus kandidat vaksin

    Efektivitas Imunisasi Campak di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat

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    A study to evaluate effectiveness of measles immunization programme was carried out in Kuningan regency, West Jawa province, an area with over 80% coverage of immunization. In this study interviews were conducted with 599 respondents who were parents of 0-36 months children. These interviews consist of questions about socioeconomic conditions, parent\u27s knowledge about measles, care of measles patients and examination of measles immunity among 12-36 months old children. Sample colection were done with a modified WHO cluster sampling method. The study result shows that measles incidence is 72.7 per 1000 children of 0-36 months of age. Measles vaccination efficacy is 79.7%. Children who are at risk of measles is 1.4 times in non-immunized children compared to children who received measles vaccine. Serology examination indicated only 28.2% children who were seropositive for measles

    Pengamatan Sero—virologi Beberapa Jenis Antigen Virus pada Serum Talipusat Bayi di RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta

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    Perinatal infection due to viral agents from mother to neonate is still a major cause of viral transmis­sion in developing countries. Several type of viruses which are known to be transmitted vertieally or perinatally from mother to neonates are: Hepatitis B virus, Herpes simplex, Rubella and Cytomegalovi­rus. In attempt to estimate the real problem of viral diseases which are vertically or perinatally transmis­sible among infants, a survey on sero-virology of several type viral antigens among neonates who were borned in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, was carried out. A total of 227 blood samples of umbillical cord were examined for the presence of their viral anti­gens such as: Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), Herpes simplex type 1 and type 2, and anti-rubella IgM as an indicator of early infection due to rubella virus in the fetus. The detection of antigens and anti-rubella IgM in the serum.were done by ELISA methode using reagents which are commercially available. The result of the study indicated that there was a possibility of perinatal infection due to related viruses, i.e.: 2.2%; 1.9% and 14.3% due to HBsAg; Herpes simplex type 1 and type 2 respectivelly, however none of the serum indicated seropositive IgM against rubella virus: infection

    Pengaruh Temperatur dan Waktu Penyimpanan terhadap Potensi Vaksin Polio Oral Trivalen (Sabin Type)

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    The effect of temperature and duration of storage on the potency of trivalent oral polio vaccine (Sabin type) were investigated. Temperature was set up at the beginning from : —20 C, 0 C, 5 C, 10 C, 15°C, 25 C and 30°C. During 30 days period of storage, the polio virus was titrated at 4 days interval using micromethod of TCID5 0 calculation in Vero cells. The result of the study showed that the effect of -20°C, 0°C and 5°C for 30 days of storage was not significantly different. Whereas at 10°C the vaccine potency had started to decrease at day 24 up to day 30. At 15°C the potency had started to decrease at day 12, while at 25°C and 30°C the potency of vaccine drooed sharply at day 4 of storage

    Seroepidemiologi Infeksi Virus Morbilli Pada Anak Balita Di Jawa Tengah Dalam Rangka Imunisasi Terhadap Morbilli

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    A sero immunity survey on measles virus infection among children under 5 years of age in Central Java province was conducted in three types of areas, namely : rural, urban and measles-virus endemic areas. The objective of the study is to obtain the basic data of immune status from children under 5 years of age in connection with mass vaccination program against measles virus infection in Indonesia. A total of 763 peripheral blood samples were collected in filter paper disc from children under 5 years of age divided into age structure. Antibodies titers in blood were measured by Haemagglutination Inhibition Test against measles antigen. The result showed that children of 7—9 months of age were highest in the endemic areas (17.6%), high in urban (7.7%) and none of the 13 children examined in the rural was infected. The maternal antibodies in infants of 0—6 months of age were highest in the endemic areas (35.3%) as compared to 4.3% and 10% in the urban and rural areas. In children of more than 10—11 months old, the anti­bodies against measles virus were highest in the urban (31%), high in endemic areas (23%) and low in rural (6.9%), whereas among the 2—5 years age-group, the antibodies level was about equal in both the urban and endemic areas, but lower in the rural area

    Perkembangan Baru dalam Teknologi Vaksin Virus

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    Dalam makalah ini dikemukakan beberapa jenis vaksin yang terdapat di pasar bebas dan beberapa upaya untuk menghasilkan vaksin baru yaitu dengan metoda kombinasi; formulasi dan pengembangan bioteknologi. Vaksin kombinasi adalah vaksin yang merupakan kombinasi dari beberapa jenis vaksin yang sudah ada, dikembangkan dengan tujuan mengurangi cara pembarian vaksin yang berulang kali. Vaksin formulasi, yaitu vaksin yang menggunakan adjuvan dan dosis vaksin yang telah diperbaiki. Tujuannya untuk membuat vaksin mempunyai masa kerja lama, sehingga efektivitas vaksinasi akan meningkat, hanya dengan memberikan dosis tunggal. Vaksin rekayasa genetik, yaitu: vaksin yang dihasilkan dangan teknik rekombinan, disabut juga vaksin packed DNA, menggunakan sejenis vektor, dan diekspresikan dengan sistem ekspresi tertentu. Vaksin polinukleotida, disebut vaksin naked DNA merupakan suatu terobosan baru dalam teknologi vaksin, khususnya vaksin virus, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan teknologi transfer gen. Dikemukakan pula respon imun yang dihasi/kan oleh berbagai jenis vaksin tersebut, baik respon imun selular ataupun respon imun humoral

    Peranan dan Fungi Wanita dalam Industri Logam Radisional di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah : Studi Etnoarkeologi

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    The research studies the role and function of woman labor in traditional metal ind stries. The industries used to be assumed as a field that was dominated by man 1 bor. Although socio-culturally women h ve some obstacles and absenteeism in orking in the industries, in fact women a so have a role in economic activities as a hole. To prove the assumption the study is conducted on metal industry sector in order to know whether there are chances for omen to get higher and to develop their tier in that field to increase womans inome. The research problem is approached ased on the perception and attitude of t aditional society on employment woman 1 bor in a certain position in industrial sector or another sector as a comparison aproac