26 research outputs found

    Oscillations and variability in the p53 system

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    Understanding the dynamics and variability of protein circuitry requires accurate measurements in living cells as well as theoretical models. To address this, we employed one of the best-studied protein circuits in human cells, the negative feedback loop between the tumor suppressor p53 and the oncogene Mdm2. We measured the dynamics of fluorescently tagged p53 and Mdm2 over several days in individual living cells. We found that isogenic cells in the same environment behaved in highly variable ways following DNA-damaging gamma irradiation: some cells showed undamped oscillations for at least 3 days (more than 10 peaks). The amplitude of the oscillations was much more variable than the period. Sister cells continued to oscillate in a correlated way after cell division, but lost correlation after about 11 h on average. Other cells showed low-frequency fluctuations that did not resemble oscillations. We also analyzed different families of mathematical models of the system, including a novel checkpoint mechanism. The models point to the possible source of the variability in the oscillations: low-frequency noise in protein production rates, rather than noise in other parameters such as degradation rates. This study provides a view of the extensive variability of the behavior of a protein circuit in living human cells, both from cell to cell and in the same cell over time

    Dynamic Proteomics: a database for dynamics and localizations of endogenous fluorescently-tagged proteins in living human cells

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    Recent advances allow tracking the levels and locations of a thousand proteins in individual living human cells over time using a library of annotated reporter cell clones (LARC). This library was created by Cohen et al. to study the proteome dynamics of a human lung carcinoma cell-line treated with an anti-cancer drug. Here, we report the Dynamic Proteomics database for the proteins studied by Cohen et al. Each cell-line clone in LARC has a protein tagged with yellow fluorescent protein, expressed from its endogenous chromosomal location, under its natural regulation. The Dynamic Proteomics interface facilitates searches for genes of interest, downloads of protein fluorescent movies and alignments of dynamics following drug addition. Each protein in the database is displayed with its annotation, cDNA sequence, fluorescent images and movies obtained by the time-lapse microscopy. The protein dynamics in the database represents a quantitative trace of the protein fluorescence levels in nucleus and cytoplasm produced by image analysis of movies over time. Furthermore, a sequence analysis provides a search and comparison of up to 50 input DNA sequences with all cDNAs in the library. The raw movies may be useful as a benchmark for developing image analysis tools for individual-cell dynamic-proteomics. The database is available at http://www.dynamicproteomics.net/

    Dramatic action: A theater-based paradigm for analyzing human interactions.

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    Existing approaches to describe social interactions consider emotional states or use ad-hoc descriptors for microanalysis of interactions. Such descriptors are different in each context thereby limiting comparisons, and can also mix facets of meaning such as emotional states, short term tactics and long-term goals. To develop a systematic set of concepts for second-by-second social interactions, we suggest a complementary approach based on practices employed in theater. Theater uses the concept of dramatic action, the effort that one makes to change the psychological state of another. Unlike states (e.g. emotions), dramatic actions aim to change states; unlike long-term goals or motivations, dramatic actions can last seconds. We defined a set of 22 basic dramatic action verbs using a lexical approach, such as 'to threaten'-the effort to incite fear, and 'to encourage'-the effort to inspire hope or confidence. We developed a set of visual cartoon stimuli for these basic dramatic actions, and find that people can reliably and reproducibly assign dramatic action verbs to these stimuli. We show that each dramatic action can be carried out with different emotions, indicating that the two constructs are distinct. We characterized a principal valence axis of dramatic actions. Finally, we re-analyzed three widely-used interaction coding systems in terms of dramatic actions, to suggest that dramatic actions might serve as a common vocabulary across research contexts. This study thus operationalizes and tests dramatic action as a potentially useful concept for research on social interaction, and in particular on influence tactics

    Dramatic action: A theater-based paradigm for analyzing human interactions - Fig 4

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    <p>(A) Distribution of all answers to high-score-agreement questions of survey 1. (B) The distribution of high-score-agreement DA words per image. For example, two images had 7 high-score-agreement DA words.</p

    Images and verbs clustered into groups according to the raters’ agreement.

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    <p>Shown is the median score from 60 replies for each pair of images and DA verbs that exceed a statistical threshold (blue marks pairs below threshold). Images and verbs were ordered according to clustering, such that images that are close to each other have similar DA verbs, and DA verbs that are close to each other have similar images. The lower left block describes negative valence DAs, and the top right block represents positive valence DAs. Cartoons reprinted from <a href="http://Shutterstock.com" target="_blank">Shutterstock.com</a> under a CC BY license, with permission from Shutterstock.</p

    Categorized list of DA verbs used for experiment 1 (List C).

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    <p>Categorized list of DA verbs used for experiment 1 (List C).</p

    Examples of dramatic actions.

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    <p>(A) The character on the right is performing the DA ‘to threaten’. This DA seems to be successful because the other person in the image shows fear. (B) The DA performed by the person on the right is ‘to comfort’. Here the person receiving the action still seems sad, meaning that the action has not yet taken effect. This DA may or may not work in the future. (C) Schematic of the basic unit of the survey in experiment 1. Online participants used a mouse to set a value on each of the continuous slider-scales (thus there is no default agreement value). The DA words were taken from List C (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0193404#pone.0193404.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>) using a pseudo-random order. The definitions of the words were taken from WordNet. See Figure C in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0193404#pone.0193404.s001" target="_blank">S1 File</a> for the full screenshot and more details. Cartoons reprinted from <a href="http://Shutterstock.com" target="_blank">Shutterstock.com</a> under a CC BY license, with permission from Shutterstock.</p

    The DA stimuli set used in the experimental analysis.

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    <p>Reprinted from <a href="http://Shutterstock.com" target="_blank">Shutterstock.com</a> under a CC BY license, with permission from Shutterstock.</p

    Examples of stimuli where the DA valence is not correlated to emotion valence.

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    <p>The same DA, ‘to support’, can be performed while being either happy or sad (right side of the image). Additionally, one can perform a negative DA such as ‘to bully’ while being either happy or angry. Inter-rater agreement in all cases was very high (median>64, p<10–4). Cartoons reprinted from <a href="http://Shutterstock.com" target="_blank">Shutterstock.com</a> under a CC BY license, with permission from Shutterstock.</p