116 research outputs found
Effective SGLT2 Inhibitor for Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Depression
The case was a 55-year-old female patient with depression for 5 years and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for 3 years. She has received anti-depressant and anti-hyperglycemic agents (OHAs). Approximately 1 year ago, her diabetic control became exacerbated without specific triggers. She was started to given Ipragliflozin L-Proline as Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitor. After that, her glucose variability and depression had been improved. According to the previous reports, SGLT-2 inhibitors seem to have anti-depression efficacy for diabetes. The case has been followed up in detail, and this report is expected to be a useful reference for diabetes care
Long-Term Acute Care (LTAC) With Developing Nurse Practitioners for Well-Being of the People
Japan has been a super-aging society. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW), Japan has considered medical needs for developing upper level of registered nurse, “nurse practitioner”. With this certificate, 38 specific procedures can be performed in actual clinical practice. The author is the headnurse of Eto hospital, where 9 nurses obtained the certificates until now. Eto and Hakuai hospitals are included in Heisei Medical Welfare (HMW) medical group, that has various medical and welfare organizations including >102 facilities, 8658 beds and >15000 staffs in Japan. We have continued Long-term Acute Care (LTAC) for well-being of the people
Targeting of Fzr/Cdh1 for timely activation of the APC/C at the centrosome during mitotic exit.
A multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase, the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), regulates critical cellular processes including the cell cycle. To accomplish its diverse functions, APC/C activity must be precisely regulated in time and space. The interphase APC/C activator Fizzy-related (Fzr or Cdh1) is localized at centrosomes in animal cells. However, neither the mechanism of its localization nor its importance is clear. Here we identify the centrosome component Spd2 as a major partner of Fzr in Drosophila. The localization of Fzr to the centriole during interphase depends on direct interaction with Spd2. By generating Spd2 mutants unable to bind Fzr, we show that centrosomal localization of Fzr is essential for optimal APC/C activation towards its centrosomal substrate Aurora A. Finally, we show that Spd2 is also a novel APC/C(Fzr) substrate. Our study is the first to demonstrate the critical importance of distinct subcellular pools of APC/C activators in the spatiotemporal control of APC/C activity.Cancer Research UK (Career Development Fellowship), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (project grant), Medical Research Council (project grant), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad), European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions individual fellowship)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1260
DAPPER: a data-mining resource for protein-protein interactions.
BACKGROUND: The identification of interaction networks between proteins and complexes holds the promise of offering novel insights into the molecular mechanisms that regulate many biological processes. With increasing volumes of such datasets, especially in model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster, there exists a pressing need for specialised tools, which can seamlessly collect, integrate and analyse these data. Here we describe a database coupled with a mining tool for protein-protein interactions (DAPPER), developed as a rich resource for studying multi-protein complexes in Drosophila melanogaster. RESULTS: This proteomics database is compiled through mass spectrometric analyses of many protein complexes affinity purified from Drosophila tissues and cultured cells. The web access to DAPPER is provided via an accelerated version of BioMart software enabling data-mining through customised querying and output formats. The protein-protein interaction dataset is annotated with FlyBase identifiers, and further linked to the Ensembl database using BioMart's data-federation model, thereby enabling complex multi-dataset queries. DAPPER is open source, with all its contents and source code are freely available. CONCLUSIONS: DAPPER offers an easy-to-navigate and extensible platform for real-time integration of diverse resources containing new and existing protein-protein interaction datasets of Drosophila melanogaster.This work was supported financially by grants from the Cancer Research UK (CRUK), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Medical Research Council to DMG (C3/A11431, BB/I013938/1, G1001696), by a Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellowship to YK (C40697/A12874), and by Cancer Research UK grants to PPD (C12296/A8039 and C12296/A12541). ZL is on leave from the Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Biochemistry, Szeged, Hungary) and was supported by a Long-Term Fellowship of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
Stress and Strain in Flat Piling of Disks
We have created a flat piling of disks in a numerical experiment using the
Distinct Element Method (DEM) by depositing them under gravity. In the
resulting pile, we then measured increments in stress and strain that were
associated with a small decrease in gravity. We first describe the stress in
terms of the strain using isotropic elasticity theory. Then, from a
micro-mechanical view point, we calculate the relation between the stress and
strain using the mean strain assumption. We compare the predicted values of
Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio with those that were measured in the
numerical experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 1 table, 8 figures, and 2 pages for captions of figure
Charmless Three-Body Baryonic B Decays
Motivated by recent data on B-> p pbar K decay, we study various charmless
three-body baryonic B decay modes, including Lambda pbar pi, Sigma0 pbar pi, p
pbar pi, p pbar Kbar0, in a factorization approach. These modes have rates of
order 10^{-6}. There are two mechanisms for the baryon pair production,
current-produced and transition. The behavior of decay spectra from these
baryon production mechanisms can be understood by using QCD counting rules.
Predictions on rates and decay spectra can be checked in the near future.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev.
Evidence for Factorization in Three-body B --> D(*) K- K0 Decays
Motivated by recent experimental results, we use a factorization approach to
study the three-body B --> D(*) K- K0 decay modes. Two mechanisms are proposed
for kaon pair production: current-produced (from vacuum) and transition (from B
meson). The Bbar0 --> D(*)+ K- K0 decay is governed solely by the
current-produced mechanism. As the kaon pair can be produced only by the vector
current, the matrix element can be extracted from e+ e- --> K Kbar processes
via isospin relations. The decay rates obtained this way are in good agreement
with experiment. Both current-produced and transition processes contribute to
B- --> D(*)0 K- K0 decays. By using QCD counting rules and the measured B- -->
D(*)0 K- K0 decay rates, the measured decay spectra can be understood.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
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Plk4 Regulates Centriole Asymmetry and Spindle Orientation in Neural Stem Cells
Defects in mitotic spindle orientation (MSO) disrupt the organization of stem cell niches impacting tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. Mutations in centrosome genes reduce MSO fidelity, leading to tissue dysplasia and causing several diseases such as microcephaly, dwarfism, and cancer. Whether these mutations perturb spindle orientation solely by affecting astral microtubule nucleation or whether centrosome proteins have more direct functions in regulatingMSO is unknown. To investigate this question, we analyzed the consequences of deregulating Plk4 (the master centriole duplication kinase) activity in Drosophila asymmetrically dividing neural stem cells. We found that Plk4 functions upstream of MSO control, orchestrating centriole symmetry breaking and consequently centrosome positioning. Mechanistically, we show that Plk4 acts through Spd2 phosphorylation, which induces centriole release from the apical cortex. Overall, this work not only reveals a role for Plk4 in regulating centrosome function but also links the centrosome biogenesis machinery with the MSO apparatus.ERC starting grant CentroStemCancer [242598]; Institut Curie; CNRS; NCI [P30CA23074]; NIGMS [R01 GM110166, GM126035]; FRM; IC; FRM installation grant; ATIP grantOpen access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Pozzolanicity of the industrial wastes, glass and ceramic wools
As fibras cerâmicas se caracterizam por ser um material leve, com alto grau de pureza, baixo armazenamento de calor, baixa condutividade térmica, resistência a choque térmico e alta resistência à corrosão em altas temperaturas. Essas características levam a uma grande procura das indústrias mínero-metalúrgicas e de outros setores para revestimentos de distribuidores, muflas, fornos de aquecimentos, entre outros. Após utilização no processo, por perderem sua capacidade de isolamento, os resíduos gerados precisam de destinação. Esse trabalho enfoca, especificamente, resíduos de lã cerâmica e lã de vidro. Pelo fato de a composição das fibras cerâmicas ser rica em sílica e alumina, efetuou-se uma investigação acerca da atividade pozolânica das mesmas com a cal e o cimento, especificamente CPV ARI, CPII E32 e CPIII 32RS, para avaliação da perspectiva de reciclagem em possível incorporação no concreto
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