62 research outputs found

    Redescription of Parapoynx rectilinealis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) based on the specimens from type locality

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    A crambid moth, Parapoynx rectilinealis, from Midorogaike pond, Kyoto (type locality) was redescribed, with female genitalia illustrated for the first time. The forewing size of female was not different from that of male. The species was estimated to have multivoltine life cycles in a year from the collection data of adults by light trap in Central to Western Japan

    A Systematic Study of the Nymphulinae and the Musotiminae of Japan (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) (Agriculture)

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    メイガ科ミズメイガ亜科は鱗翅目の中では特異な群で, 大部分の幼虫が水生生活を行う。また, 水田生態系では農業害虫または益虫として注目される種を含んでいる。世界から約700種が知られ, おもに熱帯から亜熱帯にかけて種類が多い。我が国では井上(1982)によってミズメイガ亜科(広義)9属29種が報告されている。本論文は, 日本各地の研究機関所蔵の標本や, 筆者が収集した国内・国外の標本にもとづき, 日本産ミズメイガ亜科(広義)の分類学的再検討を行った結果をとりまとめたものである。その結果, 我が国からミズメイガ亜科9属32種1亜種, シダメイガ亜科3属5種をみとめた。本論文ではこれらの学名を明らかにするとともに, 両亜科及び各亜科内の属や種の定義及び記載を行った。ミズメイガ亜科では1属6種を新たに記録した。そのうち1属は新属, 4種は新種, 2種は日本未記録種である。また, 1新亜属を記載するとともに, 5種について属名と種名の新結合を明らかにした。一方, シダメイガ亜科では, 2新属4新種を明らかにした。これらの2亜科の属, 亜属, 種の識別をするために, 検索表を作成した。また, ミズメイガ亜科に関しては幼虫と蛹の検索表を付し, 応用昆虫学の観点から, 食草の判明したものについては, そのリストを作成した。日本産の種については, できる限り雌雄交尾器, 幼虫, 蛹の形態を図示した。一部外国産の種についても同様な図示を行った。成虫の斑紋については, 従来用いられてきた名称を統一し, 新しい定義を行ったほか, 雄交尾器については新形態用語を提案した。ミズメイガ亜科とシダメイガ亜科との系統的な関連性について, Roesler (1973), KuzunezovとStekolnikov (1979), Speidel (1981)などを参照して考察を行った。その結果, ミズメイガ亜科はオオメイガ亜科と, シダメイガ亜科はヤマメイガ亜科と近縁であることが推定された。The pyralid subfamilies Nymphulinae and Musotiminae of Japan are revised. In the Nymphulinae, a new genus Potamomusa is proposed for 2 species, Cataclysta midas Butler and a new species aquilonia. The genus Elophila contains 8 species belonging to 3 subgenera, Elophila s. str., Munroessa Lange and Cyrtogramme subg. nov. And 4 new species, Potamomusa aquilonia, Elophila (Munroessa) miurai, Parapoynx rectilinealis, Parthenodes fuscalis, and a new subspecies of Elophila (Elophila) interruptalis are described and added to the Japanese fauna. Oligostigma bilinealis Snellen is transferred to Parapoynx Hubner and Nymphula nigra Warren is newly combined with Parthenodes Guenee. Elophila (Cyrtogramme) melagynalis (Agassiz) and Eoophyla conjunctalis (Wileman et South) are recorded from Japan for the first time. As a result 32 nymphuline species belonging to 9 genera are known from Japan. The immature stages of 14 species are also described for the first time. In the Musotiminae 2 new genera, Neomusotima and Melanochroa, and 4 new species, Neomusotima fuscolinealis, Melanochroa yasudai, Musotima dryopterisivora and Musotima tanzawensis are described from Japan. Totally, the Japanese Musotiminae consist of 5 species belonging to Musotima Neomusotima and Melanochroa. In addition, the systematic position of the Nymphulinae and Musotiminae is discussed

    Jiadifenolide induces the expression of cellular communication network factor (CCN) genes, and CCN2 exhibits neurotrophic activity in neuronal precursor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Jiadifenolide has been reported to have neurotrophin-like activity in primary rat cortical neurons, and also possesses neurotrophic effects in neuronal precursor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), as we have previously reported. However, the molecular mechanisms by which jiadifenolide exerts its neurotrophic effects in rat and human neurons are unknown. Thus, we aimed to investigate the molecular mechanisms and pathways by which jiadifenolide promotes neurotrophic effects. Here, we found that jiadifenolide activated cellular communication network factor (CCN) signaling pathways by up-regulating mRNA level expression of CCN genes in human neuronal cells. We also found that CCN2 (also known as connective tissue growth factor, CTGF) protein promotes neurotrophic effects through activation of the p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. This is the first discovery which links neurotrophic activity with CCN signaling

    キョウトフ カンムリジマ ニオケル オオミズナギドリ エイキョウカ ノ シンリン ノ グンラク コウゾウ

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    オオミズナギドリの繁殖地である京都府舞鶴市冠島において植生・土壌調査を行い,冠島の森林の群落構造について調査を行った。調査林分は,島嶼という孤立した環境であること,オオミズナギドリの営巣活動が盛んであったことからいずれも種多様性が低く,また極相樹種であるタブノキの後継樹となる小・中径木が少なく,タブノキ林が退行遷移を起こしやすい状態であることがわかった。タブノキの代わりに先駆的な樹種であるアカメガシワやヤブニッケイの小・中径木が多く確認され,タブノキ林に多く侵入していることが明らかになった。タブノキの林冠木が欠如した際,これらの樹種が一時的にギャップを埋める役割を果たし,再びタブノキ林へ遷移していく可能性が示唆された。また表層土壌のpHは1983年当時と同じく3.5 ~ 4.2程度と通常より低かったが,表層土壌のC/N 比の結果から土壌の肥沃度が比較的高いことが明らかになり,これがタブノキ林が長期間群落を維持していくうえで重要な役割を果たしていることが推察された

    TIGIT/CD155 axis mediates resistance to immunotherapy in patients with melanoma with the inflamed tumor microenvironment

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    Background Patients with cancer benefit from treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), and those with an inflamed tumor microenvironment (TME) and/or high tumor mutation burden (TMB), particularly, tend to respond to ICIs; however, some patients fail, whereas others acquire resistance after initial response despite the inflamed TME and/or high TMB. We assessed the detailed biological mechanisms of resistance to ICIs such as programmed death 1 and/or cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 blockade therapies using clinical samples. Methods We established four pairs of autologous tumor cell lines and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from patients with melanoma treated with ICIs. These tumor cell lines and TILs were subjected to comprehensive analyses and in vitro functional assays. We assessed tumor volume and TILs in vivo mouse models to validate identified mechanism. Furthermore, we analyzed additional clinical samples from another large melanoma cohort. Results Two patients were super-responders, and the others acquired resistance: the first patient had a non-inflamed TME and acquired resistance due to the loss of the beta-2 microglobulin gene, and the other acquired resistance despite having inflamed TME and extremely high TMB which are reportedly predictive biomarkers. Tumor cell line and paired TIL analyses showed high CD155, TIGIT ligand, and TIGIT expression in the tumor cell line and tumor-infiltrating T cells, respectively. TIGIT blockade or CD155-deletion activated T cells in a functional assay using an autologous cell line and paired TILs from this patient. CD155 expression increased in surviving tumor cells after coculturing with TILs from a responder, which suppressed TIGIT+ T-cell activation. Consistently, TIGIT blockade or CD155-deletion could aid in overcoming resistance to ICIs in vivo mouse models. In clinical samples, CD155 was related to resistance to ICIs in patients with melanoma with an inflamed TME, including both primary and acquired resistance. Conclusions The TIGIT/CD155 axis mediates resistance to ICIs in patients with melanoma with an inflamed TME, promoting the development of TIGIT blockade therapies in such patients with cancer

    イナゴマメ マダラメイガ ノ ニホン ノ モモエン カラ ノ ハッケン

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    Descriptions of the immature stages and biology of Ectomyelois ceratoniae on Prunus persica are presented based on field observations and specimens collected from dry fruits in an orchard. This is the second faunal record of this species from north-eastern Asia, and Prunus persica is recorded as a host for the first time. The field survey confirmed that this species is commonly found in fields of Kyoto, Central Japan. The larva exploits the host fruit not only in the dry condition, but also partly in the flesh condition. The feeding habit of this species is discussed with reference to other Japanese phycitine species


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    京都市下鴨の京都府立大学附属下鴨農場の畑地と水田で1999年6月∿12月にケナフを栽培し, その生育を比較した。また, ケナフの昆虫を調査し, 隣接栽培したオクラのそれと比較した。他地域でケナフの重要害虫の1種として知られるワタノメイガの寄主選好性を調べた。さらに, タイにおいてケナフ栽培とその害虫の実状調査をおこなった。(1)ケナフは畑地に比べて, 水田では生育が劣り, 茎長と茎径は畑地(376.5cmと4.36cm)のそれぞれ約74%と47%にすぎなかった。主茎の乾物重も水田でのほうがかなり低かった。(2)両栽培条件におけるケナフのセルロース含量は, 畑地では, 皮部50.6%, 芯部37.8%, 水田ではそれぞれ39.6%, 25.9%であった。(3)ケナフを摂食していた昆虫は6種が記録され, 常にみられたのはワタアブラムシだけであった。ワタノメイガはケナフを摂食してなかったが, 隣接したオクラには秋期に寄生していた。(4)ワタノメイガはケナフ飼育では, オクラ飼育に比べ, ふ化から羽化までの生存率が有意に低く, 発育所要日数も長くなった。また, 雌成虫はケナフよりもオクラに選好産卵する傾向があった。(5)タイでは, ケナフ栽培面積は1970年代の54万haから約5万haに減少していた。これは, ケナフが紙パルプ原料としてあまり使用されなくなったことにも起因する。タイのKhon Kaen Field Crops Research Centerに栽植されていたケナフには, ワタアブラムシの他甲虫の1種(未同定)しか確認できなかった。(6)水田では畑地に比べケナフの生育が遅れたが, 落水後の生育は畑地とほぼ同様の様相を示した。このことから, 水田で栽培する際は水管理を適切におこなうことによって生育の向上が期待できる。また, 両栽培条件ともケナフを摂食する昆虫は少なく, 生育に影響を及ぼした昆虫はいなかった。したがって, ケナフは調整水田における転作作物の一候補になりうると考えた。The growth of Hibiscus cannabinus (Kenaf, \u27Chinpi No. 3\u27) in an upland field was compared with that of a paddy field at the Shimogamo Experimental Farm of Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto City, in June to December, 1999. The insect pests of the plant were also compared with those of Hibiscus esculentus (Okra) cultivated on the same farm and season. The senior author investigated Kenaf cultivation and the insects at Khon Kaen, Thailand in June, 1999. The growth of Kenaf was greater in the upland field than in the paddy field. The mean height of Kenaf in the upland field was 376.5cm, while that in the paddy field was 278.2cm after cutting on December 17. The total cellulose contents in the bast part of Kenaf from the upland field and the paddy field were estimated to be 50.6% and 39.6%, respectively. Only 6 insect pests were found in the Kenaf field in Kyoto. Among them an aphid, Aphis gossypii, was dominant and infested Kenaf throughout the cultivation season and other species were temporary visitors on the plant. The damage to Kenaf was not severe even by the aphid. The cotton leaf roller, Haritalodes derogata, did not attack Kenaf in Kyoto, which is one of the major pests on Kenaf in Kagoshima, Japan and in Thailand. In the laboratory experiments, the survival rate and developmental period of H. derogata from egg hatching to the adult emergence on Kenaf was significantly lower and shorter than those on Okra and the adult females selectively oviposited their eggs on Okra, not on Kenaf in the choice test. These results are in agreement with resistance of Kenaf in the field. In Thailand, since Kenaf pulp costs about twice as much as Eucalyptus pulp for paper material, and the product of Kenaf is not stable, the paper material has been almost completely changed to Eucalyptus pulp. As a result, the cultivation area of Kenaf is now limited to about 50,000ha from 540,000ha in 1974. Although 23 insect pests have been recorded from Kenaf in Thailand, Aphis gossypii was dominantly observed on the plant at Khon Kaen (Khon Kaen Field Crops Research Center), together with some unidentified beetles. The density of these insects was not so high. In the present study it was revealed that (1) we could harvest Kenaf in the paddy field, though the growth was delayed, and (2) no serious insect pests were found on Kenaf in Central Honshu, Japan. Some 15% of all paddy fields remain uncultivated in Japan. Recently a financial support is being provided for cultivating alternative crops, such as winter cereals, soybean and forage crops, on the uncultivated paddy fields by the Japanese Government. Conseqently, Kenaf could be another alternative crop for efficient use of the paddy field. Also, by the use of Kenaf as pulp material, the import of wood pulp from foreign countries can be reduced

    キョウトフ カンムリジマ ニオケル アカマダラハナムグリ ノ ハツキロク ト カンムリセスジ ゲンゴロウ ノ サイハッケン

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