128 research outputs found

    Deep Point-to-Plane Registration by Efficient Backpropagation for Error Minimizing Function

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    Traditional algorithms of point set registration minimizing point-to-plane distances often achieve a better estimation of rigid transformation than those minimizing point-to-point distances. Nevertheless, recent deep-learning-based methods minimize the point-to-point distances. In contrast to these methods, this paper proposes the first deep-learning-based approach to point-to-plane registration. A challenging part of this problem is that a typical solution for point-to-plane registration requires an iterative process of accumulating small transformations obtained by minimizing a linearized energy function. The iteration significantly increases the size of the computation graph needed for backpropagation and can slow down both forward and backward network evaluations. To solve this problem, we consider the estimated rigid transformation as a function of input point clouds and derive its analytic gradients using the implicit function theorem. The analytic gradient that we introduce is independent of how the error minimizing function (i.e., the rigid transformation) is obtained, thus allowing us to calculate both the rigid transformation and its gradient efficiently. We implement the proposed point-to-plane registration module over several previous methods that minimize point-to-point distances and demonstrate that the extensions outperform the base methods even with point clouds with noise and low-quality point normals estimated with local point distributions.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Cavity and entrance pore development in ant plant hypocotyls

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    Some genera of Rubiaceae in South-eastern Asia are known as typical ant plants. They have large domatia, which form in well-developed hypocotyls in which ants nest. Previously, cavity formation processes were described; however, these reports were dependent on tissue sections of different individuals of different ages. No continuous time-course analyses were done because cavity formation occurs inside the thick tissues of highly swollen domatia. Here we observed cavity formation processes in ant plants by using X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging and revealed previously overlooked features of cavity formation. Firstly, the cavity pore occurs at the hypocotyl base in not only gravity-dependent but also basal position-dependent manner. Secondly, the cavity forms prior to the start of short tunnel formation between the cavity and the pore. The cavity axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the hypocotyl; however, the short tunnel axis between the pore and cavity depends on gravity. Non-invasive CT scanning is a very powerful method to analyze deeply hidden morphogenic processes in organs

    ICONE 17 -75179 Heat Transfer Experiments of Mini-Tube Bank

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    ABSTRACT Heat transfer and flow behavior in the mini rod bank were examined. The tubes are simulated with a 1 mm diameter nickel wire. The tube bank was composed of the 5×5 square-lattice array and the 5×5 staggered array. The tube banks were arranged in the flow channel of 30 mm wide or 15 mm wide, 15 mm high and 480 mm long. Water was used as the test fluid. A flow rate was varied in the range of the Reynolds number Re = uD/ν of 1 ~ 800, where D is the tube diameter. The approaching velocity of fluid in the channel was in the range of 0.0036 m/s ~ 0.68 m/s. Experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure. The measured heat transfer coefficients of the rows after the second row were lower than those of the first row and the difference between those increased as the Reynolds number was increased. The difference turned to decrease around Reynolds number = 50 in the 15 mm wide test section experiments of the square -lattice array and around Reynolds number = 200 in the 30 mm wide test section experiments of the staggered array. The heat transfer coefficients reached back to the first row value around Re = 400 in the former experiments. It was confirmed through the present results and the previous results that the heat transfer in the rear rows is deteriorated by the flow stagnation in the wake region of the preceding rod and the deterioration is recovered as the Reynolds number is increased since the wake region becomes disturbed

    Identification of 45 New Neutron-Rich Isotopes Produced by In-Flight Fission of a 238U Beam at 345 MeV/nucleon

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    A search for new isotopes using in-flight fission of a 345 MeV/nucleon 238U beam has been carried out at the RI Beam Factory at the RIKEN Nishina Center. Fission fragments were analyzed and identified by using the superconducting in-flight separator BigRIPS. We observed 45 new neutron-rich isotopes: 71Mn, 73,74Fe, 76Co, 79Ni, 81,82Cu, 84,85Zn, 87Ga, 90Ge, 95Se, 98Br, 101Kr, 103Rb, 106,107Sr, 108,109Y, 111,112Zr, 114,115Nb, 115,116,117Mo, 119,120Tc, 121,122,123,124Ru, 123,124,125,126Rh, 127,128Pd, 133Cd, 138Sn, 140Sb, 143Te, 145I, 148Xe, and 152Ba

    CT Image Segmentation Using FEM with Optimized Boundary Condition

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    The authors propose a CT image segmentation method using structural analysis that is useful for objects with structural dynamic characteristics. Motivation of our research is from the area of genetic activity. In order to reveal the roles of genes, it is necessary to create mutant mice and measure differences among them by scanning their skeletons with an X-ray CT scanner. The CT image needs to be manually segmented into pieces of the bones. It is a very time consuming to manually segment many mutant mouse models in order to reveal the roles of genes. It is desirable to make this segmentation procedure automatic. Although numerous papers in the past have proposed segmentation techniques, no general segmentation method for skeletons of living creatures has been established. Against this background, the authors propose a segmentation method based on the concept of destruction analogy. To realize this concept, structural analysis is performed using the finite element method (FEM), as structurally weak areas can be expected to break under conditions of stress. The contribution of the method is its novelty, as no studies have so far used structural analysis for image segmentation. The method's implementation involves three steps. First, finite elements are created directly from the pixels of a CT image, and then candidates are also selected in areas where segmentation is thought to be appropriate. The second step involves destruction analogy to find a single candidate with high strain chosen as the segmentation target. The boundary conditions for FEM are also set automatically. Then, destruction analogy is implemented by replacing pixels with high strain as background ones, and this process is iterated until object is decomposed into two parts. Here, CT image segmentation is demonstrated using various types of CT imagery

    Body iron metabolism and pathophysiology of iron overload

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    Iron is an essential metal for the body, while excess iron accumulation causes organ dysfunction through the production of reactive oxygen species. There is a sophisticated balance of body iron metabolism of storage and transport, which is regulated by several factors including the newly identified peptide hepcidin. As there is no passive excretory mechanism of iron, iron is easily accumulated when exogenous iron is loaded by hereditary factors, repeated transfusions, and other diseased conditions. The free irons, non-transferrin-bound iron, and labile plasma iron in the circulation, and the labile iron pool within the cells, are responsible for iron toxicity. The characteristic features of advanced iron overload are failure of vital organs such as liver and heart in addition to endocrine dysfunctions. For the estimation of body iron, there are direct and indirect methods available. Serum ferritin is the most convenient and widely available modality, even though its specificity is sometimes problematic. Recently, new physical detection methods using magnetic resonance imaging and superconducting quantum interference devices have become available to estimate iron concentration in liver and myocardium. The widely used application of iron chelators with high compliance will resolve the problems of organ dysfunction by excess iron and improve patient outcomes

    Promising System for Selecting Healthy In Vitro–Fertilized Embryos in Cattle

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    Conventionally, in vitro–fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos are morphologically evaluated at the time of embryo transfer to select those that are likely to establish a pregnancy. This method is, however, subjective and results in unreliable selection. Here we describe a novel selection system for IVF bovine blastocysts for transfer that traces the development of individual embryos with time-lapse cinematography in our developed microwell culture dish and analyzes embryonic metabolism. The system can noninvasively identify prognostic factors that reflect not only blastocyst qualities detected with histological, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis but also viability after transfer. By assessing a combination of identified prognostic factors—(i) timing of the first cleavage; (ii) number of blastomeres at the end of the first cleavage; (iii) presence or absence of multiple fragments at the end of the first cleavage; (iv) number of blastomeres at the onset of lag-phase, which results in temporary developmental arrest during the fourth or fifth cell cycle; and (v) oxygen consumption at the blastocyst stage—pregnancy success could be accurately predicted (78.9%). The conventional method or individual prognostic factors could not accurately predict pregnancy. No newborn calves showed neonatal overgrowth or death. Our results demonstrate that these five predictors and our system could provide objective and reliable selection of healthy IVF bovine embryos