183 research outputs found

    Kenji Miyazawa’s ethics: the significance of his practice and thought to contemporary ethics

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    広島大学応用倫理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書統一テーマ : [平和構築に向けて : 和解の諸相] 《Zur Konstruierung des Friedens: Verschiedene Aspekte der Versöhnung

    The Negative Influence of Internet Addiction on Morality of Japanese Youth: Loss of Relationships with Others and Oneself

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    This article aims to consider how Internet addiction, particularly smartphone addiction, exerts a negative influence on the morality of Japanese youth. Particular attention is paid to the loss of "relationship", which is considered in this article to be the basic factor of morality. First, this article points out that "overestimating friendship and communication" is a fundamental factor of Internet and smartphone addiction. Furthermore, Internet and smartphone addiction is worsening the overestimation of friendship and communication. There is an interrelationship between overestimating friendship and communication and Internet and smartphone addiction. This interrelationship then results in the loss of the ability to have relationships with "others" and "oneself'. In section 1, this article discusses the loss of the ability to have a relationship with others. In this case, others includes all individuals existing within our society as well as culture, history, and nature. Overestimating friendship and communication and Internet and smartphone addiction lead to "the decay of public spirit". In addition, this article refers to several problems such as child prostitution and the spread of obscene information, which are becoming more prevalent because of easy access to dangerous persons and harmful information via cell phones and smartphones, considered the "perfect personal device". In section 2, this article discusses the loss of the ability to have a relationship with oneself. Here, the ability to have a relationship to oneself refers to one's own ability to have an effect on oneself, for example, self-reflection, self-discipline, and autonomy. Overestimating friendship and communication and Internet and smartphone addiction produce numerous problems in children and youth including little self-reflection, narcissism, and a decline in general ability

    Analysis of Redirection Caused by Web-based Malware

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    Web-based malicious software (malware) has been increasing over the Internet. It poses threats to computer users through Web sites. Computers are infected with Web-based malware by drive-by-download attacks. Drive-by-download attacks force users to download and install the Web-based malware without being aware of it. These attacks evade detection by using automatic redirections to various Web sites. It is difficult to detect these attacks because each redirection uses the obfuscation technique. This paper analyzes the HTTP communication data of drive-by-download attacks. The results show significant features of the malicious redirections that are used effectively when we detect malware

    Nietzsche’s concept of eugenics and the affirmation of life

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    広島大学応用倫理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書 統一テーマ : [復興から和解へ] 《Vom Wiederaufbau zur Versöhnung

    Cumulative fracture behavior of short fiber type C/SiC

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    Highly accurate spatial mode generation using spatial cross modulation method for mode division multiplexing

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    We propose a spatial mode generation technology using spatial cross modulation (SCM) for mode division multiplexing (MDM). The most well-known method for generating arbitrary complex amplitude fields is to display an off-axis computer-generated hologram (CGH) on a spatial light modulator (SLM). However, in this method, a desired complex amplitude field is obtained with first order diffraction light. This critically lowers the light utilization efficiency. On the other hand, in the SCM, the desired complex field is provided with zeroth order diffraction light. For this reason, our technology can generate spatial modes with large light utilization efficiency in addition to high accuracy. In this study, first, a numerical simulation was performed to verify that the SCM is applicable for spatial mode generation. Next, we made a comparison from two view points of the coupling efficiency and the light utilization between our technology and the technology using an off-axis amplitude hologram as a representative complex amplitude generation method. The simulation results showed that our technology can achieve considerably high light utilization efficiency while maintaining the enough coupling efficiency comparable to the technology using an off-axis amplitude hologram. Finally, we performed an experiment on spatial modes generation using the SCM. Experimental results showed that our technology has the great potential to realize the spatial mode generation with high accuracy

    Development of a Vertex Finding Algorithm using Recurrent Neural Network

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    Deep learning is a rapidly-evolving technology with possibility to significantly improve physics reach of collider experiments. In this study we developed a novel algorithm of vertex finding for future lepton colliders such as the International Linear Collider. We deploy two networks; one is simple fully-connected layers to look for vertex seeds from track pairs, and the other is a customized Recurrent Neural Network with an attention mechanism and an encoder-decoder structure to associate tracks to the vertex seeds. The performance of the vertex finder is compared with the standard ILC reconstruction algorithm.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, preliminary version currently under review by IL