278 research outputs found

    Features of Teaching Paronyms to Greek Students Studying Bulgarian and Russian

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    The article is devoted to the topical issue of perception and compatibility of paronymic pairs among Greek students. In Greece, there are three departments of Slavic studies: the Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of the Athens, the Department of Languages, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea Countries of the Demokritus University of Thrace in Komotini and at the Department of Balkan Studies, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. Students study Russian, Bulgarian and other Slavic languages as foreign languages at these universities. Among the incoming students there are: Greeks (who do not know any Slavic language), who speak one of the Slavic languages (graduated from schools or other educational institutions in their countries) and bilinguals (who arrived or were born in Greece). The purpose of the study programs at these faculties is not only to teach students Russian as a foreign language, but also to give them a complete philological education. Despite the fact that there are quite a few dictionaries of paronyms, there is a lack of educational dictionaries, manuals and electronic resources in the Bulgarian and Russian languages for a foreign audience. Students have difficulties due to misunderstanding, the use of paronyms both in oral and written speech of the Russian and Bulgarian languages at advanced levels. Examples of paronyms with close-sounding semantic correspondences and differences in Russian, Bulgarian and Greek are given. When teaching a foreign language, one should take into account the linguistic and cultural characteristics of not only the native language of students, but also their knowledge of other languages in order to avoid interference. At the end of the article, methodological recommendations are given in the teaching of paronyms


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    verifies the term of “nomination” in relation to poetic images-symbols. The interconnection of literary and cultural linguistics methods of analysis through the concept of nominations to the images-symbols made it possible to apply a new theoretical approach to the study of the symbolic system. Methodology: in our study, we rely on the methodology of considering the symbol in the aspect of a system of nominations, which, in our opinion, expands the views on the process of symbolization. Result: Thus, symbols characterize the national peculiarities of poets’ creativity and the artistic world of poetic works, the principles of organizing the subject level and the ideological and semantic potential of works. As a result, symbols have become a kind of “codes” that defines the unique and universal features of Tatar poetry. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of The Symbolic System in Tatar Poetry of the First Half of the Twentieth Century: The Transformation of Nominative Meanings is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Olympiad in Russian language as a form of bilingual student linguistic development

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    An extensive experience of the Kazan Federal University scholars for the performance of linguistic competitions at various levels, including international ones, allows to generalize and to formulate the guidelines for the preparation of bilingual students to the competitions of this type. In this article the authors consider Russian language Olympiad as one of the most effective forms to enhance the language development of bilingual students who know the native language, on the one hand (e.g., Tatar, Chuvash, Bashkir, Mordovian, Udmurt one, etc.), on the other hand, they know Russian language as they learn it at school. The urgency of the problem is in the fact that teachers often have difficulties in the preparation of students for the Olympics and in the increase of their interest to an intellectual competition, to the linguistic outlook increase, to the indepth study of Russian language. The purpose of the article is to analyze the Olympiad tasks and participants' responses, to develop the guidelines for teachers, to prepare bilingual students for the Olympics. The main research methods were analysis, observation, description, generalization and classification. During the preparation for the Olympic Games it is recommended to focus on student interests, to take into account the difficulties of Russian language facts mastering for bilingual students, communication skills, corrections, the psycho-emotional attitude of students, etc. We believe that this study contributes to the field of language education, to the language training of students, to the work with gifted children. It may be interesting for the teachers who teach bilingual students

    Russia's anti-offshore policy in the global economic system

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Role of offshores in the global economy is rather controversial. It depends on effectiveness of national policy. In whole, offshores have started playing a critical part in global capital and assets flow. In the estimation of specialists, in 1990-s offshores have controlled nearly 20% of total world wealth, and almost 22% of external bank assets have been placed there. Today up to 60% of world money are located in offshore zones, nearly half of financial transactions passes through these zones. World experience has shown that offshore capital is not going to disappear in the foreseeable future. It will undergo essential transformation, growing more transparent and predictable. Yet tax competition and investment potential of certain jurisdictions will keep on determining capital flow in the world economy. Under WTO conditions the authors' suggestions to develop free and special economic zones, using the world experience, will allow Russia to develop regional social infrastructure, to attract investments, including foreign investments, into national economy

    Formation of competitive advantages of banking systems of Russia, China and the United States in the concept of National Interest

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    Competitive advantages of the banking sector of a country, forming the complex of features, the banking system characteristics and the banking sector's assets allow it to compete with foreign banks. At the same time any government replying upon the national interests, immediately wants to protect the competitiveness of financial institutions of the country. After formation of the WTO in 1995, none of the countries, which joined the WTO, could not avoid the permit of the foreign branches being present in their territory. Participation in the WTO not only provides opportunities for the banks of the country, but also confronts them with the numerous new challenges. It complicates the process of protecting the banks from foreign competition. Under such circumstances, no doubt, the role of the regulator of the banking system which generates and controls it on the basis of economic development and national interests is increasing. The article undertakes the study of the features of competitive advantages of banking systems in the US, China and Russia. The states have similar aims of development of the banking systems consisting in ensuring the stability in the financial sector, strengthening the cash flow, improving the efficiency of banks, optimal distribution of monetary resources in the economy, etc. The comparison of the emerging market systems in Russia and China, as well as the identification of patterns of transition from the controlled economy to the market system is of great scientific and practical interest. The authors of the article have come to certain conclusions about the prospects for the development of competitive advantages of Russia, the USA and China

    Names in Tatar proverbs as a measure of the mental qualities of the people

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    In recent years, in world linguistics much consideration is given to the study of mentality of different peoples. Linguists pay especially great attention to the study of folklore texts, as they describe the historical moments in the life of the people, clearly express the actions and vividly reflect the thoughts of different nationalities. Proverbs are short genres of folklore, they are also bearers of more information about the mental capacities of the people. Despite the fact that the proverbs of different peoples have much in common, yet they contain national awareness. The proverbs, sayings, riddles, and other genres contain historical, national language, linguocultural, extralinguistic information. All this is characteristic for the proverbs of the Tatar language as well. In the Tatar linguistic cultural space the proverbs have been studied more than once, but the mental qualities of the Tatars, as reflected in the descriptions and actions of zoonyms, hitherto, have been not the object of special study. The purpose of this work is the study of the national mentality in the proverbs of the Tatar language. We have used descriptive, semiotic, integrally-contrastive, statistical and linguistic and cultural research methods. The analysis of the factual material showed that the Tatar proverbs clearly express national specific features of attachment to the native land, diligence praising, respect for elders, a positive attitude toward modesty, critic of ostentation, sloth, treachery associated with the past history and traditions of the people

    Waxes in asphaltenes of crude oils and wax deposits

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    © 2016 The Author(s)Composition and molecular mass distribution of n-alkanes in asphaltenes of crude oils of different ages and in wax deposits formed in the borehole equipment were studied. In asphaltenes, n-alkanes from C12 to C60 were detected. The high molecular weight paraffins in asphaltenes would form a crystalline phase with a melting point of 80–90 °C. The peculiarities of the redistribution of high molecular paraffin hydrocarbons between oil and the corresponding wax deposit were detected. In the oils, the high molecular weight paraffinic hydrocarbons C50–C60 were found, which were not practically detected in the corresponding wax deposits

    Waxes in asphaltenes of crude oils and wax deposits

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    © 2016, The Author(s).Composition and molecular mass distribution of n-alkanes in asphaltenes of crude oils of different ages and in wax deposits formed in the borehole equipment were studied. In asphaltenes, n-alkanes from C12 to C60 were detected. The high molecular weight paraffins in asphaltenes would form a crystalline phase with a melting point of 80–90 °C. The peculiarities of the redistribution of high molecular paraffin hydrocarbons between oil and the corresponding wax deposit were detected. In the oils, the high molecular weight paraffinic hydrocarbons C50–C60 were found, which were not practically detected in the corresponding wax deposits

    ガーナ ホクブ ニ オケル シジョウ ケイザイ ノ シントウ ト ノウギョウ ギジュツ ノ ヘンカ ─ ダグンバ ヲ ジレイ ト シテ ─

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    現在,ガーナでは市場経済の浸透度の相違により,南部と北部の地域間格差が拡大する傾向をみせつつある。しかし,ガーナ北部の農村でも市場経済化の影響により慣習社会の一部が変化してきており,農民が利用する農業技術に変化を生み出しつつある。本稿では,ガーナ北部の農村で実施した調査結果をもとに,農民が利用する農業投入財の変化から当該地域における市場経済の浸透と農業技術の変容について検討した。その結果,ガーナ北部の農民は,農業を主体とする自分達の生活を維持するために,不足する人力を人力以外の労働力で補い,内給や外給の投入財を利用することで,ある一定の生産量を維持していることが明らかとなった。そして,市場経済化が進むガーナ北部の農村では,それぞれの農民が外部環境の変化に柔軟に対応しながら生活を送っている。しかし,アフリカの農民の多くが,それまで維持され続けてきた農業生産の基礎的な部分をなす自家消費向けの食料作物生産を放棄して,一気に別の生産活動に重心を移すことは少ない。そのため,自家消費向けの作物生産を主体とした農業を営むガーナ北部農民の外部環境変化に対する対応が,最終的に販売向け作物生産を主体とする農業の展開にまで結びつくとは想像しづらい。とはいえ,ガーナ北部の農村部でも急速に進む市場経済化は,少なからず彼らの農業を変化させつつある。しかし,この変化は,あくまでも外部環境の変化に対する彼らの柔軟な対応であり,その進む先に安定的な農業開発の方向性が示されているわけではない。そのため,改めてガーナ北部の農業を詳細に把握し,長年営まれてきた農業をベースとした技術の改善を遂行していくといった農業開発が望まれる。In Ghana, the disparity between the southern and northern regions is expanding. As the market economy progresses in northern Ghana, rural social customs and agricultural technology are changing. Based on data derived from the survey conducted in rural northern Ghana, this paper reveals the process of transformation of agricultural technology and of the change in the use of agricultural inputs by farmers under the penetration of the market economy. Farmers in northern Ghana responded flexibly to the expansion of the market economy and changes in the external environment. For example, they compensated for labor shortage with a tractor or bullocks, and crop production levels were maintained by the use of inputs such as chemical fertilizers and compost. On the other hand, farmers never abandoned the production of crops for their own consumption. Food crop production for own consumption remained their priority, and farmers used non-agricultural activities and cash crop production as supplementary income sources. Although the rapidly expanding market economy in northern Ghana affected various practices of agricultural production, it did not fundamentally transform the subsistence-oriented agriculture, and farmers responded to the changing environment with flexibility. It is necessary to grasp in detail the change and continuity of farming systems in Northern Ghana in order to carry out the traditional agricultural technology improvements

    Criterion of phase stability of asphaltenes in crude oils

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    Associate formation processes in crude oils are investigated by viscometry and dielectric spectroscopy. It is shown that fluidity decline in the 36-40 C range is typical for crude oils with a high resin and asphaltene content ratio. The critical polar resin concentration in stable asphaltene nanoaggregates is determined. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York