63 research outputs found

    İslam Hukukuna Uygun Kooperatif Sigortacılığı Modeli

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    Kooperatifler, “ortakları arasında karşılıklı yardım, sosyal dayanışma ve kefâlet” araçlarını kullanarak çalışan bir şirket türü olup ülkemiz ve dünyada yaygın bir uygulama alanına sahiptir. Ülkemizde kooperatifçilik uygulaması Osmanlı döneminden başlayan uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir. Kooperatifler günümüzde esas itibariyle 1163 sayılı kanun düzenlenmiştir. Kooperatifler, sigorta şirketleri gibi sosyal dayanışma ihtiyacından doğmuş olmakla birlikte pek çok yönden bunlardan ayrılmaktadır. Sigorta şirketlerinin kâr odaklı olması ve konvansiyonel sigortacılıkta, temin edilen riskin gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğine bakılmaksızın, toplanan fonların tamamen şirkete ait olması, sigortaya ihtiyaç duyanlar açısından daha adil çözüm arayışını gündeme getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda İslam hukuku ilkelerine uygun kooperatif sigortacılığı uygun bir model olarak dikkat çekmektedir. İslam hukuku açısından kooperatifin hukuki niteliğini inceleyen müstakil akademik çalışmalar yeter sayıda değildir. Bu nedenle çalışmamızın amaçlarını; İslam hukuku açısından kooperatiflerin hukuki niteliğini belirlemek, kooperatif üzerinden yapılan katılım sigortacılığını İslami Sigortacılık ve İslam Hukuku açısından değerlendirmek ve İslam hukukuna göre uygulanabilir bir kooperatif sigortacılığı yapısı için öneriler getirmek olarak ifade edebiliriz. Bu çalışmada, günümüzdeki kooperatifçilik uygulamalarının mahiyeti ve işleyişi, Uluslararası Kooperatifler Birliği (ICA) tarafından kabul edilen kooperatif ilkeleri de göz önünde bulundurularak ortaya konulmuş; derneklerden sermaye şirketlerden farkı tahlil edilerek ülkedeki mali istikrar ve katılımı teşviki değerlendirilmiştir. Geleneksel kooperatifçiliğin devamı olarak gelişen, geleneksel kooperatif yapısı ile dijital ekonominin entegre hale geldiği platform kooperatifçiliğinin sunduğu fırsatlar ortaya konularak İslam hukuku açısından kooperatifçilik konusu tahlil edilmiştir. İslam hukukuna uygun olarak işleyen bir kooperatif sigortacılığı sisteminin makâsıdu’ş-şerîa (İslam hukuk felsefesi) ile uyumlu olarak İslami finansın temel ilkeleri olan; karşılıklı rızaya dayalı ticaret; sözleşmelerin gereğine riayet; faizden kaçınma; kumar ve aşırı belirsizlikten kaçınma; haram mal ve sektörlerden kaçınma; haram içeren karma sözleşmelerden kaçınma ilkelerine uyumlu olarak kurgulanabileceği ortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca günümüzde uygulanan tekâfül sigortacılığı modelinin sermaye şirketi ve kooperatiften farklı olduğu vurgulanmıştır. Kooperatif sigortacılığı modelinde üyelerin katkıları, tekâfülde olduğu gibi teberru olarak değil ivaz olarak değerlendirilir. Bu kapsamda kooperatif ortaklarının verdiği katkılar; belirli bir emek, belirli bir finansal katkı ve kefalettir. Bu katkılara karşılık olarak aldıkları ise; meslek ve geçimlerine dair ihtiyaçlarını daha uygun şartlarda karşılanması, emeği ile doğru orantılı olarak olumlu gelir-gider farkı ve ortak dışı işlemlerden sermaye payları oranında pay alma imkânıdır. Sonuç olarak kooperatif sigortacılığını, sigortacılığı, teâvün, tesanüd ve tekâfül suretiyle referansını bizzat Kur’an-ı Kerim’den alan, taraflar arası rızaya dayalı; ticaret, ahde vefa, faizden sakınma, garar ve kumardan kaçınma, haram mal ve sektörlerden korunma gibi İslam iktisadının temel kurallarına uyumluluk gösteren bir yapıda kurgulanmaya uygundur. Konvansiyonel sigorta şirketleri, risk satılması temeline dayalı iken mütüel/karşılıklı/kooperatif sigortacılığı risk-menfaat paylaşımı temeline dayalıdır. Sigorta şirketlerindeki kâr odaklı işleyişin aksine, bu sistemde, belli bir risk hesabına göre fona yaptıkları ödemenin artan kısmı, riskin tahmin edilenden düşük gerçekleşmesi nedeniyle, fona dahil olanlar arasında dönem sonunda paylaştırılmakta, yani onlara iade edilmekte, zararın daha fazla gerçekleşmesi halinde ise, bunun ilgili paydaşlar tarafından kapatılması yoluna gidilmektedir. Böylece risk-prim dengesi daha adil bir şekilde sağlanmış olmaktadır. Sistemin dayanağı, İslam hukukunun külli kaidelerinden olan “el-harâc bi’d-damân” (kazanç-tazmin sorumluluğu/nimet-külfet dengesi) prensibidir. Bu sistem yardımlaşma ve adil bir iktisat sistemine daha uygundur. İslam hukukuna uygun kooperatif sigortacılığı modelinin Müslüman toplumlarda yaygın olarak güvenle kullanılabilmesi için kooperatif sözleşmesinin İslam akit teorisi ile uyumlu olarak hazırlanması önemlidir. Bu, İslam iktisat sistemine uygun bir ortaklık yapısı olarak tüm dünyada uygulama alanı bulabilecek bir model olarak görülmektedir

    Assessing Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction with Quality of Services at a Turkish University Using Alternate Ordered Response Models

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    The aim of this study is to determine postgraduate students’ general satisfaction with the quality of academic services. For this purpose, a written-questionnaire was conducted to 400 graduate students at Atatürk University, Turkey. The dependent variable of the study was the satisfaction level of graduate students which has a natural order. Hence, four different ordered logit models were performed to determine factors that may influence satisfaction levels of graduate students with the quality of academic services. Along with standard ordered logit model, other alternative ordered response models were also performed including generalized ordered logit model, partial constrained generalized ordered logit model, and heterogeneous choice model. Results reveal that a variety of factors are associated with quality of higher education services including age group, tuition fee, undergraduate education, monthly individual income, monthly household income, type of graduate school, current status of postgraduate education, advisor’s academic degree, and time elapsed for postgraduate education. The outcome of this study may give a valuable information for decision-makers of higher education institutions and may provide a benchmarking option in terms of past, present and future higher education policies

    Covid-19 Salgını Sürecinde Sağlık Personelinin Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyi, Yaşam Kalitesi ve Yorgunluk Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişki

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, salgın sürecinde sağlık çalışanlarının fiziksel aktivite seviyeleri, beslenme ve uyku durumları ile yaşam kaliteleri, yorgunluk düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Yöntem: Çalışmaya özel ve kamu kuruluşlarında aktif olarak çalışan 18-65 yaş arası 151 sağlık personeli dahil edildi. Veriler elektronik ortamda toplanmış olup katılımcıların demografik bilgileri için “Genel Bilgi Formu”, fiziksel aktivite seviyeleri için “Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi-Kısa Formu”, yaşam kalitesi için “Kısa Form-12 Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği” ve yorgunluk düzeyi için “Yorgunluk Şiddet Ölçeği” kullanıldı. Bulgular: Sağlık çalışanlarının fiziksel aktivite toplam puanları ile yaşam kalitesi fiziksel bileşen (r=0,107, p>0,05) ve mental bileşen (r=0,222, p>0,05) puanları arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemeye yönelik yapılan test sonuçlarına göre bu parametreler arasında hafif düzeyde pozitif yönde doğrusal ilişki vardı fakat bu ilişkiler istatistiksel olarak anlamsızdı. Sağlık çalışanlarının sırasıyla yorgunluk şiddetleri ile yaşam kalitesi mental puanı (r=-0,530,

    Iron Behaving Badly: Inappropriate Iron Chelation as a Major Contributor to the Aetiology of Vascular and Other Progressive Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases

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    The production of peroxide and superoxide is an inevitable consequence of aerobic metabolism, and while these particular "reactive oxygen species" (ROSs) can exhibit a number of biological effects, they are not of themselves excessively reactive and thus they are not especially damaging at physiological concentrations. However, their reactions with poorly liganded iron species can lead to the catalytic production of the very reactive and dangerous hydroxyl radical, which is exceptionally damaging, and a major cause of chronic inflammation. We review the considerable and wide-ranging evidence for the involvement of this combination of (su)peroxide and poorly liganded iron in a large number of physiological and indeed pathological processes and inflammatory disorders, especially those involving the progressive degradation of cellular and organismal performance. These diseases share a great many similarities and thus might be considered to have a common cause (i.e. iron-catalysed free radical and especially hydroxyl radical generation). The studies reviewed include those focused on a series of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases, where iron can be found at the sites of plaques and lesions, as well as studies showing the significance of iron to aging and longevity. The effective chelation of iron by natural or synthetic ligands is thus of major physiological (and potentially therapeutic) importance. As systems properties, we need to recognise that physiological observables have multiple molecular causes, and studying them in isolation leads to inconsistent patterns of apparent causality when it is the simultaneous combination of multiple factors that is responsible. This explains, for instance, the decidedly mixed effects of antioxidants that have been observed, etc...Comment: 159 pages, including 9 Figs and 2184 reference

    Laparoscopic Removal of An Ectopic Intrauterine Device From The Anterior Abdominal Wall

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    The intrauterine devices (IUDs) have been used widely by women of childbearing years. In this report, we presented a case of a 25-year-old gravida 4, parity 3 woman with an abdominal wall penetration by an IUD. She had an IUD (TCu-380A) inserted immediately after dilatation & curettage. The IUD was removed laparoscopically

    Evaluation of pain after uterine artery embolization

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    Objective: In this study our aim was to determine the severity of post procedure pain associated with uterine artery embolization (UAE). Study Design: Twenty-one women with symptomatic uterine fibroid were recruited for the study. The procedure was performed in the angiography unit under conscious sedation. All patients received prophylactic intravenous antibiotics and analgesic, ibuprofen 600 mg. At the completion of the procedure, all patients were given ibuprofen 600 mg orally every six hours. The patients were discharged with oral ibuprofen (600 mg 4 times daily). The main outcome measure was severity of pain. The instrument for evaluation of pain was visual analog scale. The measurements were taken at every hour. Results: Twenty-one procedures were performed. The mean age was 43.04±4.21 years (range 34-52) and median parity was 4 (0-6). The mean post procedure pain scores after 1, 2 and 3 hours were 3.33±2.00, 4.57±1.74, 4.95±1.71 respectively. After the completion of embolization, it was found that pain appeared to peak in the initial 3-4 post-embolization hours, reached a plateau and then declined by 9 hours. Conclusion: There is an increased need for post procedural pain control for UAE patients, especially in the first 6 hours after the procedure.Objective: In this study our aim was to determine the severity of post procedure pain associated with uterine artery embolization (UAE). Study Design: Twenty-one women with symptomatic uterine fibroid were recruited for the study. The procedure was performed in the angiography unit under conscious sedation. All patients received prophylactic intravenous antibiotics and analgesic, ibuprofen 600 mg. At the completion of the procedure, all patients were given ibuprofen 600 mg orally every six hours. The patients were discharged with oral ibuprofen (600 mg 4 times daily). The main outcome measure was severity of pain. The instrument for evaluation of pain was visual analog scale. The measurements were taken at every hour. Results: Twenty-one procedures were performed. The mean age was 43.04±4.21 years (range 34-52) and median parity was 4 (0-6). The mean post procedure pain scores after 1, 2 and 3 hours were 3.33±2.00, 4.57±1.74, 4.95±1.71 respectively. After the completion of embolization, it was found that pain appeared to peak in the initial 3-4 post-embolization hours, reached a plateau and then declined by 9 hours. Conclusion: There is an increased need for post procedural pain control for UAE patients, especially in the first 6 hours after the procedure

    Recurrent Placental Abruption with Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C667t Heterozygosity: A Case Report

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    Placental abruption although uncommon, can result in high rate of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Several studies suggest abnormal placental vasculature, thrombosis and reduced placental perfusion in pathophysiology. Genetic variations may predispose to these problems. Case: A thirty year old 28 weeks pregnant women underwent cesarean section with the diagnosis of placental abruption, intrauterine dead fetus and previous cesarean section in our clinic. It was learned that she had a cesarean section due to placental abruption 1 year ago. In the postoperative period trombophilia markers, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase , Factor V leiden and Prothrombin gene polymorphism, homocystein, folate and vitamin B12 levels and genetic karyotyping were evaluated. The only pathology was the metylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene heterozygosity for the C to T substitution at nucleotide 677. Risk of recurrence is high in patients with a history of placental abruption. Antenatal care and delivery after fetal lung maturation is advised since the perinatal mortality is high with placental abruption

    Retrospective Analysis of Culture Results of Cases with Acute Vulvovaginitis: University Experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the results of the vaginal cultures and find out the prevalence of pathogens in patients with acute vulvovaginitis, retrospectively. STUDY DESIGN: Vaginal cultures results of patients with the diagnosis of acute vulvovaginitis were analyzed retrospectively between June 2005 and January 2006. RESULTS: Totally 241 patients were included in the study within 6 months time period. Mean age of patients was 30,63±6,87 changing between 19 and 57 years. While there was no pathogen detected in 18,3% (44/241) of vaginal cultures, various pathogens growed in 81,7% (197/241) of cultures. Normal vaginal flora was detected in 70,6% (139/197) of cultures with growth. The second most common pathogen was Candida subspecies with a rate of 14,2% (28/197). Other pathogens were Candida albicans, E.coli, Gardnerella vajinalis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Candida subspecies and Klebsiella, Candida albicans and Klebsiella, Candida albicans and Gardnerella vajinalis with a rate of %7,1 (14/197), %4,1 (8/197), %2 (4/197), %0,5 (1/197), %0,5 (1/197), %0,5 (1/197) and %0,5 (1/197) respectively. CONCLUSION: The most frequent pathogen detected in culture of patients with acute vulvovaginitis was candida subspecies in our clinic

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin During Pregnancy: Case Report

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    Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a stroke subtype resulting from leakage of blood. The incidence of SAH during pregnancy varies from 1 to 2 per 10000 pregnancies. The most frequent (%85) cause of SAH is a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. A 39-year-old woman at 33 weeks’ gestation experienced abrupt onset of severe headache, neck stiffness, photophobia, and vomiting and was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed as SAH. On neurological examination, no deficits were apparent. A magnetic resonance imaging showed a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Lumbar puncture was performed and SAH was confirmed. It was decided to proceed with a caesarean section. After cesarean delivery of a healthy infant, the patient immediately underwent cerebral angiography, which was normal. Eight days after the initial cerebral angiography, a second angiography demonstrated a suspicious aneurysm and vasospasm; therefore a third angiography was performed and was found normal. At discharge and at clinical follow-up, our patient was asymptomatic. Patients with significant SAH and negative cerebral angiography findings should be considered for further diagnostic testing including repeat cerebral angiography

    Effect of soapwort extract on physical and sensory properties of sponge cakes and rheological properties of sponge cake batters

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    Soapwort extract yields relatively stable, soap-like foam in aqueous solution because of its saponin content. The objective of this study was to utilise the advantage of the high foam forming capacity of soapwort extract in the production of sponge cakes. Egg white proteins were partially replaced with soapwort extract in the sponge cake formulation. The effects of soapwort extract addition on the rheological and physical properties of cake batters and on the physical and sensory properties of sponge cakes were determined. Replacing egg white proteins with soapwort extract, up to 75% by weight, did not have any significant influence on the specific gravity of batters (p > 0.05). Addition of soapwort extract into the cake mixture did not influence the flow behaviour indices (n) of cake batters nor the consistency indices (K) of cake batters. In general, replacing egg white proteins with soapwort extracts (up to 75% by weight) did not alter physical properties of sponge cakes. Replacing egg white proteins with soapwort extract had no unfavourable influence on the sensory properties of sponge cakes. Indeed, sponge cakes formulated with soapwort extract (by replacing egg white proteins by 50% and 75% on weight basis) received significantly higher chewiness scores than did control cakes (p 0.05). This study showed that egg white proteins could be partially replaced with soapwort extract in the formulation of sponge cakes. © 2006