1 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Promosi Kesehatan di Puskesmas Bambalamotu dalam Pembinaan Masyarakat Suku Daa di Desa Kasoloang Kab.mamuju Utara

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    The This research is qualitative one that aimed to analyse strategy of health promotion through advocacy held by Center of The Society Health Bambalamotu in social construction of Tribe Daa in Wulai, North Mamuju. The selected informan was field worker of Center of The Society Health, leader of Center of The Society Health, cadre of countryside and society health by getting information through in depth interview, observation and FGD. The result of research showed that, for advocacy with Center of The Society Health through Inwrought Service Post, Circling Countryside Post, Ministrant of Centre of Health Society. Social support that was preparation to become cadre of health and society enablement was done by cadre of Inwrought Service Post in the form of counseling from government or social enablement institute and missioner (church). Suggested to the society ministrant in Clean and Healthy Life Style and other partnership, Social Enablement Institute and other society.Key Word : Health Promotion, Social Education, Tribe Da