1 research outputs found

    Acceptability and Protein Levels of Bassang with Addition of Tempe

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    Bassang is a typical food of South Sulawesi consisting of glutinous corn, cornstarch, coconut milk and sugar which has a low protein content. Protein has an essential function in the body. Tempe is a food that contains high protein that is beneficial for the body. The aims of this study was to measure the acceptance and protein content of bassang with addition of tempe. The type of research was laboratory experimental research withresearch post test group design. Acceptance was assessed based on the results of a hedonic test of 30 panelists conducted at the Organoleptic Laboratory of the Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Makassar. Protein content was analyzed using themethod micro kjedhal at the Laboratory of Quality Control SMK SMTI Makassar. The data is presented in the form of tables and narratives. The results showed that the most preferred color was bassang with the addition of tempe with a concentration of 40%. The most preferredis aroma bassang with the addition of tempe with a concentration of 30%. The most preferred texture is bassang with the addition of tempe at a concentration of 30% and 40%. The most preferred taste is bassang with the addition of tempe with a concentration of 40%. The protein content of bassang with the addition of tempe was the best from the acceptability result, which was a concentration of 40% and the results showed that the protein content per 100 grams of material was 4.155 grams. The most preferred concentration is bassang with the addition of tempe with a concentration of 40%. The protein content of bassang with the addition of tempe is the best from the results of acceptance, which is a concentration of 40% and the results of the protein content per 100 grams of material are 4.155 grams